Was heißt »bar« auf Englisch?

Das Adjektiv bar lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • bare

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Ich habe den Einkauf bar bezahlt.

I paid for the purchase in cash.

Das Bußgeld muss in bar bezahlt werden.

The fine shall be paid in cash.

Ich würde gerne bar zahlen. Ist das Frühstück im Preis inbegriffen?

I'd like to pay cash. Is breakfast included in the price?

I'd like to pay in cash. Is breakfast included in the price?

Ich habe eintausend Dollar in Reiseschecks und fünfhundert in bar.

I have one thousand dollars in travelers' checks and five hundred in cash.

Die Rezeptionistin fragte ihn, ob er mit Karte oder bar bezahlen möchte.

The receptionist asked him whether he'd like to pay by card or cash.

The receptionist asked if he wanted to pay by card or cash.

Ich zahle bar.

I pay in cash.

I am paying with cash.

Nein. Ich möchte bar zahlen.

No. I want to pay in cash.

Er hat bar bezahlt.

He paid me cash down.

Tom bezahlt gewöhnlich alles in bar.

Tom usually pays for everything in cash.

Tom ist es nicht gewohnt, baren Fußes zu wandeln.

Tom isn't accustomed to walking barefooted.

Bezahlen Sie es in bar oder mit Scheck?

Do you pay for it in cash or by check?

Zahlen Sie in bar?

Will you pay cash?

Ich will in bar bezahlt werden.

I want to be paid in cash.

Ich habe den Wagen bar bezahlt.

I paid cash for the car.

Es war falsch von mir, seine Worte für bare Münze zu nehmen.

It was wrong to take his words at their face value.

Tom hat bar bezahlt.

Tom paid cash.

Nimm das, was Tom sagt, nicht für bare Münze!

Don't take what Tom says at face value.

Ich musste in bar bezahlen.

I had to pay in cash.

In den Vereinigten Staaten ist es üblich, Schecks zu schreiben, statt bar zu bezahlen.

In the U.S., it is common for people to write a check instead of paying cash.

Sie bezahlten in bar.

They paid cash.

Tom nimmt alles für bare Münze.

Tom takes everything at face value.

Kann ich bar zahlen?

Can I pay cash?

Can I pay by cash?

Can I pay in cash?

Man kann bar bezahlen.

You can pay in cash.

You can pay by cash.

You can pay cash.

Ich bezahlte in bar.

I paid in cash.

Wir können bar bezahlen.

We can pay cash.

Maria hat bar bezahlt.

Mary paid cash.

Der Laden lässt nur Zahlungen in bar zu.

The shop only admits payments in cash.

The shop only allows payment in cash.

The shop accepts cash payments only.

The shop only takes payment in cash.

Ich wollte in bar bezahlen.

I wanted to pay in cash.

Tom möchte nicht bar bezahlen.

Tom doesn't want to pay in cash.

Ich bezahlte Tom in bar.

I paid Tom in cash.

Ich würde gerne in bar bezahlen.

I'd like to pay cash.

Er zahlte bar.

He paid cash.

Sie hat bar bezahlt.

She paid cash.

Zahlst du mit Karte oder in bar?

Are you paying by card or cash?

Für meinen Großvater war es Zeit seines Lebens undenkbar, baren Hauptes, also ohne Hut, auf die Straße zu gehen.

During my grandfather's lifetime it was unthinkable for him to go out into the street bare-headed – that's to say, without a hat.

Sie können an dieser Kasse nicht in bar zahlen.

You can't pay cash at this till.

Ich habe nicht genug Geld, um den Artikel in bar zu bezahlen.

I don't have enough money to pay for the product in cash.

I haven't got enough money to pay for the item in cash.

Gibt es einen Nachlass, wenn ich bar bezahle?

Will you give any discount if I pay in cash?


out of
bis auf:
due to the lack of
nichts als:
nothing but

Sinnverwandte Wörter




Englische Beispielsätze

  • Some of the branches are bare.

  • I need to buy some food, as the fridge is completely bare.

  • I need to buy some food because the fridge is completely bare.

  • All I can see through the window grille is part of a bare concrete wall.

  • Our larder is bare.

  • The loo-paper shelves in the supermarket were completely stripped bare.

  • These are the bare facts.

  • After a week of panic buying, the city's grocery stores have mostly bare shelves.

  • His feet were bare.

  • I can do that with my bare hands.

  • I can not go to the movies, I'm bare of money.

  • Beowulf killed Grendel with his bare hands.

  • The kitchen table was bare except for a bowl of fruit.

  • He was bare-chested and barefoot.

  • Tom caught a fish with his bare hands.

  • Don't touch the pot with bare hands.

  • Please don't touch the ice with bare hands.

  • I caught a big fish yesterday with my bare hands.

  • I can tear you apart with my bare hands.

  • I can rip you apart with my bare hands.

Untergeordnete Begriffe

hard cash

Bar übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: bar. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: bar. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2023, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 366502, 438418, 473788, 642082, 690575, 1048918, 1165390, 1931021, 1931839, 1938300, 2220176, 2272199, 2301624, 2461447, 2714316, 2906823, 2930454, 3189429, 3291008, 6216165, 6285499, 6365127, 7361553, 7448342, 7523329, 7697224, 7893310, 8297500, 8667099, 8871580, 9837147, 9982453, 9982454, 10254371, 10270966, 11240146, 11684494, 11978207, 11675022, 11084416, 11084415, 11063865, 10808901, 10221650, 10113381, 8618433, 6620364, 6255815, 6133151, 5370426, 4482901, 3311889, 2539116, 2459471, 2372380, 2165440, 1521431 & 1515658. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR