Was heißt »Rat« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv Rat (ver­altet: Rath) lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • advice
  • counsel

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Wenn er dem Rat seines Arztes gefolgt wäre, wäre er vielleicht nicht gestorben.

Had he taken his doctor's advice, he might not have died.

Ich bedauere es, nicht auf seinen Rat gehört zu haben.

I regret not having taken his advice.

Könntest du mir einen Rat geben?

Could you give me some advice?

Er wollte nicht auf meinen Rat hören.

He wouldn't listen to my advice.

He would not follow my advice.

He would not listen to my advice.

Danke für Ihren Rat.

Thank you for your advice.

Folgen Sie bitte meinem Rat.

Please take my advice.

Auf den Rat des Arztes hin hat er mit dem Rauchen aufgehört.

He stopped smoking on his doctor's advice.

Ihr tätet besser daran, ihn nicht um Rat zu bitten.

It would be better for you not to ask him for advice.

Du solltest ihn um Rat fragen.

You ought to ask him for advice.

Da ist guter Rat teuer!

Good advice is expensive there.

Zögern Sie nicht, um Rat zu fragen.

Don't hesitate to ask for advice.

Schon möglich, dass dein Rat sie beeinflussen wird.

I daresay your advice will have its effect on them.

An Ihrer Stelle würde ich ihrem Rat folgen.

If I were you, I would follow his advice.

An eurer Stelle würde ich seinem Rat folgen.

Were I you, I would follow his advice.

An deiner Stelle würde ich seinem Rat folgen.

If I were you, I'd follow his advice.

Sie war so freundlich, mir einen guten Rat zu geben.

She was kind enough to give me good advice.

Danke für den guten Rat!

Thanks for the good advice.

Lass mich dir einen Rat geben.

Let me give you a piece of advice.

Ich schätze Ihren Rat sehr.

I greatly appreciate your advice.

Du solltest deinen Vater um Rat fragen und dich daran halten.

You should ask your father for his advice and follow it.

Rate mal, wen ich heute getroffen habe!

Guess who I met today!

Ich fragte ihn um Rat.

I turned to him for advice.

Sein Rat machte mir Mut, es erneut zu versuchen.

His advice encouraged me to try it again.

Ich würde dir gern einen Rat geben.

I'd like to give you a piece of advice.

Der Onkel gab mir einen freundlichen Rat.

The uncle gave me a friendly piece of advice.

Alles was du machen sollst, ist seinem Rat zu folgen.

All you should do is follow his advice.

Befolge meinen Rat!

Follow my advice.

Hör auf meinen Rat!

Take my advice!

Er handelte nach meinem Rat.

He acted on my advice.

John hat meinen Rat ignoriert.

John ignored my advice.

Er fragte um meinen Rat.

He asked for my advice.

Warum bitten wir keinen Rat von ihm?

Why don't we ask for his advice?

Den Lehrer konnte man immer leicht um Rat befragen.

The teacher has always been easy to consult with.

That teacher was always approachable for advice.

It was always easy to approach that teacher for advice.

That teacher was always easy to approach for advice.

Sie sollten seinen Rat befolgen.

You should follow his advice.

Ich habe niemand, den ich um Rat fragen kann.

I have no one to go to for advice.

Man muss vorsichtig sein bei einem kostenlosen Rat.

One must be careful about free advice.

Er hörte nicht auf meinen Rat.

He paid no attention to my advice.

Er verstand nicht den Wert ihres Rates.

He could not comprehend the value of her advice.

Er ignorierte ihren Rat.

He ignored her advice.

Er war so klug, ihren Rat anzunehmen.

He was wise enough to take her advice.

Er gab mir einen guten Rat.

He gave me a good piece of advice.

He gave me some good advice.

Sie gab mir einen guten Rat.

She gave me some good advice.

Rate mal, wo ich gewesen bin.

Guess where I've been.

Du solltest meinen Rat annehmen.

You should take my advice.

Da ich nicht wusste, was ich tun sollte, bat ich ihn um Rat.

Since I didn't know what to do, I asked him for advice.

Sie hätten seinen Rat annehmen sollen.

You should have accepted his advice.

Tom bat Mary wegen des Problems um Rat.

Tom asked Mary's advice about the problem.

Tom fragte Maria um Rat.

Tom asked Mary for advice.

Tom missachtete Marys Rat.

Tom paid no attention to Mary's advice.

Er gab mir nicht nur einen Rat, sondern auch Geld.

He gave me not just advice, but money as well.

Ich gab ihm einen Rat, den er nicht beachtete.

I gave him advice, to which he paid no attention.

Sie hätten Ihren Anwalt zu Rate ziehen sollen.

You should have consulted your lawyer.

You should've consulted your lawyer.

Tom weiß nicht, wen er um Rat fragen sollte.

Tom doesn't know who he should ask for advice.

Ohne deinen Rat wäre ich aufgeschmissen.

If it were not for your advice, I would be at a loss.

Ich will dir einen guten Rat geben.

I'll give you a good piece of advice.

Du brauchst seinen Rat nicht befolgen, wenn du nicht willst.

There is no need to take his advice if you don't want to.

Sein Rat half ganz und gar nicht.

His advice didn't help at all.

Sein Rat half nicht besonders.

His advice didn't help much.

Sie empfahl ihm, keinen Gebrauchtwagen zu kaufen, aber er folgte ihrem Rat nicht.

She advised him not to buy a used car, but he didn't follow her advice.

Warum fragen wir nicht Tom um Rat?

Why don't we ask Tom's advice?

Tom hat Marys Rat ignoriert.

Tom ignored Mary's advice.

Du solltest ein Wörterbuch zu Rate ziehen, wenn du die Bedeutung eines Wortes nicht weißt.

You should consult a dictionary when you don't know the meaning of a word.

Tom braucht unseren Rat.

Tom needs our advice.

Er wird meinem Rat folgen.

He will follow my advice.

Mach dir das Leben leicht: nimm Rat von Muttersprachlern an!

Simplify your life. Take advice from native speakers.

Ich werde ihrem Rat folgen.

I'll follow her advice.

Ich werde seinem Rat folgen.

I'll follow his advice.

Er fragte seinen Lehrer um Rat.

He asked his teacher for advice.

Sie bat ihren Freund um Rat.

She asked her friend for advice.

Er fragte seinen Freund um Rat.

He asked his friend for advice.

Rate, was ich in der Hand halte!

Guess what I'm holding in my hand.

Wenn du einen Rat von mir brauchst, werde ich ihn dir gerne geben.

If you need my advice, I'd be glad to give it to you.

Ich glaube, es ist an der Zeit, dass ich ihn um Rat frage.

I think it's time for me to ask for his advice.

Hast du je einem Freund einen Rat gegeben?

Have you ever advised a friend?

Ich habe nie einem Freund einen Rat erteilt.

I have never advised a friend.

Ich werde deinen Rat befolgen.

I'll follow your advice.

Ich werde Ihren Rat befolgen.

I will follow your advice.

Du solltest besser den Arzt um Rat fragen.

You had better ask the doctor for advice.

You'd better ask the doctor for advice.

Rate mal, wer ich bin!

Guess who I am.

Ein guter Rat kann nicht befolgt werden, wenn er nicht verstanden wird.

Good advice can't be followed if it isn't understood.

Sein Rat ist nutzlos.

His advice is of no use.

Er wollte meinen Rat nicht hören.

He shut his ears to my advice.

Ich benötige kein Geld, sondern deinen Rat.

What I need is not money, but your advice.

Nun ist guter Rat teuer: Wo soll ich hin?

Now it's hard to get a good advice: where should I go?

Tom weigerte sich, Marias Rat zu folgen.

Tom refused to follow Mary's advice.

Sie brauchen nur seinem Rat zu folgen.

All that you have to do is to follow his advice.

Ich wusste mir keinen Rat mehr, wie ich handeln sollte.

I was at my wit's end as to how to act.

Der beste Rat, den es zu befolgen gilt, wenn man einen echten Perser kauft, ist, dass man sich bei Teppichen gut auskennt.

The best advice to follow when buying a Persian carpet is to have a good knowledge of carpets!

Wenn ich nur Ihren Rat angenommen hätte!

If I'd only taken your advice!

Ich schlug ihm vor, meinem Rat zu folgen.

