Was heißt »ver­blüf­fen« auf Englisch?

Das Verb »ver­blüf­fen« lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • amaze
  • baffle
  • stun
  • flabbergast
  • astound
  • confound
  • stump
  • fox
  • stupefy
  • nonplus
  • bewilder
  • flummox
  • puzzle
  • dumbfound
  • perplex
  • floor
  • bamboozle
  • mystify
  • bluff
  • consternate
  • buffalo

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Ich bin verblüfft.

I am dumbfounded.

Ausländer verblüffen mich.

Foreigners astound me.

Die Frage hat mich total verblüfft.

The question foxed me completely.

"Wie habe sie es geschafft, eine Aktenmappe in Ihrer Tasche unterzubringen?!" fragte die Frau verblüfft.

"How did you fit a briefcase into your pocket?!" the woman asked, stunned.

„Dritter Wunsch?“ fragte der alte Mann verblüfft. „Wie kann es der dritte sein, wenn ich keinen ersten und zweiten hatte?“

"Third wish?" The man was baffled. "How can it be a third wish if I haven't had a first and second wish?"

Ihre Verantwortungslosigkeit verblüfft mich.

I'm surprised by her lack of responsability.

Yoko tanze mit einer Grazie, die uns verblüffte.

Yoko danced with a grace that surprised us.

Das unerwartete Ergebnis verblüffte ihn.

He was perplexed at the unexpected result.

Halb verblüfft, halb bekümmert, brachte sie kein Wort heraus.

Between astonishment and sorrow, she could not speak a word.

Er verblüffte alle mit dem Bestehen seiner Fahrprüfung.

He amazed everyone by passing his driving test.

Der Erfolg des Unternehmens verblüffte alle.

The success of the enterprise astonished everybody.

Wir sind verblüfft.

We're baffled.

Wenn du sie nicht durch Geschicklichkeit beeindrucken kannst, dann verblüffe sie mit Blödsinn.

If you can't impress them with skill, impress them with idiocy.

Als er hereinkam, war ich zu verblüfft und überrascht, um irgendwas zu sagen.

When he came in, I was too stupefied and surprised to say anything.

Tom war verblüfft.

Tom was flabbergasted.

Tom was stunned.

Tom was baffled.

Tom was mystified.

Ich bin von dir verblüfft.

I'm surprised at you.

Tom ist verblüfft.

Tom's amazed.

Sein plötzlicher Stimmungswandel hat mich völlig verblüfft.

I was completely bewildered by his sudden change of mood.

Ich war völlig verblüfft.

I was totally dumbfounded.

Er war zu verblüfft, um zu antworten.

He was too flummoxed to reply.

He was too gobsmacked to reply.

He was too astonished to reply.

Du warst verblüfft.

You were astonished.

You were gobsmacked.

Tom scheint verblüfft zu sein.

Tom seems stunned.

Tom sieht verblüfft aus.

Tom appears stunned.

Tom schien verblüfft zu sein.

Tom appeared to be bewildered.

Tom schaut verblüfft.

Tom looks stunned.

Tom verblüffte uns mit seinem makellosen Französisch.

Tom's flawless French astonished us.

We were taken aback by Tom's perfect French.

Sami war verblüfft.

Sami was flabbergasted.

Layla war verblüfft.

Layla was stunned.

Er war verblüfft.

He was perplexed.

Wir waren verblüfft.

We were dumbfounded.

Ich war verblüfft.

I was flabbergasted.

I was dumbfounded.

I was gobsmacked.

Wir waren ganz verblüfft.

We were flabbergasted.


take by surprise
make insecure
make uncertain
make unsure
be surprised


Englische Beispielsätze

  • "I peeped through Jack's living-room window. There were empty bottles on the table and all over the floor. I think he's back on the booze." "His dog died a few weeks ago."

  • The sunglasses fell to the floor.

  • A fire broke out on the ground floor.

  • My office is on another floor.

  • Someone's sleeping on the floor tonight.

  • My office is on the second floor.

  • You can't floor it through here, Tom! We're in a 30 zone!

  • You can't floor the accelerator through here, Tom! We're in a 30 zone!

  • My flat is on the seventeenth floor. The bedroom and living room both face south.

  • "The lifts are out of order. We'll have to take the stairs." "To the fourteenth floor? Oh. Nice one."

  • "The lifts are out of order. We've got to take the stairs." "To the fourteenth floor? Oh, fandabidozi."

  • His office is on the seventh floor.

  • Music, books and the dance floor are some of life's great means of escape.

  • There wasn't a lift in the building, so we had to go up the stairs to the fourth floor.

  • There was no lift in the building, so we had to take the stairs to the fourth floor.

  • Whose rooms are on the first floor?

  • The other lift only stops on the second floor.

  • I wouldn't want to live in a flat on the top floor.

  • None of us dared to take the lift to the top floor.

  • None of us dared take the lift to the top floor.

Verblüffen übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: verblüffen. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Synonyme] OpenThesaurus-User: verblüffen. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2023, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Beispielübersetzungen] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 513171, 714640, 747710, 784470, 940064, 1146897, 1513817, 1863019, 1890441, 1928524, 2290131, 2447232, 2630139, 3284413, 3361288, 3982670, 4417674, 4471273, 4553775, 4823033, 5319772, 5861856, 5861860, 5866989, 6619000, 7079776, 7246364, 7696820, 8839743, 10083864, 10083869, 10083877, 11524607, 11456100, 11444277, 11406650, 11396627, 11359127, 11327895, 11327894, 11327736, 11252506, 11252504, 11235375, 11232039, 11205469, 11205468, 11205454, 11205318, 11201133, 11180375 & 11180372. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR