Das Adverb bisweilen lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
at times
now and then
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Politische Notwendigkeiten erweisen sich bisweilen als politische Fehler.
Political necessities sometimes turn out to be political mistakes.
Wir beurteilen andere bisweilen nach ihren Taten.
We sometimes judge others based on their actions.
Alles, was sich in einer natürlichen Sprache sagen lässt, das lässt sich auch in jeder anderen sagen; bisweilen sind aber der Wörter viele nötig, um ein einziges zu übertragen. In einem solchen Fall bietet es sich oft an, dieses Wort einfach zu entlehnen.
Anything that can be said in one natural language can be said in any other, but sometimes it takes many words to translate one word. In such cases it's often a good idea just to borrow that word.
Die Aufmachung dieses Netzangebots verwirrt bisweilen.
The presentation of this website is sometimes confusing.
Die Pferde liefen so schnell, dass die Kutsche bisweilen vom Boden abhob. Dennoch gelang es uns nicht, den Werwolf abzuhängen.
The horses ran so fast that, now and then, the carriage lifted off the ground. Even so, we failed to shake off the pursuing werewolf.
Ein Nonagon, bisweilen auch Enneagon genannt, ist ein Polygon mit neun Seiten.
A nonagon, sometimes called an enneagon, is a polygon with nine sides.
Führerschaft erfordert harsche Entscheidungen und bisweilen harsche Worte.
Leadership calls for tough choices and, at times, tough language.
Veränderung ist gut, wenngleich bisweilen schmerzhaft.
Change is good, even though it's sometimes painful.
Ich habe bisweilen Kopfschmerzen.
Now and then I get a headache.
I get headaches now and then.
Das Unmögliche geschieht bisweilen.
Impossible things sometimes happen.
Sie ist bisweilen launisch.
She can be moody at times.
Die Ketzerei war ein Verbrechen, für das Menschen bisweilen zum Tode verurteilt wurden.
Heresy was a crime for which people were sometimes sentenced to death.
Er tut das bisweilen.
He does that sometimes.
Ich bin bisweilen gehemmt.
I get self-conscious.
Haben Sie bisweilen Kopfschmerzen?
Do you sometimes get headaches?
Tom ist bisweilen etwas mitteilsam.
Tom can be a little chatty.
Tom isst bisweilen hier zu Mittag.
Tom eats lunch here from time to time.
Neue Freundschaften schließen fällt bisweilen schwer.
It can be hard to make new friends.
Maria fragte sich bisweilen, ob sich Tom zu ihr hingezogen fühle.
Mary sometimes wondered if Tom was attracted to her.
Tom verschläft bisweilen.
Tom sometimes oversleeps.
Sein Hund macht bisweilen einen klügeren Eindruck als Tom selbst.
Sometimes it seems that Tom's dog is smarter than he is.
Er geht bisweilen gerne an den Strand.
He likes to go to the beach sometimes.
Auch Japanischmuttersprachler tun sich bisweilen mit den Kanji schwer.
Native Japanese speakers also sometimes have trouble with kanji.
Even though Biden does lose track of things every now and then, which is normal for his age, his administration will be stable because he'll surround himself with experts, and listen to their advice.
He pays me a visit every now and then.
Every now and then we do that.
The rain will be heavy at times.
We had a pleasant stay, but unfortunately it rained now and then.
He is faithful, but only to a certain extent, and only now and then.
Being alone now and then is no bad thing, she thought.
Let some fresh air into the room every now and then.
Every now and then, the wind chimes tinkle a melody.
The wind chimes sound melodic now and then.
"Is there no topic here other than work? You've got to have a bit of fun now and then, as well." "Work is fun."
Think of me now and then.
It happens only now and then.
Today will be another showery, stormy day, with hail and snow mixed in at times.
"Do you cook at home?" "No, not at all. I make myself a sandwich now and then, but that's all."
He pops into this bookshop every now and then on his way home from the office.
I come here now and then in winter.
It was cloudy, and it rained now and then.
Tom can be insufferable at times.
No one remembers what has happened in the past, and no one in days to come will remember what happens between now and then.