Was heißt »ent­lang« auf Englisch?

Das Adverb ent­lang lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • along
  • alongside

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Wir gingen einen schmalen Pfad entlang.

We walked along a narrow path.

Es war das erste Mal, dass ich entlang des Mogami-Flusses ging.

It was the first time I'd walked along the Mogami River.

Wir spazierten entlang der Themseufer.

We walked along the banks of the Thames.

Hier entlang.

This way.

Er ging die Straße entlang.

He walked along the street.

Der Ballon schwebte die Straße entlang.

The balloon floated down the street.

Ein Lastwagen raste die Straße entlang.

A truck was rushing along the road.

Der zornige Schimpanse ging den Bürgersteig entlang und riss allen das Gesicht ab.

The angry chimp went up the sidewalk and ripped everybody's face off.

Eines Tages ging er die Straße entlang.

One day he was walking along the street.

Wir machten einen Spaziergang den Fluss entlang.

We walked along the river.

We took a walk along the river.

We went for a walk along the river.

Hier entlang, bitte.

Will you step this way, please?

Please come this way.

Am Himmel ziehen die Wolken entlang.

The clouds are moving across the sky.

The clouds are scudding across the sky.

Er läuft den Pfad entlang.

He's walking the path.

He's walking along the path.

He walks along the path.

Er ging den Fluss entlang.

He walked along the river.

Ich schlenderte entlang der Straßen, um die Zeit totzuschlagen.

I strolled along the streets to kill time.

Sie gingen Arm in Arm die Straße entlang.

They were walking along the street arm in arm.

Der Fuchs kam den Weg entlang.

The fox came down the path.

The fox came along the path.

Da entlang.

Along there.

Schon zum hundertsten Mal schaute er den Weg entlang, doch auch dieses Mal kam niemand.

He looked down the path for the hundredth time but, just as before, there was no one coming.

For the hundredth time he looked along the path but, just as before, there was no one coming.

Wir gingen die Straße entlang.

We walked along the street.

We walked along the road.

Der Hund ging die Straße entlang.

The dog was walking down the street.

The dog padded along the street.

Ein kleiner Fluss fließt entlang meines Hauses.

A small stream runs by my house.

Gehen Sie diese Straße entlang; dann ist die Post auf der linken Seite.

Go along this street and you'll come to the post office on the left.

Gehen Sie diese Straße entlang geradeaus und biegen Sie an der dritten Ampel rechts ab.

Go straight down this street and turn right at the third light.

Dort entlang!

That way!

Gehen Sie hier entlang!

Walk this way.

Ein berittener Mann kam den Weg entlang.

A man on horseback came along the path.

Sie gingen einen schmalen Weg entlang.

They walked along a narrow path.

Ich segle die Küste entlang.

I'm sailing along the coast.

I'm going to sail along the coast.

I sail along the coast.

Tom fuhr mit dem Fahrrad eine ruhige Straße in einem Wohngebiet entlang.

Tom rode his bicycle down a quiet residential street.

Die Bäume entlang der Straße haben im Frühling herrliche Blüten.

The trees that line the street have lovely blossoms in spring.

Meine Damen und Herren, bitte hier entlang.

Ladies and gentlemen, please come this way.

Wir gingen langsam die Straße entlang.

We walked slowly along the road.

Tom rannte splitterfasernackt die Straße entlang.

Tom ran down the road as naked as a jaybird.

Die Bäume werden entlang der Straße gepflanzt.

The trees are planted along the street.

An der Küste entlang zu fahren ist wunderbar.

Driving along the coast is wonderful.

Johann unternahm einen Spaziergang entlang des Flusses.

John took a walk along the river.

Tom ging allein an der Küste entlang.

Tom walked along the shore alone.

Wir gingen eine schmale Straße entlang.

We went along a narrow road.

Die Straße verläuft den Fluss entlang.

The street runs along the river.

The road runs along the river.

Bitte hier entlang.

This way, Sir, if you please.

This way, please.

Bitte dort entlang!

That way, please.

Wir sind uns die Kirschblüte entlang des Flusses ansehen gegangen.

We went to see the cherry blossoms along the river.

Gehen wir dort entlang!

Let's go that way.

Wenn wir hier entlang gehen, holen wir sie ein.

If we go this way, we'll catch up with them.

Er sagt, wir sollen dort entlang gehen.

He says we should go that way.

Sie gingen langsam den Weg entlang.

They walked slowly along the path.

