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Was heißt »krank« auf Englisch?
Das Adjektiv krank lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Sie ist an diesem Wochenende krank geworden.
She got sick this weekend.
Du bist krank, du musst dich ausruhen.
You're sick. You have to rest.
You're ill. You need to rest.
Ann scheint krank zu sein.
Ann seems to be ill.
Ann seems to be sick.
Ann seems ill.
Ich hoffe, dass ich nächste Woche nicht mehr krank bin.
I hope I won't still be ill next week.
Mary gab vor, krank zu sein, um nicht in die Schule gehen zu müssen.
Mary pretended to be ill so that she wouldn't have to go to school.
Ich bin zu Hause geblieben, da ich krank war.
I stayed at home because I was sick.
I stayed home because I was sick.
I stayed at home because I was ill.
Er konnte nicht kommen, weil er krank war.
He couldn't come because he was sick.
He could not come because he was sick.
Er hat zu viel gearbeitet und ist krank geworden.
He worked too much and got ill.
Ich glaube, dass sie krank ist.
I think she is sick.
I think she's sick.
Ich war krank, ich bin den ganzen Tag zu Hause geblieben.
Being ill, I stayed at home all day long.
Sie sah aus, als wäre sie lange krank gewesen.
She looked as if she had been sick for a long time.
Bist du krank? Du siehst blass aus.
Are you ill? You look pale.
Er war vielleicht krank.
He may have been ill.
He may have been sick.
Gestern war ich krank.
I was ill yesterday.
Yesterday I was ill.
Sie pflegte ihren kranken Ehemann.
She attended on her sick husband.
Tom lag letzten Sonntag krank im Bett.
Tom was sick in bed last Sunday.
Ich hatte zwei Stunden lang gearbeitet, als ich mich plötzlich krank fühlte.
I had been working for two hours when I suddenly felt sick.
Es war herzlos von ihm, so etwas zu dem kranken Mann zu sagen.
It was heartless of him to say such a thing to the sick man.
Er schien krank zu sein.
He seemed to be ill.
Ihre Mutter ist seit letztem Donnerstag krank.
Her mother has been sick since last Thursday.
Da meine Mutter krank ist, wird heute mein Vater kochen.
Because my mother is sick, my father will cook today.
Sie war eine Woche lang krank.
She was ill for a week.
Fühlst du dich krank?
Do you feel sick?
Do you feel ill?
Sie kümmerte sich um ihre kranke Mutter.
She cared for her sick mother.
Sie ist vor einer Woche krank geworden.
She fell ill a week ago.
Nicht nur Jim, sondern auch seine Eltern sind krank.
Not only Jim but his parents are sick.
Er ist sehr krank.
He's very ill.
He is very sick.
He's very sick.
He is very ill.
Er gab vor, krank zu sein.
He acted as if he were ill.
He pretended that he was sick.
Er sieht so als, als wäre er krank gewesen.
He looks as if he had been ill.
Ich wusste nicht, dass sie krank war.
I didn't know that she was ill.
I didn't know she was ill.
Seinem Aussehen nach zu urteilen, ist er krank.
Judging from his appearance, he is ill.
Judging from his appearance, he is sick.
Sie ist seit letztem Mittwoch krank.
She's been ill since last Wednesday.
She's been sick since last Wednesday.
She has been ill since last Wednesday.
Er war letzte Woche krank.
He was sick last week.
Sie ignorierte die Tatsache, dass er krank war.
She ignored the fact that he was ill.
Es ist schade, dass sie krank ist.
It's too bad she's ill.
Er kann nicht kommen, er ist krank.
He cannot come, he is ill.
He can't come. He's ill.
Er scheint krank zu sein.
He seems to be ill.
He seems sick.
Er sieht krank aus.
He seems to be sick.
It looks as if he were sick.
He seems ill.
He looks sick.
He looks ill.
Er scheint letzte Woche krank gewesen zu sein.
He seems to have been sick last week.
Er hat Angst, krank zu werden.
He is afraid of becoming sick.
He's afraid of becoming ill.
He's afraid of falling ill.
Ich habe gehört, dass Robert krank ist.
I've heard that Robert is ill.
I heard that Robert is ill.
Er war gerade angekommen, als er krank wurde.
He had just arrived when he fell ill.
Er arbeitete und arbeitete, und schließlich wurde er krank.
He worked and worked until he fell ill.
Lasst es uns geheimhalten, dass er krank ist.
Let's keep it secret that he is ill.
Wie lange waren Sie krank?
How long were you ill?
How long were you ill for?
Sie hat den kranken Ehemann begleitet.
She accompanied her sick husband.
Man munkelt, der Premierminister sei ernsthaft krank.
It is whispered that the Prime Minister is critically ill.
Ich glaube, dass sie krank ist. Sie hat Fieber.
I think she is sick. She has a temperature.
I think she's ill. She's got a temperature.
Ich bin krank.
I am sick.
Ich bin krank!
I'm sick.
I'm ill.
I am ill.
Tom liegt krank im Bett.
Tom is lying ill in bed.
Tom is sick in bed.
Er ist krank.
He is ill.
He is sick.
He's sick.
He's ill.
Der Hund scheint krank gewesen zu sein.
The dog seems to have been sick.
Obwohl er krank war, ging er zur Schule.
Although he was ill, he went to school.
Ich betreute meine kranke Schwester.
I took care of my sick sister.
Ich fürchte, er ist krank.
I'm afraid he is ill.
Ich fühle mich krank.
I'm feeling sick.
I feel ill.
I'm feeling ill.
Wenn ich gewusst hätte, dass du krank warst, hätte ich dich im Krankenhaus besucht.
If I had known you were sick, I would have visited you in the hospital.
Sie ist seit drei Wochen krank.
She has been ill for three weeks.
Mein Schoßhund war ernsthaft krank.
My pet dog was seriously ill.
Sie sieht sehr krank aus.
She looks very sick.
Wenn du unreifes Obst isst, sage ich dir zehn zu eins, dass du krank wirst.
If you eat unripe fruit, I'll tell you ten to one that you'll get sick.
Helen wurde gleich nach ihrer Ankunft zu Hause krank.
Helen fell ill shortly after she arrived home.
Du wirkst krank.
You look sick.
You look ill.
Fühlen Sie sich krank?
Are you feeling sick?
Wenn du so weiter trinkst, wirst du krank werden.
If you keep on drinking like that, you'll be ill.
If you keep on drinking like that, you'll get ill.
Ich konnte letzten Samstag das Haus nicht verlassen, weil meine Mutter krank war.
I was unable to leave home last Saturday, with my mother being ill.
Meine Mutter ist seit letztem Monat krank.
My mother has been sick since last month.
Harry wurde schwer krank.
Harry fell seriously ill.
Wenn ich gewusst hätte, dass du krank bist, hätte ich dich im Krankenhaus besucht.
If I'd known you were ill, I would've visited you in hospital.
Letzte Woche war er krank.
He was ill last week.
Ich habe gehört, dass er seit letztem Monat krank ist.
I hear he has been ill since last month.
Er wurde krank. Deswegen verwarf er es, ins Ausland zu gehen.
He became sick. That's why he gave up going abroad.
Zu vieles Essen kann krank machen.
Eating too much may lead to sickness.
Während er krank war, hat er stark abgenommen.
While he was sick, he lost a lot of weight.
Meine Großmutter war schon eine Woche krank, als ich sie besuchte.
My grandmother had been sick for a week when I visited her.
Sie muss krank sein.
She must be sick.
She must be ill.
Er kann nicht krank sein.
He can't be ill.
He cannot be ill.
Meine Mutter ist zwei Tage krank gewesen.
My mother was sick for two days.
Alle Fragen dienen nur deinem kranken Kind.
All the questions apply to your sick child.
Du solltest vernünftig genug sein, nicht zu trinken, zumindest während du krank bist.
You should have enough sense not to drink, at least during your illness.
Sie sehen blass aus. Sind Sie krank?
You look pale. Are you ill?
Der Hund scheint krank zu sein.
The dog seems to be sick.
The dog seems ill.
Mary und ihre Schwester kümmerten sich abwechselnd um ihre kranke Mutter.
Mary and her sister took turns at looking after their sick mother.
Gab es dort neulich eine Menge kranker Leute?
Have there been a lot of sick people lately?
Diese Sitzplätze sind für alte und kranke Leute reserviert.
These seats are reserved for old and sick people.
Kate muss krank sein, da sie bleich aussieht.
Kate must be sick, for she looks pale.
Jane liegt krank im Bett.
Jane is sick in bed.
Sie schien krank gewesen zu sein.
She seemed to have been ill.
Wenn man krank ist, hat man wenigstens eine gute Ausrede, um daheimzubleiben und Filme anzuschauen.
At least being sick gives you the perfect excuse to stay home and watch movies.
Die ganze Familie lag krank im Bett.
The whole family was sick in bed.
Mein Vater wurde krank, weil er zu hart arbeitete.
My father fell ill because he worked too hard.
Sie gab vor, krank zu sein.
She pretended that she was sick.
Es kann einige Leute, besonders ältere Menschen und Kinder, sehr krank machen.
It can make some people, especially the elderly and infants, very ill.
Es mag nicht sauber sein, aber du wirst nicht krank, wenn du es isst.
It may not be clean, but you won't get sick from eating it.
Du hättest wissen müssen, dass er krank im Bett lag.
You ought to have known that he was sick in bed.
Ich musste die Einladung ablehnen, weil ich krank war.
I had to decline the invitation because I was ill.
I had to decline the invitation because I was sick.
Ist Kim Jong krank oder ist Kim Jong in Ordnung?
Is Kim Jong ill or is Kim Jong okay?
Tom ist krank, aber es ist nicht ernst.
Tom is sick, but it isn't serious.
Da ich krank war, konnte ich nicht zur Versammlung gehen.
As I was ill, I couldn't go to the meeting.
- kaputt:
- broken
- broken-down
- bust
- fucked-up
- kaput
- knackered
- out of order
- ruined
- shattered
Englische Beispielsätze
He comes and visits his sick friend every day.
As he was seriously ill a doctor was called.
He has been sick.
He was ill in bed this week.
What an ill-fitting metaphor!
The boys looked after the sick hedgehog.
The boys were looking after the sick hedgehog.
But they had to let him have his way, otherwise he would probably have become ill again.
She took care of her sick child all night.
Tom wasn't ill.
He was ill for many months.
Before you speak ill of people, look at yourself in the mirror.
My old friend is sick.
He took a second piece to take to his sick friend.
He took a second piece to take to his sick girlfriend.
Is he still sick?
You look so pale. Are you sick?
We shouldn't speak ill of the dead.
Tom is sick, but he still went to work.
My brother is ill.
Krank übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen: