Was heißt »Va­ter« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv Va­ter lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • Altenglisch: fæder (männlich)
  • Englisch:
    • father
    • daddy
    • dad

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Der Gitarrist von Bang wird laut einer Ankündigung des Sprechers der Band zum zweiten Mal Vater.

Bang guitarist will become a dad for the second time, announces a spokesperson for the band.

Ich habe das Grab meines Vaters besucht.

I visited my father's grave.

I've visited my father's grave.

Mein Vater spielte an diesem Sonntagmorgen Golf.

My father played golf on the Sunday morning.

Gestern habe ich meinem Vater geholfen.

Yesterday I helped my father.

Manchmal höre ich meinen Vater, wie er im Bad singt.

Sometimes I hear my father singing in the bath.

Vater übersetzte den deutschen Brief ins Japanische.

Father translated the German letter into Japanese.

Mein Vater mag sehr gerne Pizza.

My father likes pizza very much.

Das Abendessen ist fertig, Vater.

Dinner is ready, Father.

Akira benutzt das gleiche Wörterbuch, das ihr Vater als Student benutzte.

Akira uses the same dictionary that her father used as a student.

Er kann stolz auf seinen Vater sein.

He may well be proud of his father.

Es ist fünf Jahre her, dass mein Vater gestorben ist.

Five years have gone by since my father died.

Mein Vater ist Englischlehrer.

My father is a teacher of English.

Wegen der Scheidung seiner Eltern hatte das Mädchen nur wenig Kontakt zu ihrem Vater.

Because the parents divorced, the girl had little contact with the father.

Because her parents got divorced, the girl had hardly any contact with her father.

Hör auf, deinen Vater zu stören.

Stop bothering your father.

Mein Vater legte seine Hand auf meine Schulter.

Father laid his hand on my shoulder.

Jedes Mal, wenn ich dich sehe, denke ich an deinen Vater.

Every time I see you, I think of your father.

Mein Vater ist sehr nett.

My father is very nice.

Mein Vater spricht gut Englisch.

My father is a good speaker of English.

My dad speaks English well.

Vater nahm seinen Platz am Kopf des Tisches ein.

Father took his place at the head of the table.

Mein Vater hat mich zu dem gemacht, was ich heute bin.

My father made me what I am.

Mein Vater ist nicht so alt wie er aussieht.

My father is not as old as he looks.

My dad's not as old as he looks.

Wo ist dein Vater?

Where's your dad?

Where's your father?

Mein Vater hat mit dem Rauchen aufgehört.

My father stopped smoking.

Father gave up cigarettes.

My father gave up smoking.

My father quit smoking.

Als Kind bin ich öfter mit meinem Vater fischen gegangen.

As a child I often went fishing with my father.

Paula muss ihrem Vater in der Küche helfen.

Paula has to help her father in the kitchen.

Mein Vater mag starken Kaffee.

My father likes strong coffee.

Mein Vater liest jeden Morgen die Zeitung.

My father reads the newspaper every morning.

Mein Vater kam gestern Abend erst spät nach Hause.

My father got home late last night.

Meinem Vater geht es immer besser.

My father is getting better and better.

Ich habe dich für deinen Vater gehalten.

I thought you were your father.

Mach deine Hausaufgaben fertig, bevor dein Vater heimkommt.

Do your homework before your father gets home.

Finish your homework before your father gets home.

Sein Vater ist Japaner.

His father is Japanese.

Ihr Vater ist Japaner.

Her father is Japanese.

Ich würde gerne seinen Vater treffen.

I would like to meet his father.

I'd like to meet his father.

Ich würde gerne ihren Vater treffen.

I would like to meet her father.

Mein Vater ist vor meiner Geburt gestorben.

My father died before I was born.

Mein Vater ist gerade nach Hause gekommen.

My father came home just now.

My father has just come home.

Das Auto meines Vaters ist sehr schön.

My father's car is very nice.

Er ist mein Vater.

He is my father.

He's my father.

He's my dad.

Mein Vater ist zu alt zum Arbeiten.