Hier entlang, meine Herren!

This way, gentlemen!

Die ganze Mauer entlang waren Kritzeleien.

There were scribbles all along the wall.

Tom ging die Straße entlang.

Tom walked down the street.

Tom strolled down the street.

Tom walked along the street.

Angehörige dieses Stammes siedelten entlang des Flusses.

Members of that tribe settled along the river.

Angehörige des Stammes siedelten entlang des Flusses.

Members of the tribe settled down along the river.

Als Maria Tom den Flur entlang auf ihr Zimmer zuschlurfen hörte, versteckte sie schnell die ihm von ihr zugedachte Geburtstagsüberraschung unter ihrer Bettdecke.

Hearing Tom shuffling along the landing towards her room, Mary quickly hid the birthday present she had intended for him under her bedspread.

Hearing Tom shuffling along the landing towards her room, Mary quickly hid the birthday present she had been intending to give him under her bedspread.

Der Wind treibt eine dichte Staubwolke den Weg entlang.

The wind is blowing a thick cloud of dust along the path.

Tom und seine Freunde gingen singend die Straße entlang.

Tom and his friends walked down the street, singing a song.

Tom ging die Straße entlang in Richtung Kirche.

Tom walked down the street toward the church.

Tom eilte den Flur entlang.

Tom walked quickly down the corridor.

Tom führte die Jungengruppe den Flur entlang.

Tom led the group of boys down the corridor.

Tom und Maria gingen nebeneinander den Flur entlang.

Tom and Mary walked down the hall, side by side.

Tom ging den Flur entlang und dann in Marias Büro.

Tom walked down the hall and into Mary's office.

Tom walked down the corridor and into Mary's office.

Tom und Maria gingen händchenhaltend den Pfad entlang.

Tom and Mary walked down the path, holding hands.

Tom ging, ein fröhliches Lied pfeifend, die Straße entlang.

Tom walked down the street whistling a happy tune.

Tom stieg aus dem Fahrstuhl und ging, den Flur entlang, zu seinem Büro.

Tom got off the elevator and walked down the hall to his office.

Tom walked out of the lift and down the corridor to his office.

Tom ging schnell den Flur entlang.

Tom walked quickly down the hall.

Sie gingen Seit’ an Seit’ die Straße entlang.

They walked along the street side by side.

Jeden Morgen ging Tom am Strand entlang und suchte nach einer Muschel, die er noch nicht kannte.

Every morning Tom went along the beach and looked for shellfish he didn't know.

Tom geht den Gang entlang.

Tom is walking down the hall.

Der Kehrwagen ist gerade die Straße entlang gefahren.

The roadsweeper has just gone down the street.

Sie gingen zu dritt nebeneinander die Straße entlang.

They walked along the road three abreast.

Ich gehe hier entlang.

I'm going this way.

Tom ging mit einer schwarzen Sporttasche die Straße entlang.

Tom walked down the street carrying a black gym bag.

Sie schlenderten den Strand entlang.

They strolled along the beach.

Tom stolperte die Straße entlang.

Tom stumbled down the road.

Tom stumbled along the street.

Sie gingen händchenhaltend den Strand entlang.

They walked down the beach, holding hands.

Er fuhr ein Auto die Straße entlang.

He was driving a car along the street.

Tom fuhr die Straße entlang und sang, so laut er konnte, sein Lieblingslied mit, das gerade im Radio kam.

Tom was driving down the street singing along at the top of his lungs to his favourite song on the car radio.

Tom schritt allein den Flur entlang.

Tom walked down the hall alone.

Der Humboldtstrom ist eine kalte Meeresströmung, welche an der Westküste Südamerikas entlang nach Norden fließt.

The Humboldt current is a cold ocean current that flows north along the west coast of South America.

Ich ging am Fluss entlang.

I walked along the river.

Die Häuser entlang des Flusses sind sehr alt.

The houses along the river are very old.

Wir gingen an einem Fluss entlang.

We walked along a river.

We were walking along a river.

Tom wohnt gleich die Straße entlang.

Tom lives just up the street.

Tom und Maria schritten, die Angelruten geschultert, den Pfad entlang.

Tom and Mary were walking down the path with fishing poles slung over their shoulders.

Als ich Tom und Maria das letzte Mal gesehen habe, fuhren sie in einem Kanu den Fluss entlang.

Tom and Mary were paddling a canoe down the river the last time I saw them.

Hättest du Lust, mit mir an der Küste entlang spazieren zu gehen?

Would you like to go for a walk with me along the shore?

Hier entlang, Watson.

It's this way, Watson.

Tom und Maria gingen händchenhaltend die Straße entlang.

Tom and Mary walked down the street holding hands.

Tom begab sich langsam die Straße entlang.

Tom slowly walked down the street.

Tom ging den Fluss entlang.

Tom walked along the river.

Tom und Maria ritten am Strand entlang.

Tom and Mary went horseback riding along the beach.

Tom und Maria ritten zu Pferde den Strand entlang.

Tom and Mary went horse riding on the beach.

Weißbekittelt schritten die Ärzte den Flur entlang.

Doctors in white coats were striding along the corridor.

Ohne weitere Worte zu verlieren, rannte er den Flur entlang.

Without saying another word, he ran down the corridor.

Der Taifun hat beträchtliche Schäden entlang der gesamten Küste verursacht.

The typhoon has caused considerable damage along the entire coast.

The typhoon caused considerable damage along the entire coast.

Zum Berg geht es da entlang.

The mountain is that way.

Sehr gerne, der Herr! Zur Salattheke geht es hier entlang.

Certainly, sir. The salad counter is this way.

Der Wind rauschte in den Bäumen, und Tom fuhr einsam auf dem Fahrrad die Straße entlang.

The trees were whispering in the wind as Tom cycled alone down the empty street.

Weiter die Straße entlang wird übermorgen ein neuer Laden eröffnet.

There is a new store down the street that is going to open the day after tomorrow.

Hier entlang, meine Herren.

This way, gentlemen.

Wir gingen am Strand entlang.

We walked along the beach.



Englische Beispielsätze

  • We walk slowly along the riverbank.

  • We're walking slowly along the riverbank.

  • We're walking slowly along the bank of the river.

  • I fell while walking along the street.

  • You'd be doing me a favour if you'd let me help you to speed things along.

  • You'd be doing me a favour if you'd let me help you speed things along.

  • Turn left at the end of the road. The entrance to the office is ten metres further along.

  • The old town is the largest in Spain and, along with Venice and Genoa, one of the three largest in Europe.

  • After Bernd had raked the leaves together, along came his son Sören who blew them all about again with his leaf blower.

  • They saw her walking along the pavement.

  • Most are against it; only a few are in favour. Still, most go along with it, and only a few resist. Those who do resist are publicly ostracised and discredited.

  • I'll be along shortly.

  • There are many expensive shops along the avenue.

  • The moment that I met Tom, I just knew that we'd get along.

  • Venturing along the last path available to them, they discovered a hidden beach.

  • We went for a walk along the riverbank.

  • We were going along the motorway at 160 kilometres an hour.

  • Stored in the loft by the boxful are all kinds of bygone toys, along with other things that might one day come in handy.

  • Ellie walked the rainswept streets home, watching each set of traffic lights along her route change from red, to amber, to green.

  • I've said that all along.

Ent­lang übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: entlang. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: entlang. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2023, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 364993, 445553, 497240, 563302, 576255, 758223, 772416, 778400, 789466, 860246, 903398, 920129, 922075, 924213, 934588, 1004365, 1041829, 1105080, 1220907, 1253082, 1366745, 1398983, 1483484, 1550967, 1793830, 1846575, 1856379, 1870014, 1889608, 1890158, 1920961, 1936284, 1989322, 2042246, 2136744, 2176630, 2176898, 2214142, 2289370, 2343755, 2345441, 2352196, 2355800, 2357768, 2365478, 2369767, 2388940, 2393812, 2424203, 2427305, 2446226, 2446227, 2480707, 2722260, 2735946, 2735955, 2739429, 2754338, 2762170, 2763172, 2765135, 2766573, 2771761, 2817138, 2880154, 2913949, 2983076, 3093171, 3395849, 3523295, 3523909, 3664008, 3742358, 3813454, 3937156, 4022600, 4057973, 4243408, 4294094, 4736043, 5092898, 5242698, 5763652, 5826432, 7016294, 7022700, 7193889, 7452748, 7636911, 7728179, 8034331, 8180356, 8293097, 8300117, 8760433, 8890720, 8901303, 8932237, 8993671, 9152423, 12114797, 12114796, 12114795, 12056695, 12030355, 12030354, 11994659, 11886818, 11763340, 11666646, 11616723, 11508905, 11312402, 11221835, 11173892, 11078452, 11023225, 10812245, 10791734 & 10731008. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR