Das Adjektiv angemessen lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Manche Arten von Giften sind nützlich, wenn man sie angemessen verwendet.
Certain poisons, properly used, are useful.
Diese Regel ist für die vorliegende Situation nicht angemessen.
This rule isn't suited to the present situation.
Seine Ausdrucksweise war dem Anlaß angemessen.
His speech was suitable for the occasion.
Dies ist kein angemessenes Thema für ein Tischgespräch.
That is not a proper subject to bring up in conversation at the dinner table.
Seine Forderungen sind angemessen.
He is reasonable in his demands.
Tom findet, dass der Preis angemessen ist.
Tom thinks this price is reasonable.
Ich wünschte, dass ich mich sicher, klar, freundlich und der Situation angemessen äußern könnte.
I wished I could express myself in a way that would be safe, clear, friendly and appropriate to the situation.
Der Anwalt hat ein angemessenes Einkommen.
The lawyer has a fair income.
Dieser Preis ist angemessen.
That price is reasonable.
Hältst du es für angemessen?
Do you think this is pertinent?
Du musst die Ergebnisse deines Handelns in angemessener Weise einschätzen.
You must appropriately review the outcome of your bargain.
Das schien angemessen zu sein.
It seemed appropriate.
Das wäre wahrscheinlich nicht angemessen.
That probably wouldn't be appropriate.
Seine Geschichte war dem Anlass nicht angemessen.
His story wasn't appropriate for the occasion.
Ich musste mich umziehen, weil das, was ich gerade trug, der Situation nicht angemessen war.
I had to change clothes because what I was wearing wasn't appropriate for the situation.
Das Haus ist angemessen isoliert.
The house is suitably isolated.
Tom erhielt eine geringere Bezahlung, als er für sich für angemessen hielt.
Tom didn't get paid as much as he thought he was worth.
Ich denke, das Gegenteil wäre angemessener.
I think the reverse would be more appropriate.
Meine Rede war dem Anlass angemessen.
My speech was appropriate for the occasion.
Deine Kleidung ist für den Anlass nicht angemessen.
What you're wearing isn't appropriate for where we're going.
Tom war nicht angemessen gekleidet.
Tom wasn't dressed appropriately.
Ihr Benehmen war dem Anlass angemessen.
Her behavior was appropriate to the occasion.
Meine Englischkenntnisse reichen nicht aus, um das angemessen zu übersetzen. Ich hoffe daher, es findet sich jemand bereit, es zu übersetzen.
With my limited English proficiency, I'm not able to translate this adequately. So I hope someone will agree to translate this.
Sofern keine angemessenen vorbeugenden Maßnahmen ergriffen werden, darunter das Abstandhalten von seinen Mitmenschen, könnte das Coronavirus bis zu 10 Millionen Deutsche betreffen.
The coronavirus could strike as many as 10 million Germans unless proper precautions are taken, including social distancing.
Dieses Lied schien angemessen zu sein.
This song seemed appropriate.
Es ist manchmal eine angemessene Reaktion auf die Wirklichkeit, wahnsinnig zu werden.
It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.
Sorgen Sie dafür, dass man sich angemessen um die Kranken kümmert.
Make sure that the sick are properly attended.
Es ist wichtig, eine angemessene Körpertemperatur aufrechtzuerhalten.
It is important to maintain your body temperature at a suitable level.
Ich halte das nicht für angemessen.
I don't consider that adequate.
Das ist ein angemessener Preis.
That's a fair price.
Ein T-Shirt ist keine angemessene Kleidung für ein Vorstellungsgespräch.
A T-shirt is not appropriate attire for a job interview.
A T-shirt isn't appropriate attire for a job interview.
Ist Gefängnis eine angemessene Strafe für dieses Verbrechen?
Is imprisonment a fitting punishment for this crime?
With appropriate laser light, we can see individual atoms with the naked eye the way we see dust motes in a sunbeam.
Builders can build low-energy homes only when they have received the appropriate professional training.
Builders can build low-energy houses only when they have received the appropriate vocational training.
I know this isn't an adequate answer to your question, but it's what I'll say for now.
What Tom was wearing wasn't appropriate.
The question was completely appropriate.
It's not appropriate for you to do this.
It isn't appropriate for you to do this.
This isn't appropriate.
We offer the appropriate solution for all purposes and occasions.
At this time, a vote is not yet appropriate.
Please select the appropriate option below.
Visitors have to wear appropriate shoes, i.e., safety shoes.
I was looking for appropriate words.
I believe our imagination isn't quite adequate to picture it.
I wish I had time to go home and change into something more appropriate.
Let me change into something more appropriate.
With adequate lighting, one can easily discern Nosferatu, with his pointed incisors and extremely long-limbed fingers, known as arachnodactyly, from common vampires.