Das Adverb meistens lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Ich stehe meistens um acht auf.
I usually get up at eight.
Während meiner Schulzeit bin ich meistens um 10 Uhr ins Bett gegangen.
I usually went to bed at ten in my school days.
Jener Herr trägt meistens einen Hut.
That gentleman usually wears a hat.
Am Sonntag spielt Vater meistens Golf.
Father mostly plays golf on Sunday.
Wie viel Bier man trinkt, hängt meistens vom Wetter ab.
How much beer people drink largely depends on the weather.
How much beer people drink depends mostly on the weather.
Querdenker sind meistens sehr aufrechte Menschen.
Contrarians are often very upright people.
Wer sich jeder Aufgabe gewachsen glaubt, taugt meistens für keine.
People who think they can do anything are generally good for nothing.
Mangel an Verschwiegenheit entsteht meistens aus Mangel an Redestoff.
Lack of discretion usually arises from a lack of things to talk about.
Welche Zeitung liest du meistens?
Which newspaper do you usually read?
Es wäre gut Bücher kaufen, wenn man die Zeit, sie zu lesen, mitkaufen könnte, aber man verwechselt meistens den Ankauf der Bücher mit dem Aneignen ihres Inhalts.
Buying books would be a good thing if one could also buy the time to read them in: but as a rule the purchase of books is mistaken for the appropriation of their contents.
To buy books would be a good thing if we could also buy the time to read them; as it is, the mere act of purchasing them is often mistaken for the assimilation and mastering of their contents.
An anderen ärgert uns meistens das, was wir selber an uns haben.
What annoys us the most about others is what we ourselves have.
Sie muss meistens ihrer großen Schwester nachgeben.
She usually has to give in to her big sister.
Dieses Problem lösen wir meistens auf rekursive Art, aber die hier vorgestellte Lösung nutzt einen iterativen Algorithmus.
We'd usually solve this problem recursively, but the proposed solution uses an iterative algorithm.
Auf dem Lande kommen die Busse meistens nicht rechtzeitig.
Buses in the country do not usually come on time.
Buses in the country don't usually come on time.
Rural buses are not usually on time.
Rural buses don't usually run on time.
Rural buses don't usually come on time.
Das Fahrradabteil ist meistens hinten im Zug.
The dedicated bike zone is most often at the rear of the train.
Er sagt meistens alles, was ihm durch den Kopf geht.
He says most everything that's on his mind.
Gegen Monatsende ist Tom meistens total pleite.
Come the end of the month, Tom is usually skint.
Schnee, der in Filmen gezeigt wird, ist meistens unecht.
Most of the snow shown in films is fake.
Tom frühstückt meistens mit seiner Familie.
Tom usually eats breakfast with his family.
Sonntags ist sie meistens zu Hause.
She is usually at home on Sundays.
She's usually at home on Sundays.
She's usually in on Sundays.
Morgens ist der Himmel meistens bedeckt, aber am Nachmittag verziehen sich die Wolken.
The sky is mostly overcast in the morning, but the cloud breaks up in the afternoon.
The sky is mostly overcast in the morning, but the cloud disperses in the afternoon.
The sky is mostly overcast in the morning, but brightens up in the afternoon.
Zur Nahrungssuche vor der Küste lassen Muttertiere ihre Jungen oft zurück. Selbst ein einzelnes Seeotter- oder Robbenjunges ist meistens nicht auf sich allein gestellt!
Mothers often leave young behind while feeding offshore. Even a lone sea otter or seal pup is probably not abandoned!
Was wir sehen, hängt meistens davon ab, wonach wir schauen.
What we see depends largely on where we look.
Tom kommt nie vor zwei Uhr aus der Kneipe, und dann ist er meistens so besoffen, dass ihn seine Freunde ins Bett schleifen müssen.
Tom never leaves the pub before 2 a.m., and by then he's usually so drunk that his friends have to lug him up to bed.
Tom never leaves the pub before 2 a.m., and by then he's usually so drunk that his friends have to carry him to bed.
Tom verbringt seine Freizeit meistens mit dem Lesen von Büchern.
Tom spends most of his free time reading books.
Ich bin meistens der Letzte, der das Büro verlässt.
I'm usually the last to leave the office.
I'm usually the last one to leave the office.
Schweinefleisch ist meistens billiger als Rindfleisch.
Pork is usually cheaper than beef.
Tom ist meistens hier.
Tom is here most of the time.
Maria macht selten, was ihr selbst gefällt, sondern meistens nur, wovon sie meint, dass es anderen gefalle: sie macht ihr Glück zu abhängig von deren Zuspruch.
Mary hardly ever does what she wants, instead doing mostly what she thinks others want. She makes her own happiness too dependent on their approval.
Ich trage meistens keinen Schlafanzug.
I usually don't wear pajamas.
Kein Computer weiß, was er tut. Auch wir wissen meistens nicht, was wir tun.
No computer is aware of what it's doing, but most of the time, neither are we.
The health of the world is largely dependent on the forests’ so-called green pharmacies.
Physical objects are actually made up mostly of space. Even subatomic particles appear more like space than like things.
In this region, the woods largely consist of conifers.
It's mostly documentaries on this channel.
Woodpeckers peck mostly old trees.
The weather in the mornings was mostly dull.
The photo album contains mostly family photos.
Many shopping districts that rely on foreigners are mostly empty.
Evolutionary psychology is largely a pseudoscience, as it cannot be measured or tested and is not based on experimental results.
I go mostly just home.
Tom grew up speaking five languages; his father spoke as many as seven. The language at home was mostly German, while among friends and acquaintances he spoke Ukrainian and Polish.
The plague is spread mostly by rats.
The disease is spread mostly by rats.
The disease is spread mostly by rodents.
Tom's puns are largely untranslatable.
It's largely correct.
It's largely right.
The German virologists were left largely unhampered by a restrictive central regulatory body second-guessing them or imposing burdensome procedures.
The Hawaiian language is threatened with extinction, having been largely supplanted by English.