Was heißt »scher­zen« auf Englisch?

Das Verb scher­zen lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • joke

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Der Lehrer scherzte, als er sagte, dass sie 90 Jahre alt wäre.

The teacher joked that she was 90 years old.

Ich scherze nicht.

I kid you not.

I'm not joking.

Hör nicht auf mich, ich scherze nur.

Don't listen to me, I'm just kidding.

Sie scherzte nie über unsere Beziehung, sondern besprach sie mit mir in ernsthafter Weise.

She never joked about our relationship, but talked about it to me in a serious manner.

Ich scherze nicht!

I'm not kidding!

Ihr beliebt wohl zu scherzen.

You must be joking!

Du beliebst wohl zu scherzen!

You have got to be joking!

Du scherzt, oder?

You're kidding, right?

Sie belieben zu scherzen, nehme ich an?

You have got to be kidding.

Ihr beliebt wohl zu scherzen!

You're joking!

Wer scherzt?

Who's joking?

Er scherzt immer herum.

He is always joking.

He's always joking.

Anfangs glaubte ich, Tom scherze.

At first, I thought Tom was joking.

Ich dachte erst, er scherze.

At first, I thought he was joking.

Anfangs glaubte ich, sie scherze.

At first, I thought she was joking.

Tom scherzt nicht.

Tom isn't joking.

Tom glaubte, Maria scherze.

Tom thought Mary was kidding.

Er hat das nicht ernst gemeint. Er scherzte.

He didn't mean that seriously. He was joking.

Tom war sich nicht sicher, ob Maria scherzte.

Tom couldn't tell if Mary was joking.

Ich scherze nie über Geld.

I never joke about money.

Tom glaubte, Maria scherze nur, aber dem war nicht so.

Tom thought Mary was just kidding, but she was not.

Tom thought Mary was just kidding, but she wasn't.

Tom thought that Mary was just kidding, but she wasn't.

„Ich kann Litauisch verstehen; ich kann es sogar ein bisschen lesen, aber ich schreibe wie ein Pferd“, scherzte Inga.

?I can understand Lithuanian; I can even read it a little, but I write like a horse,” Inga joked.

Ich scherze nur.

I'm just teasing.

Tom scherzte mit seinen Freunden herum.

Tom was joking around with his friends.

Ich hoffe, sie scherzt.

I hope she's joking.

Dies ist nicht der richtige Moment, um zu scherzen.

This is no time to be joking.

Der Pilot scherzt mit der Stewardess.

The pilot jokes with the stewardess.


jeer at
laugh at
make fun of
fool around
talk nonsense
laugh at

Englische Beispielsätze

  • Is that a joke, Tom? Or are you taking the piss now?

  • Shouting "fire" in a crowded theater is not a practical joke.

  • Our boss didn't find Tom's practical joke funny.

  • That was a joke, of course.

  • I reckon that was a joke.

  • No joke?

  • I suppose it's just a joke.

  • Jack laughed at Christina's joke; the others all just shook their heads blankly.

  • I suppose it was a joke.

  • You didn't get the joke.

  • "I thought Tom's joke was really funny." "I didn't, and I don't think Mary did, either."

  • The whole class began to laugh at his joke.

  • The joke appeared not to go down well with Sarkozy.

  • Hundreds of motorists stopped in the middle of the road to look at a supposed UFO. It was Tom flying by in a saucer-shaped hot-air balloon to play an April Fool's joke.

  • The pay here is a joke.

  • I wish it were all a joke.

  • That's nothing to joke about.

  • Unfortunately it's not a joke, but the sad reality.

  • Tell me a typical Japanese joke.

  • Tom's joke was hilarious.

Scher­zen übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: scherzen. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: scherzen. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2024, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 767188, 903455, 922048, 1225346, 1402056, 1547442, 2030497, 2083491, 2162558, 2204184, 2204205, 2299695, 6146971, 6358903, 6385161, 6618988, 6724924, 7422656, 8462431, 8799047, 9089154, 9594291, 9998848, 10000216, 11932512, 11958571, 12035306, 12397938, 12381088, 12381087, 12259876, 12259867, 12013202, 11926820, 11917866, 11903854, 11875815, 11742844, 11690750, 11630672, 11563178, 11563147, 11259570, 11229774, 11222682, 11165858 & 11135042. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR