Was heißt »of­fen­bar« auf Englisch?

Das Adjektiv of­fen­bar lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • apparent
  • manifest
  • obvious
  • apparently
  • evidently
  • obviously

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Das ist offenbar unvermeidlich.

It is clearly inevitable.

Sie ist offenbar betrunken.

She's obviously drunk.

Das ist ganz offenbar unmöglich.

This is obviously impossible.

Frau Brown ist offenbar Schauspielerin.

Ms. Brown seems to be an actress.

Er hat offenbar gelogen.

He obviously lied.

Den Gästen mundet das Essen in Toms Taverne offenbar, doch die ahnen auch nicht, wie es da in der Küche aussieht.

While the guests in Tom's Tavern obviously enjoy the food, they have no idea what the kitchen looks like.

Du solltest ihr deine Gefühle offenbaren.

You should tell her how you feel.

Tom sind offenbar keine Probleme aufgefallen.

Tom didn't seem to notice any problems.

Tom wusste offenbar nichts davon.

Tom obviously didn't know about it.

Es ging offenbar nicht anders.

There was obviously no other way.

Es handelt sich offenbar nur um ein großes Missverständnis.

This is obviously just a big misunderstanding.

Der Genius, der Witz und der Geist eines Volkes offenbaren sich in seinen Sprichwörtern.

The genius, wit and spirit of a nation are discovered in its proverbs.

Maria war offenbar betrunken.

Mary was obviously drunk.

Tom beherrscht sein Handwerk offenbar.

Tom is obviously very good at what he does.

Das ist offenbar ein Tippfehler.

It's obviously a typo.

Ich weiß nicht, wie es dazu kam, aber es war offenbar beabsichtigt.

I don't know how it happened, but it was obviously meant to be.

Du hast offenbar recht.

Apparently you are right.

Apparently you're right.

Sie lügt ganz offenbar.

She's clearly lying.

Eine absolut sichere Methode, um durch Geld glücklich zu werden, ist offenbar, es zugunsten anderer auszugeben.

One surefire way for money to provide happiness appears to be to spend it on other people.

Maria hat heute offenbar einen schlechten Tag.

Mary is obviously having a bad day today.

Sie lügt offenbar!

She's obviously lying!

Er lügt offenbar!

He's obviously lying!

Das war offenbar eine blöde Idee.

That was obviously a stupid idea.

Tom liebt dich offenbar.

Tom obviously loves you.

Sie liebt dich offenbar.

She obviously loves you.

Tom und Maria haben offenbar niemandem von den Geschehnissen erzählt.

Obviously, Tom and Mary haven't told anyone about what happened.

Es gibt offenbar ein Problem.

There is clearly a problem.

There's clearly a problem.

Die Ideale und Idole der heutigen Gesellschaft offenbaren einen aussagekräftigen Einblick in ihren geistigen Horizont.

The ideals and idols of today's society reveal a significant vision of its intellectual horizon.

Warte nicht zu lang damit, Tom deine Gefühle zu offenbaren.

Don't wait too long to tell Tom how you feel.

Sie mag ihn offenbar leiden.

She obviously likes him.

Tom lügt offenbar.

Tom is obviously lying.

Tom ist offenbar ein Optimist.

Tom is clearly an optimist.



Englische Beispielsätze

  • Tom is obviously in love.

  • He obviously likes her a lot.

  • I apparently should've done that.

  • It's obvious that Tom and Mary are more than just friends.

  • Tom and Mary are obviously very disappointed.

  • I've obviously not done that yet.

  • The solution was obvious.

  • It was obvious that Tom and Mary had strong feelings for each other.

  • Mary obviously needs someone to help her.

  • Hunter was obviously under the influence of some powerful drug.

  • Tom has apparently been crying.

  • That's perfectly obvious.

  • Tom apparently agreed to do that.

  • It's so obvious now. How could I have missed it?

  • I obviously did something wrong, but I don't know what.

  • Tom is merely stating the obvious.

  • Tom has apparently been doing that.

  • Tom has apparently changed his mind.

  • Tom obviously doesn't need the money.

  • Tom is apparently responsible for that.

Of­fen­bar übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: offenbar. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2024, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: offenbar. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2024, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 1624001, 1848916, 1857932, 1947981, 2011252, 2063738, 2481180, 2599807, 2789978, 3449644, 3449797, 3563747, 3945653, 4087631, 4239183, 4310515, 4935941, 5845462, 5867059, 6087014, 6736253, 6736254, 7302844, 7636203, 7712189, 7841717, 8099116, 10561032, 11113368, 11672395, 11890211, 12166861, 6655703, 6620671, 6710902, 6533693, 6508484, 6825835, 6837372, 6841156, 6419395, 6957565, 6350661, 6964653, 6349136, 7004622, 6298028, 6258820, 6256672, 6254195, 6251182 & 6247210. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR