Was heißt »anscheinend« auf Englisch?
Das Adverb anscheinend lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
- apparently
- seeming
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Sie ist anscheinend eine ehrliche Frau.
She is apparently an honest woman.
Ich kann Ihre letzte E-Mail anscheinend nicht finden. Könnten Sie sie mir erneut senden?
I can't seem to find your last e-mail, I wonder if you can resend it to me.
Sie weiß anscheinend etwas Wichtiges.
She seems to know something important.
Ein anscheinend kleines Ereignis kann zu einem großen Ergebnis führen.
An apparently small event may lead to a great result.
Sie hat anscheinend Kopfschmerzen.
She appears to have a headache.
All das funktioniert anscheinend noch nicht ganz perfekt, aber das System ist interessant.
Apparently all that doesn't work perfectly yet, but the system is interesting.
Sie haben mich anscheinend mit meinem älteren Bruder verwechselt.
You seem to have mistaken me for my elder brother.
Tom schläft anscheinend.
Tom seems to be sleeping.
Tom steckt anscheinend in Lebensmittelnöten.
Tom seems to be hard up for food.
Der Lehrer hat mich anscheinend mit meinem älteren Bruder verwechselt.
It seems that the teacher mistook me for my older brother.
Ich kann anscheinend nichts richtig machen.
I can't seem to do anything right.
Ich kann anscheinend nichts tun, worüber Tom sich nicht aufregt.
I can't seem to do anything that doesn't make Tom angry.
Du kannst anscheinend nichts zu Ende bringen.
You can't seem to finish anything.
Einige Leute lernen es anscheinend nie, selbständig zu denken.
Some people never seem to learn how to think for themselves.
Tom ist anscheinend jemand, der es gewohnt ist, allein zu sein.
Tom looks like someone who's used to being alone.
Du willst anscheinend in Ruhe lassen werden.
It sounds like you want to be alone.
Tom tändelt anscheinend mit Maria.
It looks like Tom is flirting with Mary.
Er wusste anscheinend alles über mich.
Apparently, he knew everything about me.
Ich habe anscheinend meine Schlüssel verlegt.
I appear to have misplaced my keys.
Du hast mich anscheinend missverstanden.
You seem to have misunderstood me.
Tom versteht anscheinend kein Französisch.
Tom doesn't seem to understand French.
Er kennt Anna anscheinend.
It seems he knows Ann.
Ich habe es anscheinend übertrieben.
I seem to have overdone it.
Ein Tag hat anscheinend nie genügend Stunden, um mit allem fertig zu werden.
It seems like there are never enough hours in a day to get everything done.
Tom hat anscheinend ein schlechtes Gewissen.
Tom seems to be suffering from a guilty conscience.
Ihre Wünsche haben sich anscheinend erfüllt.
Her wishes, it seems, have come true.
Du verstehst anscheinend nicht.
Obviously, you don't understand.
You obviously don't understand.
Maria mag mich anscheinend nicht.
Apparently, Mary doesn't like me.
Tom interessiert sich anscheinend für nichts anderes.
Tom seems interested in nothing else.
Tom hat anscheinend ständig zu tun und verfügt über wenig Freizeit.
Tom always seems to be very busy and doesn't seem to have much free time.
Ihr seid heute anscheinend sehr beschäftigt.
It seems that you're very busy today.
Tom und Maria sind anscheinend ineinander verliebt.
Tom and Mary seem to be in love with each other.
Tom erwartet anscheinend, dass etwas passiert.
Tom seems to be expecting something to happen.
Tom erwartet anscheinend, dass Maria etwas tut.
Tom seems to be expecting Mary to do something.
Tom hört anscheinend nicht so gut.
Tom doesn't seem to hear so well.
Das war anscheinend ein Geschenk zum fünfzigsten Thronjubiläum der Königin Elisabeth.
It seems it was a gift for the 50th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth's accession to the throne.
Sie hatten anscheinend ein tolles Wochenende.
You must've had a great weekend.
Du willst anscheinend wissen, was du tun sollst.
You seem to want to know what to do.
Tom isst anscheinend nur Obst und Gemüse.
It seems that Tom only eats fruits and vegetables.
Tom hat anscheinend aufgegeben.
It looks like Tom has given up.
Dieser Bauernhof wurde anscheinend verlassen.
This farm seems to have been abandoned.
Tom passt anscheinend nicht auf.
Tom doesn't seem to be paying attention.
Tom doesn't appear to be paying attention.
Meiner kleinen Schwester wurde anscheinend in der Schule das Portemonnaie entwendet.
It seems that my little sister got her wallet stolen at school.
Heute habe ich anscheinend kein Glück.
It seems that I'm not lucky today.
Tom befindet diesen Rechner anscheinend für gut.
Tom seems to think this is a good computer.
Sie machen anscheinend Fortschritte.
You seem to be making progress.
Sein Vater ist anscheinend im Ausland gestorben.
Apparently his father died abroad.
„Mama, weißt du, wo das Fieberthermometer ist?“ – „Ist es nicht da, wo es immer ist?“ – „Nein, anscheinend nicht.“
"Mom, do you know where the thermometer is?" "It's not in the usual place?" "Yeah, I checked."
Sie missgönnen mir anscheinend den Erfolg.
It seems that you don't want me to succeed.
Er ist anscheinend sehr reich.
He is said to be very rich.
Es kam anscheinend nicht darauf an.
It didn't seem to matter.
Tom kann anscheinend nicht französisch sprechen.
Tom apparently can't speak French.
Das müsste offensichtlich sein, aber anscheinend ist es das nicht.
This should be obvious, but apparently it's not.
Er kann das anscheinend sehr gut.
Apparently, he's very good at it.
Ist dir schon einmal aufgefallen, wie unglücklich Tom anscheinend ist.
Have you ever noticed how unhappy Tom seems to be?
Sie weiß anscheinend nicht, was sie mit ihrer Freizeit anfangen soll.
She doesn't seem to know what to do with her leisure time.
Etwas fehlt anscheinend.
Something seems to be missing.
Tom ist anscheinend Lkw-Fahrer.
Tom is apparently a truck driver.
Tom war anscheinend bereits vor Veröffentlichung jenes Albums berühmt.
Apparently, Tom was already famous before he released that album.
Tom hat sich anscheinend aufgrund eines Verkehrsstaus auf der Bundesstraße 19 verspätet.
Apparently, Tom was late because there was a traffic jam on Rt. 19.
Apparently, Tom was late because there was a traffic jam on Route 19.
Tom seems to have been late because of a tailback on the A19.
Ich werde anscheinend nicht jünger.
I do not appear to be getting any younger.
Tom hatte anscheinend einen Gesinnungswandel.
Tom seems to have had a change of heart.
Ihr Vater ist anscheinend Arzt.
It seems like her father is a doctor.
Tom hat anscheinend versucht, Selbstmord zu verüben.
Tom has apparently tried to commit suicide.
Tom hat seine Zusage anscheinend nicht eingehalten.
Tom apparently didn't do what he said he would do.
Tom hat anscheinend in Boston gearbeitet.
Tom apparently used to work in Boston.
Tom und Maria sind anscheinend entlassen worden.
Tom and Mary say they were fired.
Tom ist anscheinend in Australien.
Tom is in Australia, it seems.
Tom hat es sich anscheinend anders überlegt.
Tom has apparently changed his mind.
Tom hat Maria anscheinend noch immer nicht mitgeteilt, dass er das nicht zu tun gedenkt.
Tom apparently hasn't yet told Mary that he's not going to do that.
Tom ist anscheinend dafür verantwortlich.
Tom is apparently responsible for that.
Tom ist anscheinend damit befasst gewesen.
Tom has apparently been doing that.
Tom hat anscheinend geweint.
Tom has apparently been crying.
Tom hat sich anscheinend dazu bereit erklärt.
Tom apparently agreed to do that.
Es ist anscheinend niemand zu Hause.
No one seems to be at home.
There's apparently no one at home.
There seems to be no one in.
Seems there's no one in.
Nobody seems to be at home.
It seems there's no one in.
It seems there's nobody in.
Tom und Maria sind anscheinend nicht zu Hause.
It looks like Tom and Mary aren't at home.
Der Bus hatte anscheinend Verspätung.
Apparently, the bus was late.
Tom wollte mich anscheinend aufheitern.
Tom was obviously trying to cheer me up.
Tom war anscheinend nicht erfreut, mich zu sehen.
Tom did not seem pleased to see me.
Tom hat anscheinend drei Stunden gewartet.
Tom apparently waited for three hours.
Die Kinder haben anscheinend das Kawasaki-Syndrom.
The children appear to be suffering from Kawasaki disease.
Du hast anscheinend das gleiche Problem wie ich.
It seems that you have the same problem as me.
It looks like you have the same problem I do.
You seem to have the same problem as me.
You seem to have the same problem as I have.
Tom und Maria haben anscheinend ihre Pässe verloren.
Tom and Mary seem to have lost their passports.
Es gab anscheinend nichts zu tun.
There seemed to be nothing to do.
Obwohl er von sich behauptet hat, Französischmuttersprachler zu sein, ist er sich seiner Fähigkeiten anscheinend so unsicher, dass er sich, wenn er mich zugegen weiß, grundsätzlich nicht traut, auch nur einen einzigen Satz zu schreiben.
Although he has said he's a native speaker of French, he feels so insecure about his ability that every time he knows I'm there, he doesn't dare to write a single sentence.
Es fällt Tom anscheinend schwer, in seinem Unterricht die richtige Balance zu finden.
Tom seems to find it hard to strike the right balance in his lessons.
Sie haben anscheinend den Schiedsrichter verärgert.
They seem to have annoyed the referee.
You seem to have annoyed the referee.
Du hattest anscheinend recht.
It would seem that you were right.
Ich komme anscheinend ungelegen.
It looks like I've come at a bad time.
Die Leute glauben heutzutage anscheinend alles.
People will seemingly believe anything nowadays.
Ich ließe dich ja, aber anscheinend kann ich dir nicht mehr trauen.
I'd let you do it, but apparently I can't trust you anymore.
In der Bettenstation gibt es anscheinend keine Heizung.
It seems there's no heating on that ward.
It seems there's no heating on the ward.
There doesn't seem to be any heating on that ward.
There doesn't seem to be any heating on the ward.
Wir haben es ihm gesagt; anscheinend hat er es vergessen.
We told him about it; apparently he has forgotten.
We told him about it; seems he forgot.
Ich werde anscheinend blind.
I must be going blind.
Tom hat es anscheinend mit den Ohren.
Tom can't hear very well, apparently.
Tom hat es anscheinend mit den Augen.
Tom can't see very well, apparently.
Außer mir macht das hier anscheinend keiner.
Nobody here does that except for me, apparently.
Tom war eingeladen, Maria anscheinend nicht.
Tom was invited, but apparently Mary wasn't.
Tom kann das nicht, Maria anscheinend schon.
Tom can't do that, but apparently Mary can.
Mir ist aufgefallen, dass die meisten gemischten Paare, die wir auf der Straße gesehen haben, ausländische Männer mit japanischen Frauen sind. Wir sind da anscheinend eine ausgefallenere Kombination.
I've noticed that most of the mixed couples we've seen in the streets in Japan are foreign men with Japanese women. We seem to be in a different kind of combination.
- offensichtlich:
- apparent
- sichtlich:
- obvious
- scheinbar:
- pretended
- vermutlich:
- probably
Englische Beispielsätze
They've apparently got on the wrong train.
They apparently got on the wrong train.
I apparently should've done that.
Tom was apparently drunk.
Tom apparently lost his passport.
It apparently no longer exists.
The mayor, apparently the worse for wear after drinking one too many toasts, gurgled a few unintelligible words.
It's in fashion again, apparently.
"I can't do that." "Nor anyone else, apparently."
He was apparently in hospital at the time.
"I can't do that." "Nor can anyone else, apparently."
The danger is apparently over.
He apparently dates a Japanese girl called Tatoeba.
I don't look handsome; apparently I am handsome.
This all worked reasonably well inside my own head but at the time I was only four, an age at which apparently I wasn't even speaking yet except to express basic needs.
The lake was ringed by a fence, apparently for health and safety reasons.
A gift of cheesecake is apparently good to soothe discord.
He is not coming, apparently.
The man is apparently deceiving us.