Das Adjektiv doof lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Mann bist du doof! Ich muss dir echt alles erklären!
You suck dude! I have to tell you everything!
Er ist nicht doof.
He's not stupid.
Ich bin ja so doof.
I'm such a fool.
Sie ist dick, doof und dreißig.
She is fair, fat and forty.
Du bist zu doof für diese Welt.
You're too stupid to live.
Schule ist doof.
School sucks.
Jungs sind doof.
Boys are stupid.
Guys are stupid.
„Darf ich etwas von dem Schokoladenpudding im Kühlschrank haben?“ – „Kommt nicht in Frage! Der ist für die Gäste morgen!“ – „Menno! Gäste sind doof! Die kriegen immer die besten Sachen!“
"Can I have some of that chocolate pudding in the fridge?" "Absolutely not. It's for the guests tomorrow." "Ugh, guests are stupid! They always get the best stuff!"
"Can I have some of that chocolate pudding in the fridge?" "You can get that idea out of your head. It's for the guests tomorrow." "Ugh, guests are stupid! They always get the best stuff!"
Hört sich das doof an?
Does that sound stupid?
Does this sound stupid?
Das ist eine total doofe Idee.
That's a really stupid idea.
Manche Sätze sind doof.
Some sentences are daft.
Some sentences are silly.
Du glaubst, ich bin doof, nicht wahr?
You think I'm stupid, don't you?
Ich muss zu einer blöden Party mit Tom und seinen doofen Freunden.
I have to go to a stupid party with Tom and his stupid friends.
Sport ist doof.
Sports are stupid.
Können Leute wirklich so doof sein, zu glauben, dass die gesamte Bevölkerung Georgiens, die eine kaukasische Sprache spricht, die keinen Laut oder Buchstaben mit Englisch gemein hat, plötzlich innerhalb von zwei Jahren fließend Englisch sprechen kann?
Can people really be as silly as to believe that the whole population of Georgia, which speaks a Caucasian language with no common sound or common letter with English, can suddenly be fluent in English within two years?
Nicht Mathe ist doof, sondern du!
Math doesn't suck, you do.
Mein Smartphone ist doof.
My smartphone is stupid.
Dieses Lied ist doof.
This song is stupid.
Bist du doof?
Are you stupid?
Ich muss endlich mal mit Polnisch anfangen, damit ich nicht immer so doof danebensitzen muss, wenn es zum Gespräch zwischen meiner besten Freundin Agnieszka und ihrer Mutter kommt.
I've finally got to get round to learning Polish so that I don't have to sit there like a lemon whenever my best friend Agnieszka and her mum get talking.
Kommst du dir jetzt nicht doof vor?
Don't you feel stupid now?
Er ist süß, aber doof.
He's cute but stupid.
„Warum habe ich so eine doofe Schwester?“ – „Ich bin nicht doof!“ – „Du bist auch nicht meine Schwester!“
"Why is my sister stupid?" "I'm not stupid!" "You're not my sister!"
"What time does Tom think we should get up in the morning?" "Half four." "Half four? Is he daft?"
I'm not so daft as to lend him money.
Tom's not daft, you know.
"You can sleep in the bed. I'll sleep on the floor." "Don't be daft! You'll catch a cold!"
You probably couldn't have come up with an idea more daft.
Tom felt daft wearing a hat and doffing it to the people he met, but to his father and grandfather, such behaviour was second nature.
It would be really daft to give up now that you're through the worst of it.
It would be really daft to give up now that the worst of it is behind you.
We realised that our austerity cuts were a totally daft idea.
I never follow rules as daft as those.
Do you think I'm daft?
"So, are you and Tom...?" "Are we what?" "Oh, you know!" "No, I don't know. Spit it out!" "Well, an item." "What? Me and Tom? Don't be daft! What makes you think that?"
This is so daft.
They're not daft.
It's just some daft rumour.
This film is incredibly daft.
At first I thought it was a daft idea, but I realised eventually how good it was.
"I don't know why I'm laughing." "Because you're daft!"