Das Adjektiv ehemalig lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Bulgarien ist das einzige Land in Europa, wo ein ehemaliger Monarch zum Ministerpräsidenten gewählt wurde.
Bulgaria is the only country in Europe where a former monarch has been elected prime minister.
Ist es eine gute Idee, ehemalige Hacker als Sicherheitsfachleute einzustellen?
Is it a good idea to hire former hackers to work as security professionals?
Tom sah seinen ehemaligen Arbeitgeber auf einer Konferenz.
Tom saw his former employer at a conference.
In London bin ich einem meiner ehemaligen Studenten über den Weg gelaufen.
I bumped into one of my former students in London.
Die Währung Frankreichs war der Franc und sein Symbol das „₣“. Er wird in Frankreich nicht mehr verwendet, aber der Franc wird immer noch in ehemaligen französischen Kolonien wie Guinea benutzt.
France's currency was the franc, and its symbol was ₣. While it is no longer used in France, francs are still in use in some former French colonies such as Guinea.
The French currency was the franc, and its symbol "F". Though no longer in use in France, the franc is still used in former French colonies, such as Guinea.
Ich bin ein ehemaliger Marinesoldat.
I'm an ex-marine.
Er ist ein ehemaliger Schüler von mir.
He's a former student of mine.
He's a former pupil of mine.
Angela Merkel wuchs in der ehemaligen Deutschen Demokratischen Republik auf.
Angela Merkel grew up in the former German Democratic Republic.
Tom ist einer unserer ehemaligen Klienten.
Tom is one of our former clients.
Sie haben ihren ehemaligen Arbeitgeber auf einer Konferenz gesehen.
They saw their former employer at a conference.
Tom ist ein ehemaliger New Yorker Polizist.
Tom is former NYPD.
Gestern traf ich einen meiner ehemaligen Lehrer.
Yesterday, I met one of my former teachers.
Tom ist ein ehemaliger CIA-Agent.
Tom is a former CIA agent.
Kiribati ist eine ehemalige britische Kolonie.
Kiribati is a former British colony.
Der Mars hat zwei ungewöhnlich geformte Monde: Phobos und Deimos. Wissenschaftler gehen davon aus, dass es sich bei diesen kartoffelförmigen Monden um ehemalige Asteroiden handelt, die vom Gravitationsfeld des Mars eingefangen wurden.
Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos, which have unusual shapes. Scientists think these potato-shaped moons were once asteroids captured by Mars' gravitational pull.
Tom und Maria wohnen in einem ehemaligen Wasserturm.
Tom and Mary live inside a converted water tower.
Isaac Quispe ist ein 25 Jahre alter ehemaliger Goldgräber.
Isaac Quispe is a 25-year-old former gold miner.
Isaac Quispe ist ein 25 Jahre alter ehemaliger Goldgräber. Nach dem Mord an sechs Menschen, mit denen er arbeitete, gab er diesen Beruf jedoch auf.
Isaac Quispe is a 25-year-old former gold miner. He left that work after the murders of six people he worked with.
In der ehemaligen Kaserne wurde ein Museum eingerichtet.
A museum was set up in the former barracks.
Niemand wusste, dass Tom ein ehemaliger Gefangener war.
Nobody knew that Tom was an ex-con.
No one knew that Tom was an ex-con.
Nobody knew Tom was an ex-con.
No one knew Tom was an ex-con.
Ich bin in der ehemaligen DDR geboren.
I was born in the former GDR.
Er sah seinen ehemaligen Arbeitgeber auf einer Konferenz.
He saw his former employer at a conference.
Maria sah ihren ehemaligen Arbeitgeber auf einer Konferenz.
Mary saw her former employer at a conference.
Die ehemalige Hilfspferdeausbilderin Kayla Lanning musste letztes Jahr 136 km fahren, um Zwillinge zur Welt zu bringen, die nun in einem anderen, 122 km entfernten Krankenhaus von einem Spezialisten behandelt werden.
Former horse trainer assistant Kayla Lanning had to drive 85 miles (136 km) to deliver twins last year. They are now being treated by a specialist at yet another hospital, 76 miles (122 km) away.
Das ist ein Brief von meiner ehemaligen Lehrerin.
This is a letter from my old teacher.
Mit Merkel hatte zum erstenmal eine Frau das Kanzleramt in Deutschland inne. Auch führte erstmals jemand, der in der ehemaligen DDR aufgewachsen war, die Regierung.
Merkel was Germany’s first female chancellor and its first leader to have been raised in the former East Germany.
Der ehemalige Obdachlose lebt nun in einer erstklassigen Residenz.
The formerly homeless person now lives in a first-class residence.
Sie ist eine ehemalige Kinderdarstellerin.
She's a former child actor.
Wer war der ehemalige Staatsanwalt?
Who was the former prosecutor?
Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Liste der ehemaligen Administratoren.
Below is a list of past administrators.
Ich traf einen meiner ehemaligen Studenten in London.
A former flatmate would call French toast eggy bread.
The former head of state left the public stage years ago.
The police suspect that a disgruntled former employee was the one who set the factory on fire.
For two whole years a team of town planners, local business people and residents worked on a blueprint for the town, a former centre of car production.
I prefer Noh to Kabuki because I find the former to be more elegant than the latter.
Three decades on, the former East Germany is catching up economically with its Western sibling.
St. Wolfgang, situated on Lake Wolfgang, one of Austria's best-known lakes, was once a favourite vacation spot of former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl.
I think it can mean either. When I wrote the sentence, I was thinking the former.
She was only a shadow of her former self.
She was just a shadow of her former self.
J. J. Thomson and his son George Thomson were both awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics: the former in 1906 for demonstrating that the electron is a particle, and the latter in 1937 for showing that the electron is a wave.
The former baroque residence of the abbot now houses the town history museum.
Both meanings are possible, but the former is the more likely.
Practice is just as important as theory, but we tend to overrate the latter and overlook the former.
The robot is affectionately known to the workers as Tom, named after the former colleague of theirs whom it replaced.
You shouldn't confuse your local with a loo, even though the former has the latter, and sometimes looks and smells like one.
You shouldn't confuse your boozer with a bog, even though the former has the latter, and sometimes looks and smells like one.
Tom restored the garden to its former glory.
Football manager and former player Iain Dowie coined the word 'bouncebackability'.
The former legendary Haçienda nightclub in Manchester is now a block of flats.