I suggested that he follow my advice.

Rate mal, wer zum Abendessen kommt!

Guess who's coming for dinner.

Ich wusste mir keinen Rat mehr, als ich die Nachricht zu hören bekam.

I was at my wit's end when I heard the news.

Sein Rat veranlasste mich dazu meine Meinung zu ändern.

His advice inclined me to change my mind.

Toms Rat war eine große Hilfe.

Tom's advice was very helpful.

Tom sollte einen Fachmann zu Rate ziehen.

Tom should consult an expert.

Ohne ihren Rat hätte er gestern nicht gewusst, was er tun sollte.

Without her advice, he wouldn't have known what to do yesterday.

If it hadn't been for her advice, he wouldn't have known what to do yesterday.

Wenn er den Rat seines Arztes befolgt hätte, so wäre er möglicherweise nicht gestorben.

If he'd taken his doctor's advice, he might not have died.

Rate mal, was passiert, wenn du das Kabel da herausziehst!

Guess what's going to happen if you unplug that wire.

Tom will von Maria ganz sicher keinen Rat annehmen.

Tom definitely doesn't want to take advice from Mary.

Du musst lernen, auf unseren Rat zu hören.

You need to learn to listen to our advice.

Weibliche Wortform



study group
working group
exit wound
committee member
advisory board
advisory body
advisory committee
advisory council
Council of Ministers
Rat der Eu­ro­pä­i­schen Uni­on:
Council of the European Union
pair of compasses

Englische Beispielsätze

  • Tom gave Mary good advice, but she didn't follow it.

  • She has no one to give her advice.

  • I wish I'd taken Tom's advice.

  • Why don't you ask Tom for advice?

  • You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions.

  • Tom acted against our advice.

  • We shouldn't have followed Tom's advice.

  • I don't plan to follow Tom's advice.

  • I'll give Tom a piece of advice.

  • He wouldn't give me any legal advice so I asked his dog.

  • This is my only advice to you.

  • What is the best advice you've ever been given?

  • Tom wrote to an advice column for help.

  • If I'd wanted your advice, I would have asked for it.

  • Tom gave me advice.

  • My advice wasn't followed.

  • My advice is to not tell Tom.

  • I don't remember asking you for your advice.

  • She thanked him for his advice.

  • Sami listened to Layla's advice.

Untergeordnete Begriffe

supervisory board
advisory board
advisory body
advisory committee
advisory council
works council
federal council
Council of Ministers
Eu­ro­pä­i­scher Rat:
European Council
Council of Europe
student representatives
Privy Councillor
district council
war council
military council
council of ministers
National Council
Rat der Eu­ro­pä­i­schen Uni­on:
Council of the European Union
city council
municipal council
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Rat übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Rat. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: Rat. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2024, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 344328, 361571, 365617, 370462, 383171, 400228, 403833, 412271, 413981, 442862, 444834, 450548, 486866, 486868, 486870, 541234, 544086, 553779, 587805, 589929, 593659, 596879, 599264, 613620, 641775, 659878, 673980, 673981, 679078, 679247, 698878, 701371, 730848, 731232, 736685, 740964, 750998, 761269, 766628, 811151, 828811, 834932, 835461, 860781, 942175, 1000676, 1039013, 1082127, 1166226, 1169327, 1187240, 1188599, 1231814, 1243344, 1291729, 1358516, 1388466, 1388472, 1406021, 1513472, 1513586, 1526909, 1561384, 1611271, 1623918, 1653810, 1653817, 1671953, 1672764, 1672767, 1688224, 1691055, 1695950, 1722720, 1729346, 1748918, 1748919, 1756003, 1776542, 1800970, 1817051, 1824491, 1842070, 1844282, 1851664, 1856409, 1865858, 1881130, 1913306, 1913751, 1918797, 1929388, 1930900, 1931143, 1932030, 1985013, 1989762, 2023377, 2042277, 2062387, 7539581, 7384466, 7371848, 7737241, 7751950, 7780741, 7803582, 7852487, 7977846, 7009813, 8017474, 6947385, 8115588, 6870710, 6863381, 6839419, 6689493, 6634586, 8525515 & 6474627. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR