Was heißt »eben­falls« auf Englisch?

Das Adverb eben­falls lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • likewise
  • also
  • as well

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Mary ist süß. Jane ebenfalls.

Mary is cute. So is Jane.

Ein Viertel der weltweiten Kohlendioxidemissionen stammen aus Amerika, dessen Pro-Kopf-Emissionen ebenfalls die höchsten der Welt sind.

1/4 of the world's carbon dioxide emissions are from America: its per-capita emissions are also the greatest in the world.

Österreich hatte ebenfalls Verbündete.

Austria had allies, too.

Die meisten anderen zündeten ebenfalls ihre Pfeifen an und es ergab sich ein zusammenhangloses Gespräch.

Most of the others also lit their pipes and a desultory conversation ensued.

Wir haben die Arbeit beendet, so dass wir ebenfalls nach Hause gehen können.

We've finished the work, so we may as well go home.

Dieses Wörterbuch kann dir ebenfalls von Nutzen sein.

This dictionary can also help you.

Peggy wollte sich das Drama nicht ansehen und ich ebenfalls nicht.

Peggy did not go to see the drama, and neither did I.

Ich hoffe, dass ihr ebenfalls glücklich seid.

I hope you're happy, too.

Seit vielen Jahren klagt Tom ständig über seine traurige Kindheit, doch es gibt viele Menschen, die ebenfalls in der Kindheit misshandelt wurden und dennoch nicht wie Tom geworden sind.

For many years, Tom has been constantly complaining about his traumatic childhood, but there are many people who were similarly abused in their childhood who did not end up like Tom.

Wir stimmen ebenfalls zu.

We agree as well.

Tom half seinem Freund, der gestürzt war, und brach ebenfalls im Eis ein.

Tom helped his friend who had fallen, and consequently, he broke the ice.

Tom hat ebenfalls vor zu gehen.

Tom plans to go as well.

Tom is also planning to go.

Tom intends to go as well.

Tom is also planning to leave.

Tom intends to leave as well.

Wenn bei Ihnen Prüfungen anstehen, baut Gewichteheben tatsächlich Stress ab und es ist ebenfalls gut für Ihren Geist und Ihren Körper.

When you're about to have exams, lifting weights really does relieve stress, and it's also good for your mind and body.

Frauen, deren Mütter oder Schwestern Endometriose haben, stehen unter einem erhöhten Risiko, diese Krankheit ebenfalls zu entwickeln.

Women with mothers or sisters who have endometriosis are at elevated risk of developing the condition themselves.

Das ist ebenfalls Gift.

That is poison as well.

Ich habe mich ebenfalls gefreut, Sie kennenzulernen!

Likewise, it was nice to meet you.

Tom wurde ebenfalls festgenommen.

Tom was arrested, too.

Tom was also arrested.

Dan wurde ebenfalls festgenommen.

Dan was also arrested.

Der Ausgang befindet sich ebenfalls im Erdgeschoß.

The exit is likewise on the ground floor.

The way out is on the ground floor as well.

Sami geriet ebenfalls in den Kampf.

Sami got into the fight, too.

Tom hat ebenfalls ein rotes Auto.

Tom has a red car as well.

Tom also has a red car.

Tom hat ebenfalls einen roten Wagen.

Tom has a red car, too.

Ich spiele ebenfalls Schach.

I play chess, too.

Tom hat Maria gesehen, und John ebenfalls.

Tom saw Mary, and so did John.

Ich habe gehört, du sammlest ebenfalls Briefmarken.

I heard that you're also collecting stamps.

Die Standardgröße des Gobretts beträgt 19x19. Andere Brettgrößen wie 13x13 oder 9x9 werden ebenfalls verwendet, normalerweise von Anfängern oder Spielern, die kürzere Spiele wünschen.

The standard size of the Go board is 19x19. Other board sizes such as 13x13 or 9x9 are also used, usually by beginners or players who desire shorter games.

Walentina Tereschkowa heiratete im November 1963 Adrian Nikolajew, der ebenfalls Kosmonaut war. Tochter Jelena wurde 1964 geboren.

In November of 1963, Valentina Tereshkova married Andriyan Nikolayev. He was also a cosmonaut. Their daughter, Elena, was born in 1964.

Tom nimmt ebenfalls an der Sitzung teil.

Tom will also be present at the meeting.

Tom will be present at the meeting, too.

Tom will be present at the meeting as well.

Drei Kanadier wurden ebenfalls getötet.

Three Canadians were also killed.

Tom war ebenfalls besorgt.

Tom was worried, too.

Ich weiß, dass Sie ebenfalls sehr beschäftigt sind.

I know that you're very busy, too.

Wird Tom das ebenfalls machen?

Will Tom do that, too?

Er wird ebenfalls gehen.

He will also go.


just as

Englische Beispielsätze

  • That's how I would've done it as well.

  • My brother is also my sister.

  • When told to bring the chisel, also bring the mallet.

  • I am also a language learner.

  • Anyone who says A must also say B!

  • Globalization doesn't just take place in the economy, but also in culture.

  • Conspiracy theories draw skeptics, who then also unmask them.

  • That's also a part of the plan.

  • When you know how to treat a matter with clarity, you're also fit for many other things.

  • You can ski as well as your brother.

  • A return can also be progress.

  • Tom also had a big sister.

  • Tom also had an older sister.

  • Tom also had a little sister.

  • Tom also had a younger sister.

  • I'd like to see it as well.

  • Are you also a member of the organization?

  • In Esperanto there is indeed a very free word order, as there also is in Russian, but this does not mean that every formally permissible word order is just as good as any other.

  • Suffering devours your heart, and also your courage.

  • The tallest player in our team is also the slowest and least skilful.

Eben­falls übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: ebenfalls. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: ebenfalls. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2024, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 655337, 813088, 989733, 1207985, 1301405, 1713054, 1889285, 2447169, 2699920, 2966635, 2970660, 3204721, 3661980, 4282179, 4698758, 5083196, 5248565, 6470650, 6766856, 7329872, 8056082, 8056087, 8060305, 9396802, 10292339, 10358666, 10479708, 10612190, 10723454, 10787759, 10793015, 11877634, 12408959, 12422552, 12417076, 12401029, 12345983, 12343599, 12338137, 12289062, 12274367, 12272843, 12267646, 12267645, 12267095, 12267094, 12267093, 12267092, 12259804, 12250367, 12247854, 12246198 & 12245760. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR