Was heißt »Ma­na­ger« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv Ma­na­ger lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • manager

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Ich möchte den Manager sprechen.

I want to see the manager.

Sie beschwerte sich beim Manager, dass der Service schlecht sei.

She complained to the manager about the service.

Der Manager lobte seine Verdienste.

The manager complimented him on his achievement.

Der Manager kümmert sich um viele Probleme.

The manager deals with many problems.

Der Manager des Teams legte plötzlich sein Amt nieder.

The manager of the team quit suddenly.

Die Angestellten stimmten über den Vorschlag des Managers ab.

The employees voted on the manager's proposal.

Sie ernannten ihn zum Manager.

They appointed him manager.

Der Manager schlug vor, dass ich mit ihm zum Flughafen gehe.

The manager suggested that I go with him to the airport.

Einige Manager murrten wegen seiner Bestellung zum Präsidenten.

Some managers murmured at his appointment as president.

Ich möchte mit dem Manager über den Zeitplan sprechen.

I want to talk with the manager about the schedule.

Wird Herr Ozawa der nächste Manager sein?

Is Mr Ozawa going to be the next manager?

Mein Onkel ist der Manager dieses Hotels.

My uncle is the manager of this hotel.

Der Manager gab sich selbst die Schuld an dem Versagen.

The manager blamed himself for the failure.

Wer ist der Manager dieser Baseballmannschaft?

Who is the manager of that baseball team?

Who's the manager of that baseball team?

Der Manager der Baseballmannschaft ist sehr streng. Er hat die Spieler gut im Griff.

The manager of the baseball team is very strict. He is good at keeping the players in hand.

Er hat das Team verlassen, da er sich nicht mit dem Manager verstand.

He left his team as he could not get along with the manager.

Sein Manager steht hinter ihm.

His manager is behind him.

Wie heißt dein Manager?

What's your manager's name?

Der Manager verlieh ihm eine Trophäe.

The manager bestowed a trophy on him.

Tom ist ein sehr guter Manager.

Tom is a very good manager.

Tom wurde Manager.

Tom became a manager.

Ich bin kein Manager.

I'm not a manager.

Ich bin der neue Manager.

I'm the new manager.

Kann ich den Manager sprechen?

Can I speak to the manager?

Ich möchte mit dem Manager sprechen.

I want to talk to the manager.

Tom ist ein wirklich guter Manager.

Tom is a really good manager.

Tom ist ein guter Manager.

Tom is a good manager.

Du bist ein schrecklicher Manager.

You're a terrible manager.

Ich arbeite als Manager.

I work as a manager.

Es wird Zeit, dass der Manager entlassen wird.

It's about time the manager was removed.

Der Manager stand in der Tür.

The manager stood at the door.

Wer ist der Manager?

Who's the manager?

Weibliche Wortform


senior vice president
handle bar



Englische Beispielsätze

  • Ever since he was promoted to manager, Tom has been on a power trip.

  • Why was Birmingham City's manager sacked?

  • "If in doubt, kick it out" – that's what the manager always told us.

  • When will the manager be back?

  • Football manager and former player Iain Dowie coined the word 'bouncebackability'.

  • The computer told the productivity manager that Steve wasn't working hard enough.

  • Once again, his manager gave him a dressing-down in front of the whole team.

  • You're the manager, not me.

  • Tom has just been promoted to manager.

  • The manager led his team to victory.

  • Tom just got promoted to manager.

  • The club have sacked their manager only 14 games into the season.

  • The club have sacked their manager.

  • The fans all hope the club will change the manager.

  • The fans all hope the club changes the manager.

  • Karen would like to talk to the manager.

  • Tom has been on a power trip since he was promoted to manager.

  • The manager was pleased with the victory against Germany and emphasized that the German goalkeeper's sending off changed the course of the game.

  • The manager gives them instructions.

  • The manager is giving them instructions.

Übergeordnete Begriffe

person in authority
person in charge
person in power
person responsible

Untergeordnete Begriffe

boot loader
password manager
top executive
top manager

Ma­na­ger übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Manager. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: Manager. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2024, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 370907, 449545, 514717, 667397, 676469, 701960, 706125, 768971, 768975, 1097744, 1734734, 1821974, 2323793, 2357816, 2357818, 4517321, 5773753, 5819165, 7590010, 8910710, 10060350, 10060370, 10060373, 10060389, 10060411, 10060422, 10060425, 10060455, 10060482, 10712010, 11962719, 12407619, 12188686, 12105970, 12078961, 11952990, 11797151, 11252444, 11193485, 11160027, 11070973, 10840856, 10621304, 10478160, 10478159, 10106823, 10106822, 10039702, 9510415, 9182473, 8888165 & 8888163. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR