Was heißt »Di­rek­tor« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv Di­rek­tor lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • manager
  • senior vice president
  • headmaster
  • principal
  • director

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Sie ernannten ihn zum Direktor.

They appointed him as a director.

Was für eine Marke und Farbe hat das Auto des Direktors?

The colour and make of the president's car are?

Ein neuer Direktor leitet die Schule.

A new principal is administering the school.

A new headteacher is in charge of the school.

Er ist Direktor und sollte wie ein solcher behandelt werden.

He is a director, and should be treated as such.

Ich beschwere mich beim Direktor.

I am complaining to the principal.

Stimmt es, dass du dich beim Direktor beschwert hast?

Is it true that you complained to the principal?

Herr White war Direktor eines Hotels in Springfield.

Mr. White was the manager of a hotel in Springfield.

Ich verbrachte drei Jahre damit, einen guten Direktor zu suchen, konnte aber keinen finden.

I spent three years looking for a good director, but couldn't find one.

Man bot ihm den Posten des Direktors an.

He was offered the position of headmaster.

They offered him the position of headmaster.

He was offered the position of head teacher.

They offered him the position of head teacher.

They offered him the position of school head.

He was offered the position of school head.

Er war keine drei Jahre bei der Firma angestellt, ehe er Direktor wurde.

He had not been employed by the company three years before he become a director.

Der Direktor schloss Tom für zwei Tage vom Unterricht aus.

The school principal suspended Tom for two days.

Es war Missmanagement in der Geschäftsführung durch den stellvertretenden Direktor.

It was mismanagement of the company's affairs by the acting director.

Der Angestellte machte der Tochter des Direktors einen Heiratsantrag, wurde aber abgewiesen.

The salaryman proposed to the director's daughter, but he was rejected.

Wir waren alle über Herrn Brauns Ernennung zum Direktor überrascht.

We were all surprised at the appointment of Mr Brown as director.

Er ist ein talentierter junger Direktor.

He is a talented young director.

Der Direktor tadelte die Schüler streng, wenn diese den Flur in Unordnung gebracht hatten.

The principal severely reproved the students whenever they made a mess in the hallway.

Tom und Maria mussten zum Direktor, weil sie im Unterricht Zettelchen ausgetauscht hatten.

Tom and Mary were sent to the principal's office for passing notes in class.

Tom and Mary were sent to the head teacher's office for swapping notes in class.

Der Direktor ließ Tom in sein Arbeitszimmer kommen.

The principal called Tom into his office.

Der Direktor möchte euch in seinem Büro sprechen.

The director wants to see you in his office.

Tom wurde zum Direktor ernannt.

Tom was appointed manager.

Kann ich mit dem Direktor sprechen?

Can I speak with the director?

Can I speak to the director?

Der Direktor ließ Maria zu sich ins Büro kommen.

The principal called Mary into his office.

Der Direktor unserer Schule ist sehr alt.

Our school's headmaster is very old.

Weibliche Wortform


Englische Beispielsätze

  • Who's your favourite film director?

  • Ever since he was promoted to manager, Tom has been on a power trip.

  • The teacher is with the headmaster.

  • Why was Birmingham City's manager sacked?

  • "If in doubt, kick it out" – that's what the manager always told us.

  • When will the manager be back?

  • He must be the headmaster.

  • Tom was sent to the headmaster's office today.

  • Football manager and former player Iain Dowie coined the word 'bouncebackability'.

  • "The director general is expecting you." "Why's that?" "I don't know."

  • In this production, the director didn't succeed in translating the novel to the stage.

  • This director doesn't know anything about acting.

  • The computer told the productivity manager that Steve wasn't working hard enough.

  • Once again, his manager gave him a dressing-down in front of the whole team.

  • You're the manager, not me.

  • Tom has just been promoted to manager.

  • The principal noticed that.

  • The manager led his team to victory.

  • Who was the director of this film?

  • Tom just got promoted to manager.

Übergeordnete Begriffe


Untergeordnete Begriffe

zoo director

Di­rek­tor übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Direktor. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 360647, 414199, 843694, 1488281, 1709381, 1731381, 1771450, 1779108, 1968499, 2102359, 2133385, 2195666, 2720602, 2746416, 2907733, 5068127, 5770249, 7280867, 7557258, 7592074, 9176251, 10471185, 11761587, 12402459, 12188686, 12150079, 12105970, 12078961, 11952990, 11926779, 11926753, 11797151, 11785298, 11621384, 11471148, 11252444, 11193485, 11160027, 11070973, 11050741, 10840856, 10775679 & 10621304. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR