Was heißt »trotz« auf Englisch?

Die Präposition trotz lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • despite
  • in spite of

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Er war immer noch verärgert über den Unfall, trotz den versöhnlichen Worten seiner Frau.

He was still mad about the accident despite his wife's conciliatory words.

Er sieht trotz seiner Brille nicht sehr gut.

He doesn't see very well despite his glasses.

Ich bin trotz des Regens vor die Tür gegangen.

I went out in spite of the rain.

Wir spielten trotz des Regens Golf.

We played golf in spite of the rain.

Er ging trotz des Regens raus.

He went out in spite of the rain.

Mary arbeitete trotz ihrer Krankheit weiter.

Mary continued to work in spite of her illness.

Mary carried on working, despite her illness.

Es ging ihr trotz der Behandlung kein bisschen besser.

She was none the better for the treatment.

Er war trotz seines ganzen Wohlstandes nicht glücklich.

He wasn't happy in spite of all his wealth.

Er kam trotz des schweren Schneefalls.

He came in spite of the heavy snow.

He came, despite the heavy snowfall.

He came in spite of the heavy snowfall.

Die große Frage, die nie beantwortet worden ist und die ich trotz dreißig Jahre langem Forschen in der weiblichen Seele nie habe beantworten können, ist die: Was will das Weib?

The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is "What does a woman want?"

Ein vier Jahre alter amerikanischer Tourist war enttäuscht zu begreifen, dass die Provinz Szechuan nicht ganz aus scharf gewürztem Fleisch besteht, trotz seiner berühmten pikanten Küche.

A four-year-old American tourist was disappointed to realize that, in fact, the Sichuan province is not entirely made of spicy beef, in spite of its famously piquant cuisine.

Er versagte trotz seiner großen Bemühungen.

He failed in spite of his great efforts.

Meine Schwester heiratete ihn trotz unserer Bedenken.

My sister married him in spite of our objections.

Es muss trotz allem weitergehen!

It must keep going despite everything!

Er ist trotz des schlechten Wetters gekommen.

He came in spite of bad weather.

Es war der Linienrichter, der das Tor anzeigte, trotz der Tatsache, dass er nicht auf der Höhe der Torlinie gestanden hatte.

It was the linesman who signalled the goal, despite the fact he wasn't standing level with the goal line.

It was the referee's assistant who flagged for a goal, although he wasn't standing level with the goal line.

Ich entschied mich trotz des schlechten Wetters, auszugehen.

Regardless of the bad weather, I decided to go out.

Even though the weather was bad, I decided to go out.

Er ging trotz des Sturmes nach draußen.

In spite of the storm, he went out.

He went out in spite of the storm.

Mein Onkel trank weiter Alkohol, trotz des Ratschlags seines Arztes.

My uncle kept on drinking in spite of his doctor's advice.

Tom will trotz des schlechten Wetters gehen.

Tom plans to go in spite of the bad weather.

Esperanto existiert trotz der "Esperantisten".

Esperanto exists despite the 'Esperantists'.

Er reiste trotz des Sturms ab.

He departed in spite of the storm.

Sie ist trotz allem sehr bezaubernd.

She is charming for all that.

Im Jahre 2020 wurde die deutsche Sprache trotz massiver Proteste aus der Bevölkerung in allen öffentlichen Institutionen zugunsten des Englischen abgeschafft.

In the year 2020, the use of the German language in all public institutions was abolished in favor of English, despite massive protests on the part of the population.

In 2020, the use of German in all public institutions was abolished in favor of English, despite massive protests on the part of the population.

Tom weigert sich trotz seines Alters, in den Ruhestand zu gehen.

Tom refuses to retire in spite of his age.

Er arbeitet immer noch, trotz seines Alters.

He still works, despite his age.

Für Maria und die Kinder nimmt sich Tom trotz seiner sehr fordernden Arbeit immer Zeit.

Even though Tom has a very demanding job, he always makes time for Mary and the kids.

Ich habe Toms Satz trotz der Rechtschreibfehler unverändert gelassen.

I left Tom's sentence alone despite the unchanged spelling mistake.

Ich liebe ihn trotz seiner Fehler.

I love him despite his faults.

Dieser ist trotz des Regens pünktlich angekommen.

This one arrived on time in spite of the rain.

That one arrived on time in spite of the rain.

Ich bewundere ihn – trotz seiner Fehler.

I admire him, in spite of his faults.

Wir werden trotz allem ein schönes Wochenende verbringen.

We'll have a lovely weekend in spite of everything.

Despite everything, we're going to have a lovely weekend.

Es gibt erfülltes Leben trotz vieler unerfüllter Wünsche.

You can have a fulfilling life despite many unfulfilled dreams.

Tom schrie, so laut er konnte, damit Maria ihn trotz des Geräusches des Wasserfalls würde verstehen können.

Tom shouted at the top of his lungs so Mary could hear him over the sound of the waterfall.

Diese Menschen der fernen Zukunft waren strenge Vegetarier, und solange ich bei ihnen weilte, musste auch ich, trotz gelegentlicher Fleischesgelüste, bei den Früchten bleiben.

These people of the remote future were strict vegetarians, and while I was with them, in spite of some carnal cravings, I had to be frugivorous also.

Als Maria nach Hause kam, roch sie trotz einer vollzogenen Lüftung sofort, dass Tom sein Versprechen, nicht mehr in der Wohnung zu rauchen, nicht gehalten hatte.

When Mary came home, she smelt straight away, in spite of an airing-out, that Tom hadn't kept his promise not to smoke in the flat any more.

Er war trotz allem gekommen.

In spite of everything, he came.

Liebe Freunde! Ich danke Ihnen, dass Sie trotz des entsetzlichen Wetters gekommen sind.

Dear friends! I thank you for coming in spite of the ghastly weather.

Er ist ein ganz bescheidener Mensch, trotz allem was er geschaffen hat.

He's a quite humble man in spite of all he's achieved.

Sie ging zur Schule, trotz der Schmerzen in ihrem rechten Arm.

She visited the school, despite a pain in her right arm.

Sie ging zur Schule, trotz der Schmerzen in ihrem rechten Bein.

She went to school in spite of the pain in her right leg.

Zehntausende hatten sich am Sonntagmorgen trotz der Kälte und des Regens auf dem Petersplatz versammelt, um mit Papst Franziskus die Ostermesse zu feiern.

Tens of thousands of people gathered in Saint Peter's Square on Sunday morning, despite the cold and the rain, to take part in Solemn Mass with Pope Francis in celebration of Easter.

Tom und Maria kamen trotz Krankheit zur Schule.

Tom and Mary came to school even though they were sick.

Ein Ofen hält mich warm, und ein Schachspiel leistet mir Gesellschaft: trotz der heroischen Bemühungen des Läufers wird heute Abend Weiß verlieren.

A stove keeps me warm and a game of chess keeps me company: despite the heroic efforts of the bishop, white will lose tonight.

Um zu beweisen, dass er kraftvoll und der Aufgabe gewachsen war, hielt der 68jährige trotz eisiger Temperaturen eine lange Rede, die weit über eine Stunde dauerte. Noch am selben Abend erkrankte er und starb einen Monat später.

To prove he was vigorous and up to the job, the 68-year-old delivered the lengthy speech, which took well over an hour, despite freezing temperatures. He fell ill that evening and died a month later.

Ihr Mann konnte trotz des Sperrzustandes auf seinem Hof arbeiten.

Her husband has been able to work on his farm despite the shutdown.

Tom ging trotz des Regens angeln.

Tom went fishing in spite of the rain.

Sie redete trotz des Lärms immer weiter.

She carried on talking in spite of the loud noise.

Die Busverbindungen sind trotz des reduzierten Winterbetriebs erstaunlich gut.

The bus service is surprisingly decent, though a reduced service operates during winter.


contrary to


because of
on account of

Englische Beispielsätze

  • Stupid will never leave our world. All we can do is try to live our best lives despite it.

  • Checkers are played in many different ways, despite their widespread use in all civilized countries.

  • He succeeded in spite of major difficulties.

  • He succeeded in spite of major hurdles.

  • Tom is chipper, in spite of his serious illness.

  • Mary was appalled to see Tom stirring his coffee with his finger in spite of having a spoon beside him.

  • He's still in the garden, in spite of the cold weather.

  • He is still in the garden, in spite of the cold weather.

  • I went to the beach, despite the bad weather.

  • The weather was beautiful despite the cold.

  • Tom was unmistakable in spite of his mask.

  • He often went to work in spite of his illness.

  • "How do you manage to keep your slim figure in spite of eating all these goodies?" "Ah, well, that's my secret!"

  • The player kept a cool head and dispatched the penalty despite a deafening chorus of boos and whistles intended to distract him.

  • Tom says he enjoys what he does, despite the hard work.

  • The impossible cannot have happened, therefore the impossible must be possible in spite of appearances.

  • Courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to move forward despite the fear.

  • They came in spite of the rain.

  • Tom, do you promise to still love me, despite what I'm about to tell you?

  • All the doctors say that I shouldn't drink coffee, but, despite that, I do have a bit now and then when I'm in good company.

Trotz übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: trotz. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: trotz. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2023, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 806, 341593, 367246, 368217, 372398, 381151, 414577, 533371, 595630, 709446, 726101, 1105642, 1186006, 1245436, 1548880, 1742713, 1772003, 1813480, 1821986, 1934130, 1967572, 1982982, 2234243, 2756035, 3490161, 3966750, 4561713, 5159064, 5296872, 5343036, 5349408, 5392605, 5675628, 5763717, 6062184, 6173896, 6401815, 6559328, 6580223, 6921541, 6921547, 7010912, 7535895, 8848722, 9678786, 9847388, 10031878, 11515613, 11537676, 10300356, 10335766, 10245014, 10245013, 10472631, 10119525, 10042842, 10042841, 10596464, 10681890, 10767016, 11124206, 9460848, 11209151, 8226678, 6312288, 4895467, 3970770, 3143673 & 2849664. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR