Das Verb vollenden lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Seine Arbeit ist jetzt vollendet.
His work is now complete.
Es war nicht klar, ob sie es vollendet hatten oder nicht.
It was not clear whether they had accomplished it or not.
Die Neue Tokaido-Linie wurde 1964 vollendet.
The New Tokaido Line was completed in 1964.
Sie hatten die Arbeit vollendet.
They had the work finished.
Ich wünsche mir genug Zeit und Gesundheit um mein Isländisch-Lehrbuch zu vollenden.
I want the time and the health to finish my Icelandic textbook.
Ich kann meine Arbeit heute nicht vollenden.
I cannot finish my work today.
Im Mai wird mein Vater sein fünfundvierzigstes Lebensjahr vollenden.
My father will be forty-five in May.
Tom vollendet seine Arbeit.
Tom is finishing his work.
Ich vollende meine Übersetzung.
I am finishing my translation.
Es dauerte zehn Jahre, bis Tom sein Haus vollendet hatte.
It took Tom 10 years to finish his house.
Toms vollendete Manieren machten einen großen Eindruck auf Marias Eltern.
Tom's impeccable manners made a big impression on Mary's parents.
Wenn wir diese Aufgabe nicht vollenden, werden wir den nächsten Vertrag verlieren.
If we don't finish this job, we'll lose the next contract.
Sie ist eine vollendete Künstlerin.
She's an accomplished artist.
Der Junge vollendete seine Mission unter der Führung eines Eichhörnchengeistes.
The boy succeeded in his quest, guided by the spirit of a squirrel.
Tom schrieb vollendete Gedichte in französischer Sprache; doch wenn er redete, war aufgrund seines starken Akzents niemand in der Lage, ihn zu verstehen.
Tom was an accomplished poet writing in French; when he spoke, however, no one could understand him on account of his strong accent.
Tom was an accomplished poet writing in French, but when he spoke, no one could understand him because he had a strong accent.
Dieses Lied vollendet, wann immer ich es höre, meinen Tag.
This song makes my day every time I listen to it.
Richtig Kaffee kochen – das ist eine vollendete Kunst, ein echtes Ritual.
Properly brewing coffee is a full-blown art, a genuine ritual.
Tom hat vollendete Manieren.
Tom is a perfect gentleman.
Ohne deine Hilfe hätte ich diese Arbeit nicht vollenden können.
If it had not been for your help, I couldn't have completed the work.
Without your help, I wouldn't have been able to finish the work.
Sieben Jahre lang arbeitete er jeden Tag neun Stunden, um das Modell zu vollenden.
It took him nine hours a day for seven years to complete the model.
Der Planet Saturn vollendet seine Umlaufbahn innerhalb von dreißig Jahren.
The planet Saturn completes its orbit within thirty years.
Du sollst von meiner Hand sterben oder aber das Unglück meiner Familie vollenden, indem du mir das Leben nimmst!
You shall die by my hand, or you shall complete the ruin of my family by taking my life.
Ich hätte es vor dem Sommer vollenden sollen.
I should have completed it before summer.
Eine der schönsten Sinfonien Schuberts heißt „die Unvollendete“, weil er sie nicht mehr vollenden konnte.
One of Schubert's most beautiful symphonies was called The Unfinished, because he did not live to complete it.
Is a new mass extinction coming? Everything leads me to fear that the damned war industry is about to achieve, with its sinister nuclear arsenal, the stupid goal of extinguishing life on Earth.
Tom was the first to cross the finish line.
I only had three hours left to finish it.
Unfortunately, he didn't complete his degree.
Unfortunately, he didn't finish his degree.
The biggest problem for lesser known languages is the negligible number of resources or a complete lack thereof.
Whoever came out with that rubbish is a complete idiot.
Could we finish our conversation?
Someone's got to finish the job.
What goal do you want to achieve in Tatoeba?
I watched the game from start to finish.
Although the city's cycle path network is not yet complete, the most important routes are in place.
We'll finish by measuring your blood pressure. Just roll your sleeve up, please.
You're not obliged to finish your work.
You are not obligated to finish your work.
Our old postman always used to ring twice, but the new one doesn't ring at all sometimes, instead leaving the parcel with the neighbours so that he can finish work faster.
The match for the FIDE 2023 World Chess Championship is tied (6 X 6), with Ding Liren (White) winning the twelfth game. Only two more games remain for one of the competitors to achieve the decisive advantage.
She's often the last person to finish eating.
He's often the last person to finish eating.
He wants me to finish this by Friday, so I’ll have to stay at work until 8 every evening to get it done.