Was heißt »her­kom­men« auf Englisch?

Das Verb her­kom­men lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • come

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Er muss um sechs Uhr herkommen.

He has to be here at six.

He needs to be here at six o'clock.

He has to be here at six o'clock.

Du musst nur herkommen.

You have only to come here.

Warum bist du heute hergekommen?

Why did you come here today?

Ich bin einfach hergekommen.

I have just come here.

Das ist der Grund, warum ich hergekommen bin.

This is the reason I came here.

This is the reason why I came here.

Wozu bist du hergekommen?

What did you come here for?

Sag ihm, dass er sofort herkommen soll!

Tell him to come here at once.

Gehe einfach wieder dahin zurück, wo du hergekommen bist!

Just go back to where you came from.

Danke, dass du hergekommen bist!

Thanks for coming over.

Tom ist letzte Woche hier hergekommen.

Tom came here last week.

Warum bist du heute Morgen hergekommen?

Why did you come here this morning?

Why have you come here this morning?

Kannst du mal kurz herkommen?

Can you come here for a minute?

Can you come here a second?

Er konnte nicht erkennen, wo es hergekommen war.

He did not realize where it had come from.

Zunächst einmal hätten Sie nicht herkommen sollen.

You shouldn't have come here to begin with.

Wie bist du so schnell hergekommen?

How did you get here so fast?

Bist du allein hergekommen?

Did you come here alone?

Ich bin nicht die Einzige, die früh hergekommen ist.

I'm not the only one who got here early.

Bist du zum Streiten hergekommen?

Did you come here to argue?

Ich bin nicht hergekommen, um über meine Probleme zu reden.

I didn't come here to talk about my problems.

Deswegen bin ich hergekommen.

That is why I came here.

That's why I came here.

Wir wissen, warum du hergekommen bist.

We know why you came here.

Würden Sie bitte mal herkommen?

Would you please come over here?

Wir sollten öfter herkommen.

We should come here more often.

Wir sind hergekommen, als unser Vater im Ausland gearbeitet hat.

We came here when our father was working abroad.

Du sagtest mir, ich solle herkommen.

You told me to come here.

Ich bin hier, weil mir gesagt wurde, ich solle herkommen.

I'm here because I was told to come here.

Könntest du morgen um halb drei wieder herkommen?

Could you come back here again tomorrow at 2:30?

Could you come back here tomorrow at 2.30?

Could you come back here tomorrow at half two?

Could you come back here tomorrow at half past two?

Deswegen bin ich nicht hergekommen.

That's not what I came here for.

Du musst so schnell wie möglich herkommen.

You need to get here as soon as you can.

Ich bin froh, dass ich pünktlich hergekommen bin.

I'm glad I got here on time.

Warum seid ihr hergekommen?

What have you come here for?

Why did you come here?

Warum ist Tom nicht selbst hergekommen?

Why didn't Tom come here himself?

Kannst du herkommen?

Can you come here?

Ich weiß nicht, wo dieser Kerl hergekommen ist. Er ist einfach aus dem Nichts aufgetaucht.

I do not know where that guy came from. He just popped up out of nowhere.

Wollen Sie noch eine zweite Meinung einholen? Ich kann jetzt sofort noch einen anderen Arzt herkommen lassen.

Do you want a second opinion? I can get another doctor to come here right away.

Tom darf hier immer gerne herkommen.

Tom is always welcome here.

„Komm und sag mir, wer du bist“, sprach jene, „und wie du hergekommen bist.“

"Come and tell me who you are," said she, "and how came you here."

Ich hätte nicht herkommen sollen – es tut mir leid!

I shouldn't have come here. I'm sorry.

Warum bist du hergekommen?

Why have you come here?

Ich weiß nicht, wo sie herkommen.

I don't know where they're from.

Ich hoffe, es hat dich zu dieser nachtschlafenden Zeit niemand herkommen sehen.

I hope no one saw you coming here at this hour of the night.

Könntest du morgen um 2.30 Uhr wieder herkommen?

Would you be able to come back here tomorrow at 2:30?

Könnt ihr bitte einen Augenblick herkommen?

Can you come here a minute, please?

Ich bin hergekommen, um Französisch zu lernen.

I've come here to study French.

Tom sagte, ich solle herkommen.

Tom told me to come here.

Wissen Sie, warum ich hier hergekommen bin?

Do you know the reason I came here?

Kannst du dir nicht einen Ruck geben und herkommen? Papa wird doch am Samstag 75, und du fehlst ihm.

Can't you just pull yourself together and get here? Dad will be 75 on Saturday, and he misses you.

Can't you get a grip of yourself and come over? Dad's 75 on Saturday, and he's missing you.

Ich bin hergekommen, weil ich mit dir sprechen wollte.

I came here because I wanted to talk to you.

Tom ist schon vor Tagesanbruch hergekommen.

Tom got here before sunrise.

Tom arrived here before sunrise.

Tom arrived here before dawn.

Tom arrived here before daybreak.

Warum ist sie so früh hergekommen?

Why did she come here so early?

Ich bin nicht zum Reden hergekommen.

I didn't come here to talk.

Tom soll sofort herkommen!

Ask Tom to come immediately.

Tom ist hergekommen, um dich zu besuchen.

Tom came here to see you.

Geh dahin zurück, wo du hergekommen bist!

Go back to where you came from.

Sind Sie mit dem Auto hergekommen?

Did you come here by car?

Chris wird herkommen.

Chris will come here.

Wir hätten gar nicht erst herkommen dürfen.

We shouldn't have come here in the first place.

Immer mehr Verbraucher interessieren sich dafür, wo Lebensmittel herkommen.

More and more consumers are taking an interest in where their food comes from.

Consumers are increasingly interested in where their food comes from.

Ich weiß nicht, wo der hergekommen ist.

I don't know where this one came from.

Könnten Sie nicht herkommen?

Couldn't you come here?


be due to
come from
come on
take place
be approaching
be imminent

Englische Beispielsätze

  • Why didn't you come, then?

  • So why didn't you come?

  • If you go left here and then take the first right, you'll come to a T-junction.

  • I'd like to come too, but I've got no money, so I can't.

  • I'd like to come too, but I'm skint, so I can't.

  • I'd like her to come with me.

  • I'd like to come at nine.

  • I'll stay with Tom until you come back.

  • I might come tomorrow.

  • Maybe I'll come tomorrow.

  • It's a pity you didn't come with us.

  • "Hey," said Mary, stopping to speak as she passed Tom's table, "would you like to come and sit with us?" "That's very kind of you," replied Tom, getting up from his seat to join them.

  • How come Tom finds it so easy to learn languages?

  • How come learning languages is so easy for Tom?

  • I am not sure when he will come next time.

  • Another opportunity will come along.

  • He's come down in the world.

  • "Where are you from?" "I come from Algeria."

  • Tom hopes Mary doesn't come back.

  • "Tom's sitting down there." "It's a free country." "Don't you want to go and speak to him? He's definitely waiting for you." "Then he can keep waiting. If he wants something, he can come here."

Her­kom­men übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: herkommen. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: herkommen. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2024, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 359581, 642306, 1164873, 1227855, 1275480, 1735415, 1824575, 1890143, 1902273, 1919389, 2001221, 2175135, 2308558, 2311328, 2315625, 2448357, 2498107, 2969062, 3012065, 3042689, 3169899, 3608884, 3834092, 3857589, 4182605, 4561110, 4701103, 4895134, 5200233, 5246955, 5363009, 5517068, 5649319, 5771005, 5805579, 5812138, 6460883, 6479646, 6641936, 6643838, 7361252, 7423930, 7730917, 7794042, 7839357, 7866861, 8160988, 8338884, 8516943, 8597954, 9206589, 9696022, 10018706, 10029312, 10067572, 10089299, 10491816, 10926153, 11916800, 12426933, 10064063, 10064064, 10059468, 10055160, 10055159, 10075795, 10085109, 10085125, 10085820, 10085821, 10036548, 10091480, 10091596, 10091600, 10099525, 10022088, 10021993, 10105036, 10019438 & 10106776. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR