Das Adjektiv sonderlich lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Außer seinen Eltern kennt ihn niemand sonderlich gut.
Apart from his parents, no one knows him very well.
Mein Vater hat mir eine Uhr gekauft, die mir nicht sonderlich gefällt.
My father bought me a watch, which I don't like very much.
Die Jungfernfahrt der Titanic verlief nicht sonderlich gut.
The Titanic's maiden voyage didn't go so well.
Sie war keine sonderlich gute Klavierspielerin.
She was not a very good pianist.
Er ist ein netter Mensch, aber nicht sonderlich klug.
He is a nice person, to be sure, but not very clever.
Das ist nicht sonderlich beruhigend.
That's not very reassuring.
Tom gefiel nicht sonderlich, was er sah.
Tom didn't much like what he saw.
Keiner seiner Ratschläge war sonderlich von Nutzen.
None of his advice was very useful.
Ich mag ihn nicht sonderlich. Ehrlich gesagt, hasse ich ihn.
I don't like him very much. To tell you the truth, I hate him.
Ich singe nicht sonderlich gut.
I can't sing very well.
Das ist keine sonderlich lustige Geschichte.
That's not a very funny story.
Es gefiel mir nicht sonderlich.
I didn't like it much.
Ich bin nicht sonderlich sportlich.
I'm not very athletic.
Ich bin an diesem Ereignis nicht sonderlich interessiert.
I'm not overly interested in the event.
I'm not too interested in the event.
Das gefiel ihm nicht sonderlich.
He didn't like that very much.
Sie sieht nicht sonderlich glücklich aus.
She doesn't look very happy.
Denke daran, dass Tom nicht sonderlich gut Französisch spricht!
Keep in mind that Tom doesn't speak French very well.
Du warst nie sonderlich gut in Mathe.
You were never very good at math.
You were never very good at maths.
You were never much cop at maths.
You were never particularly good at maths.
Es gefällt mir in dieser Gegend nicht sonderlich.
I don't like this neighborhood much.
Meine Mutter mag unseren Nachbarn nicht sonderlich.
My mother doesn't care for our neighbor very much.
Du kennst mich nicht sonderlich gut, nicht wahr?
You don't know me very well, do you?
Ich mag ihn nicht sonderlich. Eigentlich hasse ich ihn.
I don't like him much, in fact I hate him.
Tom scheint nicht sonderlich religiös zu sein.
Tom doesn't appear to be very religious.
Tom und Mary waren nicht sonderlich freundlich zu mir.
Tom and Mary weren't particularly kind to me.
Tom mag Maria nicht sonderlich.
Tom doesn't like Mary very much.
Tom doesn't like Mary much.
Der Stift schreibt nicht sonderlich gut.
This pen doesn't write too well.
Sie scheinen sich hier nicht sonderlich wohlzufühlen.
They don't seem to feel particularly at home here.
They don't seem to feel especially at home here.
Tom mochte mich nicht sonderlich.
Tom didn't like me very much.
Ehrlich gesagt, mag ich sie nicht sonderlich.
To tell the truth, I don't really like her.
Wir kommen nicht sonderlich gut miteinander aus.
We don't get along very well with each other.
Ich mag sie nicht sonderlich.
I don't really like her.
Ich mag ihn zwar nicht sonderlich, aber ich wünsche ihm auch nichts Schlechtes.
I don't particularly like him, but I don't wish him any harm.
Diese Regeln sind nicht sonderlich klar.
These rules are not very clear.
These rules aren't very clear.
Tom mag dich nicht sonderlich.
Tom doesn't like you very much.
Obwohl Tom die Idee nicht für sonderlich sinnvoll hielt, sagte er, dass er es einmal versuchen würde.
Even though Tom thought the idea didn't make much sense, he said he'd give it a go.
Ich kann ganz gut Chinesisch lesen, es aber nicht sonderlich gut schreiben.
I can read Chinese fairly well, but I can't write it very well.
Tom machte eine Menge Vorschläge, aber keiner dieser war sonderlich gut.
Tom made a lot of suggestions, but none of them were very good.
Ich bin nicht sonderlich überrascht.
I'm not too surprised.
Das hat mich nicht sonderlich überrascht.
That doesn't surprise me much.
Ich war nicht sonderlich nervös.
I didn't feel particularly nervous.
Es ist zwar billig, doch die Qualität ist nicht von sonderlicher Güte.
It's cheap, but the quality isn't that good.
Tom ist nun mal kein sonderlich guter Tänzer.
Tom is just not very good at dancing.
Du magst Tom nicht sonderlich, oder?
You don't like Tom much, do you?
Sie mögen Tom nicht sonderlich, oder?
You don't like Tom very much, do you?
Ich weiß, dass die meisten hier mich nicht sonderlich gern haben.
I know that most people here don't like me very much.
Ich bin nicht sonderlich durstig.
I'm not really very thirsty.
Tom mochte Maria nie sonderlich leiden.
Tom never liked Mary very much.
Kosmischer Staub mag nicht sonderlich gefährlich scheinen, aber selbst ein winziges Objekt kann Verletzungen verursachen, wenn es sich viele Male schneller als eine Gewehrkugel bewegt.
Space dust may not sound very dangerous, but when even a tiny object is moving many times faster than a bullet, it can cause injury.
Sie erzählen dir, du würdest das Gedächtnis verlieren, wenn du älter wirst. Was sie dir nicht sagen: du wirst es nicht sonderlich vermissen.
They tell you that you'll lose your mind when you grow older. What they don't tell you is that you won't miss it very much.
Es schien Tom nicht sonderlich schwerzufallen, Maria zu überzeugen.
Tom didn't seem to be having any trouble convincing Mary.
Tom scheint dich nicht sonderlich leiden zu mögen.
Tom doesn't seem to like you very much.
Ich mag Tom nicht sonderlich.
I don't like Tom so much.
I don't like Tom very much.
Tom schien nicht sonderlich krank zu sein.
Tom didn't seem to be very sick.
Tom hat nicht sonderlich viele Freunde in Boston.
Tom doesn't have very many friends in Boston.
Das gefiel Tom nicht sonderlich.
Tom didn't like that very much.
Maria hält sich nicht für sonderlich gut im Französischen.
Mary says she doesn't think she's very good at French.
Das ist nicht sonderlich überzeugend.
That's not very convincing.
Tom schien nicht sonderlich besorgt zu sein.
Tom didn't sound particularly concerned.
Tom hat zwar viel Geld, aber nicht sonderlich viele Freunde.
Tom has a lot of money, but not very many friends.
Ich bin nicht sonderlich nervös.
I don't feel particularly nervous.
Maria war nicht sonderlich beeindruckt.
Mary wasn't that impressed.
Tom kann nicht sonderlich gut Tennis spielen.
Tom can't play tennis very well.
Tom isn't very good at tennis.
Tom isn't a very good tennis player.
Tom isn't a good tennis player.
Tom doesn't play tennis very well.
Tom ist kein sonderlich guter Arbeiter.
Tom isn't a very good worker.
Es gefiel Tom nicht sonderlich.
Tom didn't like it very much.
Es war kein sonderlich interessantes Spiel.
It wasn't a very exciting game.
Tom ist nicht sonderlich gesellig, nicht wahr?
Tom isn't very sociable, is he?
Das war keine sonderlich nette Äußerung.
That wasn't a very nice thing to say.
Tom mag uns nicht sonderlich.
Tom doesn't like us very much.
Ich mag Tom immer noch nicht sonderlich.
I still don't like Tom very much.
Das kommt mir nicht sonderlich logisch vor.
That doesn't seem particularly logical to me.
Ich bin nicht sonderlich erpicht darauf, mir das anzusehen.
I don't particularly want to see it.
In diesem Stadtteil kennen die sich nicht sonderlich gut aus.
They don't know this part of town very well.
Er kennt sich in diesem Teil der Stadt nicht sonderlich gut aus.
He doesn't know this part of town very well.
Du scheinst nicht sonderlich erfreut zu sein.
You don't seem particularly pleased.
Ich habe dich nie sonderlich gemocht.
I've never liked you much.
Tom ist nicht sonderlich gut darin, auf Bäume zu klettern.
When she was young, Anna was not considered to have any special talent for languages; later, however, with a great deal of passion and diligence, she developed her skills considerably.
Tom appeared to have a particular fondness for squirrels.
With a host of special offers, Tom is hoping to attract new customers to his shop.
With a host of special offers, Tom is hoping to entice new customers into his shop.
With a host of special offers, Tom hopes to attract new custom to his shop.
Tom is hoping to attract new custom to his shop with the help of a host of special offers.
Mary buys a special shampoo for dry hair.
She didn't come for any particular reason.
Send the letter by special delivery, because that's the only way it'll arrive on time.
AlphaZero is very particular about its openings – it only plays the best of the best, and how it approaches them has led to new advancements in opening theory.
What's your most special dish?
He prayed that the current health crisis be overcome and that the necessary health care and vaccines in particular be provided to those who need them most.
"Have you got any special plans this year?" "No, not really." "So you're just waiting for whatever comes your way?"
She's special.
I don't think we've got a particular word for that.