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Fülle das folgende Formular aus, um zu erfahren, wer du in deinem vorigen Leben gewesen sein könntest.
Complete the following form to know who you could have been in a previous life.
Sie haben vorige Woche den Fuji bestiegen.
They climbed Mt. Fuji last week.
Dieses Hotel wurde voriges Jahr gebaut.
This hotel was built last year.
Wir sind vorigen Sommer auf den Fuji gestiegen.
We climbed Mt. Fuji last summer.
Es war kalt vorige Nacht, aber er hatte keinen Mantel an.
It was cold last night, yet he didn't wear a coat.
Bei so viel Lärm konnte ich vorige Nacht nicht schlafen.
With so much noise I couldn't sleep last night.
Sie ist seit vorigen Mittwoch abwesend.
She has been absent since last Wednesday.
Seit vorigem Jahr habe ich nicht mehr in Sanda gewohnt.
I have not lived in Sanda since last year.
Die diesjährige Mode ist ganz anders als die von vorigem Jahr.
This year's fashions are completely different to last year's.
Wenn ich voriges Jahr so Spanisch gelernt hätte wie in den letzten Monaten, würde ich es jetzt viel besser sprechen.
If I had studied Spanish last year as I am doing these months, I would speak much better now.
Er hat voriges Jahr sein Testament gemacht.
He made a will last year.
Ich habe vorige Nacht kein Auge zugetan.
I didn't sleep a wink last night.
Sie haben vorigen Herbst geheiratet.
They got married last fall.
Haben Sie vorige Woche ferngesehen? - Nein.
"Did you watch telly last week?" "No."
"Did you watch television last week?" "No."
Die Maschine ist seit vorigem Monat kaputt.
The machine has been out of order since last month.
Ich habe ihn vorige Woche bezahlt.
I paid him last week.
In sein Haus wurde vorige Woche eingebrochen.
His house was broken into by burglars last week.
Misako hat im vorigen Juni einen Kanadier geheiratet.
Misako married a Canadian last June.
Ich habe sie vorige Woche gesehen.
I saw her last week.
Tom hat vorige Nacht nicht sehr gut geschlafen.
Tom didn't sleep very well last night.
Mein Onkel hat voriges Jahr sein Testament gemacht.
My uncle made a will last year.
Ich habe seine Schwester vorige Woche besucht.
I went to see his sister last week.
Dieser Roman von ihm fällt gegenüber dem vorigen ab.
This novel of his is inferior to the previous one.
Ich wusste nicht, dass du vorigen Monat eine Woche frei hattest.
I didn't know you had a week off last month.
Ich habe Tom vorigen Montag mit Maria im Park spazieren gesehen.
I saw Tom last Monday walking in the park with Mary.
Er erinnert sich noch an meinen vorigen Besuch.
He still remembers my last visit.
He still remembers my previous visit.
Tom ist seit vorigem Monat krank.
Tom has been sick since last month.
Er hat voriges Jahr die Schule gewechselt.
He changed schools last year.
He switched schools last year.
Sie hat sich voriges Jahr von ihm scheiden lassen.
She divorced him last year.
Erinnerst du dich, was du vorigen Freitag gemacht hast?
Do you remember what you did last Friday?
Der Tag verging ungefähr wie der vorige.
The day went by more or less as the previous one did.
The day passed by more or less as the one before.
Tom hat sich voriges Jahr das Leben genommen.
Tom committed suicide last year.
Das Protokoll der vorigen Sitzung wurde angenommen.
Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.
Dieser Artikel ist im Vergleich zum vorigen viel interessanter.
This article is more interesting as compared to the previous one.
Das letzte Männchen dieser Art starb voriges Jahr.
The last male of that species died last year.
Es geschah vorige Woche.
It happened last week.
Tom war voriges Wochenende bei seiner Familie.
Tom was with his family last weekend.
Das Essen war das vorige Mal, als ich hier war, sehr gut.
The food was very good when I was last here.
The food was really good the last time I was here.
Sie ist vorigen Montag mit ihm einkaufen gegangen.
She went shopping with him last Monday.
Ich habe diesen Artikel vorige Woche gelesen.
I read that article last week.
Das vorige System war auch besser als dieses.
The old system was also better than this one.
Wir sind voriges Jahr umgezogen.
We moved last year.
Hast du das Haus gekauft, das du dir vorige Woche angeschaut hast?
Did you buy the house you were looking at last week?
Ich war eine Frau in meinem vorigen Leben.
I was a woman in my past life.
Die Götter erhörten ihr Gebet und verwandelten sie in einen Vogel. In dieser Form, wie auch in ihrer vorigen, verweilt sie in den Bergen und vergnügt sich mit Gesang. Ihre Noten zeugen von ihrem Unglück, denn sie ruft nach ihren umherschweifenden Kühen.
The Gods assented to her prayer, and transformed her into a bird: in which shape, as in her former one, she abides in the mountains, and delights in singing. Her notes bespeak her misfortune, for she is calling her wandering cows.
The newspaper subscription fee is the same this year as the previous year.
You may not play a move that repeats a previous position on the board. This rule prevents players from endlessly capturing and recapturing a stone in either direction.
In order to recapture the Ko, Black now forces White to play elsewhere on the board and, on the next move, repeats the previous attack. And the fight goes on like this, in what is called the battle of Ko.
Sally lost the contact lenses she had purchased the previous day.
He lost the watch he had bought the previous day.
Mary woke up knowing the perfect translation for the sentence she had been pondering the previous evening.
The speech was actually a copy of the previous year's.
The company made a big loss in the previous quarter.
Tom has two children from a previous marriage.
"々" means the previous kanji is repeated.
He's telling a new lie to cover a previous one.
At the Museum of 20th Century Art, we saw Mary and Tom, who we had met the previous summer.
Mary wore the same dress she had worn the previous day.
Mary rolled back to a previous version of the driver.
Could you explain your previous statement?
The July 2016 combined average temperature over global land and ocean surfaces was 0.87°C above the 20th century average, besting the previous July record set in 2015 by 0.06°C.
This book was first published in the previous year.
Choose no one to be your friend of whom you don't know how he treated his previous friends.
Our conclusion is based on previous studies of the problem.