My father is too old to work.

Mein Vater ist sehr streng zu mir.

My father is very strict with me.

Was ich bin, verdanke ich meinem Vater.

I owe what I am to my father.

Mein Vater hat mich gezwungen, das Auto zu waschen.

My father made me wash the car.

Ist Vater in der Küche?

Is Father in the kitchen?

Mein Vater muss die Arbeit machen.

My father must do the work.

Mein Vater wird nächste Woche ins Ausland gehen.

My father is going to go abroad next week.

Professor Hudson ist ein Freund meines Vaters.

Professor Hudson is my father's friend.

Mein Vater ist ein wenig altmodisch.

My father is a bit old-fashioned.

Mein Vater ist gerade draußen im Garten.

My father is out in the garden now.

Mein Vater rührt zuhause keinen Finger.

My father doesn't lift a finger at home.

Da meine Mutter krank ist, wird heute mein Vater kochen.

Because my mother is sick, my father will cook today.

Der Junge kommt nach seinem Vater.

The boy takes after his father.

Mein Vater hat uns oft von seiner Schulzeit erzählt.

My father often told us about his school days.

Ich kenne deinen Vater sehr gut.

I know your father very well.

Früher trank mein Vater Bier, aber heute trinkt er Reiswein.

My father used to drink beer, but now he drinks sake.

Sein Vater besorgte ihm Aufnahmen von Vogelgesängen.

His father got records of bird songs for him.

Mein Vater gab mir eine Uhr, aber ich habe sie verloren.

My father gave me a watch, but I lost it.

Er ist wie ein Vater für mich gewesen.

He has been like a father to me.

Hier arbeitet mein Vater.

This is where my father works.

My father works here.

Mein Vater war beschäftigt.

My father has been busy.

My father was busy.

Vater ist zum Fischen gegangen.

Father has gone fishing.

Erzähl Vater nichts davon.

Don't tell Father about this.

Sie war sehr stolz auf ihren Vater.

She was very proud of her father.

Ich bin stolz auf meinen Vater.

I'm proud of my father.

I am proud of my father.

Weil er Angst vor einem Unfall hat, fährt mein Vater nicht Auto.

For fear of an accident, my father doesn't drive.

Vater kaufte mir ein Modellflugzeug.

Father bought me a model plane.

Er rächte den Tod seines Vaters.

He avenged the murder of his father.

Mein Vater ist zwei Jahre jünger als meine Mutter.

My father is two years younger than my mother is.

My father is two years younger than my mother.

Er ist so groß wie mein Vater.

He is as tall as my father.

Sie fragten nach meinem Vater.

They asked after my father.

Mein Vater ist mit 65 Jahren in Rente gegangen.

My father retired at the age of 65.

Er ist jetzt fast so groß wie sein Vater.

He is now almost as tall as his father is.

He is now almost as tall as his father.

Ist ihr Vater Lehrer?

Is her father a teacher?

Ist sein Vater Lehrer?

Is his father a teacher?

Vater sagte häufig, dass Zeit Geld ist.

My father used to say that time is money.

Er kann stolz sein auf seinen Vater.

He can be proud of his father.

Mein Vater ist noch nicht zuhause.

My father is not home yet.

My father isn't home yet.

Mein Vater hat etwas mit dieser Firma zu tun.

My father has something to do with that firm.

Er ist Vater dreier Kinder.

He is the father of three children.

Mein Vater ist mit uns in den Zoo gegangen.

My father took us to the zoo.

Mein Vater hat viele Bücher.

My father has many books.

My father has a lot of books.

Mein Vater schläft oft beim Fernsehen ein.

My father often falls asleep while watching television.

Er sorgt sich um die Gesundheit seines Vaters.

He's worried about his father's health.

Mein Vater liebt es, Gitarre zu spielen.

My father loves to play the guitar.

Sie half ihrem Vater bei der Gartenarbeit.

She helped her father with the work in the garden.

Vater ist ein Mensch, der hart arbeitet.

Dad is a hard worker.

Vater kam vor ungefähr zehn Minuten nach Hause.

Father came home about ten minutes ago.

Er hat seinen Vater nicht besucht, um ihm zu helfen, sondern um Geld von ihm auszuleihen.

He went not to help his father but to borrow money from him.

Mein Vater geht oft auf Geschäftsreise nach Paris.

My father often goes to Paris on business.

Mein Vater raucht nicht nur, er trinkt auch.

My father doesn't just smoke, he drinks too.

Mein Vater ist schweigsam.

My father is quiet.

Mein Vater fragte mich, ob ich gut mit der Familie Jones auskomme.

My father asked me if I got along well with the Jones family.

Tom fragte seinen Vater, ob er ins Kino gehen könne.

Tom asked his father if he could go to the cinema.

Ich bin genauso groß wie mein Vater.

I'm as tall as my father.

Mein Vater erlaubt mir nicht, mit Bill auszugehen.

My father doesn't allow me to go out with Bill.

My dad won't let me go out with Bill.

Vater sagt gerne komische Sachen.

Daddy loves to say funny things.

Mein Vater lebt seit über fünfzehn Jahren in Nagoya.

My father has lived in Nagoya for more than fifteen years.

Kumi ist das Mädchen, dessen Vater Hunde mag.

Kumi is the girl whose father likes dogs.

Mein Vater ist nicht zu Hause.

My dad's not in.

Mein Vater hat immer in diesem Restaurant gegessen.

My father used to eat at this restaurant.

My father always ate in this restaurant.

Weibliche Wortform



old man
building designer
shutter button
shutter-release button
God the Father
founding father
senior citizen
person in authority
person in charge
person in power
person responsible

Sinnverwandte Wörter

head of the family
head of household

Englische Beispielsätze

  • His behavior is nothing like his father.

  • His father calls him Tom.

  • I hear that his father is abroad.

  • His father eats there twice a week.

  • Is his father a doctor?

  • His father administers some companies.

  • His father breathed his last this morning.

  • It seems that his father is a lawyer.

  • Both his father and mother are dead.

  • The man who I thought was his father proved to be a perfect stranger.

  • His father had died of cancer 10 years ago.

  • He has taken over his father's business.

  • He is managing the business for his father.

  • He is father to the bride.

  • He's still sponging off his father.

  • He's a carbon copy of his father.

  • He likes to boast about his father's successful automobile business.

  • He is not ashamed of his father being poor.

  • He resembles his father very closely.

  • He looks like his father.

Übergeordnete Begriffe

reference person
family member
member of the family

Untergeordnete Begriffe

adoptive father
thesis advisor
God the Father
founding father
Christian Fathers
Church Fathers
Early Church Fathers
Fathers of the Church
foster father

Va­ter übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Vater. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2024, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: Vater. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2024, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 1079, 138819, 330594, 331895, 332129, 340866, 341396, 341425, 341449, 341972, 342574, 343392, 343685, 344310, 344493, 344566, 344636, 344689, 344949, 344991, 345531, 349907, 349908, 349923, 349974, 351107, 351618, 352071, 352557, 353032, 353055, 353097, 353098, 353102, 353103, 353120, 353262, 353624, 353843, 356651, 358110, 359549, 360749, 360937, 360982, 361084, 361403, 362269, 362289, 362310, 362637, 363336, 363390, 364964, 365363, 366353, 367138, 367337, 367564, 367774, 368224, 369176, 369622, 369642, 369836, 369867, 370005, 370167, 370433, 370502, 372251, 372397, 372401, 372402, 372724, 373110, 374123, 374342, 374375, 381118, 381126, 381131, 383065, 384217, 384898, 385352, 386336, 387233, 394122, 396225, 398598, 399012, 399486, 400349, 402019, 402294, 404685, 404708, 406648, 406755, 286287, 285293, 285291, 287428, 287430, 287431, 287432, 287435, 287436, 287437, 287438, 287985, 284148, 283457, 289257, 289441, 289498, 289499, 289502 & 289503. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR