Was heißt »stor­nie­ren« auf Englisch?

Das Verb stor­nie­ren lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • cancel
  • reverse

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Ich stornierte meine Hotelreservation.

I canceled my hotel reservation.

I cancelled my hotel booking.

Wir müssen unsere Reise nach Japan stornieren.

We have to cancel our trip to Japan.

Bitte stornieren Sie meine Bestellung und schicken Sie mir darüber eine Bestätigung.

Please cancel my order and send confirmation that this has been done.

Tom stornierte seine Hotelreservierung.

Tom canceled his hotel reservation.

Kann ich dieses Ticket stornieren?

Can I cancel this ticket?

Da gibt es nichts zu stornieren.

There is nothing to cancel.

Tom stornierte seine Reise.

Tom canceled his trip.

Sehen wir mal, ob wir unsere Reservierung stornieren können.

Let's see if we can cancel our reservation.

Ich möchte meine Reservierung stornieren.

I'd like to cancel my reservation.

I'd like to cancel my booking.

Ich musste die Bestellung stornieren, weil mir das Geld zur Bezahlung fehlte.

I had to cancel that order because we didn't have enough money to pay for it.

Alle Flüge wurden wegen des Unwetters storniert.

All flights have been cancelled due to the storm.

Du brauchst deinen Urlaub nicht zu stornieren.

You don't need to cancel your holiday.

You needn't cancel your holiday.

Unser Flug wurde storniert.

Our flight was canceled.

Our flight was cancelled.

Our flight has been cancelled.

Ich möchte meine Bestellung stornieren.

I'd like to cancel my order.

Ich musste die Bestellung stornieren, weil wir nicht genug Geld hatten.

I had to cancel the order because we didn't have enough money.

Können Sie meine Reservierung stornieren?

Could you cancel my reservation?

Could you cancel my booking?

Können Sie unsere Reservierung stornieren?

Could you cancel our booking?

Sie stornierte ihre Hotelreservation.

She cancelled her hotel booking.

Er stornierte seine Hotelreservation.

He cancelled his hotel booking.


exclude by convention
pick up
disembark (to disembark (a train))
get off (to get off (a vehicle))
get out (to get out of (a vehicle))
give notice
put out
pay off

Englische Beispielsätze

  • Tom used reverse psychology.

  • Mary used reverse psychology on Tom.

  • Heavy snowfall in Istanbul has forced Turkish Airlines to cancel over 600 flights.

  • I think the reverse would be more appropriate.

  • They had to cancel the trip.

  • I need to cancel my reservation.

  • We need to cancel the meeting.

  • Why don't we just cancel the meeting?

  • He should cancel his party.

  • Tom decided to cancel his trip to Boston for fear of another heart attack.

  • I can't cancel on him.

  • An epicanthal fold, as is found among many peoples of East Asia, can be surgically removed. The reverse procedure is not possible.

  • You shouldn't cancel the meeting.

  • You should cancel your trip.

  • Should I cancel my trip to Asia?

  • My husband and I, we have drifted apart, and now we don't know how to reverse the process.

  • I put my car in reverse.

  • I hereby cancel my subscription to the newspaper, within the deadline, effective immediately.

  • Should I cancel my business trip to LA?

  • In reverse order tonight.

Stor­nie­ren übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: stornieren. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: stornieren. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2024, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 474478, 1000666, 1511872, 2613886, 2788148, 2926060, 3770181, 4948428, 5328423, 5805672, 6587724, 7295743, 7319900, 8127913, 8871312, 8876966, 8876967, 9942669, 9942670, 6063744, 6063745, 5752688, 5375174, 5133412, 6971429, 4707808, 4663929, 7386093, 7937802, 3911420, 3470039, 3415274, 3405210, 8592512, 3135094, 8888374, 2725625, 2705679 & 2698850. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR