Das Adjektiv eindeutig lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Kannst du dieses Wort eindeutig definieren?
Can you clearly define this word?
Die Gespräche zwischen Arbeitern und Management kamen zu keinem eindeutigen Ergebnis.
The talk between labor and management yielded no definite results.
Talks between labour and management were inconclusive.
Jede Webseite hat eine eindeutige Adresse.
Every website has a unique address.
Ein Satz, der nicht eindeutig ist, ist sehr schwierig zu übersetzen.
An ambiguous sentence is very difficult to translate.
Schreiben Sie eindeutige Texte!
Write unambiguous texts.
Er ist eindeutig der beste Spieler der Mannschaft.
He is clearly the team's best player.
He's clearly the best player in the team.
Tom möchte eindeutig keine Hilfe von uns bekommen.
Tom clearly doesn't want any help from us.
Es ist eindeutig Toms Verantwortung.
It's clearly Tom's responsibility.
„Das ist ein eindeutiger Schuldbeweis", sagte Tom. – „Endlich“, erwiderte Maria.
"That's clear evidence of guilt," said Tom. "Finally," replied Maria.
„Das ist ein eindeutiger Schuldbeweis", sagte Tom. – „Nicht zwingend“, erwiderte Maria.
"That's clear evidence of guilt," said Tom. "Not necessarily," replied Maria.
Wenn du mich dazu bringen willst, an etwas Übernatürliches zu glauben, musst du mir einen eindeutigen Beweis seiner Existenz liefern.
In order to get me to believe in something supernatural, you need to provide me with unequivocal proof of its existence.
Meine Anweisungen waren eindeutig.
My instructions were clear.
Tom ist eindeutig in Mary verknallt.
Tom is obviously infatuated with Mary.
Es ist eindeutig, dass du falsch liegst.
It's clear that you're wrong.
Lojban wurde entworfen, um eindeutig in Orthographie, Phonologie, Morphologie und Grammatik zu sein. Lojbans Semantik muss allerdings die gleiche Bandbreite an menschlichen Gedankengängen umfassen wie natürliche Sprachen.
Lojban is designed to be unambiguous in orthography, phonology, morphology, and grammar. Lojban semantics, however, must support the same breadth of human thought as natural languages.
Tom steckt eindeutig in der Klemme.
Tom is clearly in trouble.
Sie will eindeutig gehen.
She clearly wants to go.
„Wer hat das hier geschrieben? Das ist ja völlig unleserlich.“ – „Das ist eindeutig von Tom.“ – „Kennerblick!“
"Who wrote this? It's totally illegible." "Tom, definitely." "You have the eye of an expert!"
Du bist eindeutig talentiert; schade, dass du nicht mehr gelernt hast.
You are uniquely talented; it's a shame you haven't learned more.
Dieses Wort ist eindeutig germanischen Ursprungs.
This word is clearly of Germanic origin.
Tom hat eindeutig den Verstand verloren.
Tom is clearly insane.
Jeder Kategorie ist ein eindeutiger Code zugeordnet.
Each category is assigned a unique code.
Tom hat eindeutig gelogen.
Tom clearly lied.
Tom hatte eindeutig etwas vor.
Tom was clearly onto something.
Tom hatte eindeutig Angst.
Tom was definitely afraid.
Es war nicht eindeutig, was sie wirklich meinte.
It was not clear what she really meant.
Hier wurde ganz eindeutig jahrelang nichts gemacht.
Clearly nothing's been done here for years.
Das ist eindeutig der beste Roman, der dieses Jahr erschienen ist.
This is clearly the best novel to have appeared this year.
This is clearly the best novel to have been published this year.
Aus den Zahlen lässt sich eindeutig eine stetige Verbesserung ablesen.
The figures clearly show a steady improvement.
From these figures it is clear to see a steady improvement.
Mit zerzaustem Haar und zerknitterter Kleidung hatte der zu spät gekommene Student eindeutig verschlafen.
His hair disheveled and his clothes wrinkled, the late student had clearly overslept.
Mary looked through the text messages on Tom's mobile phone and it became clear to her that he was having an affair.
Tom says that he needs to clear his mind and relax after a stressful day at work.
Some incidents from my childhood are crystal clear, others are just a dim memory.
Mary's email was very terse and it was clear that she was upset about something.
It's easy to have a clear conscience when it's not used.
On a clear day, we can see Mt. Fuji from here.
It isn't at all clear.
It's pretty clear you have a problem.
Not until I visited Australia did it become clear to me how small Japan is.
It was clear to Tom that Mary wasn't going to change her mind.
The cause of the accident is still not clear.
Could you clear the table, please?
I want to make things clear. Tom is NOT my boyfriend.
Wrap the dough in clear film and chill for 15 to 30 minutes.
You've made your position clear.
You really should've been more clear about what you wanted.
His explanation really isn't clear.
The youngest was the prettiest of them all. Her skin was as clear and delicate as a rose-leaf, and her eyes as blue as the deepest sea, but, like all the others, she had no feet, and her body ended in a fish's tail.
Is that not clear?
On further examination of the report, it was clear that the devil was in the detail.