Das Pronominaladverb wobei lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
at which
in doing so
in which
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Tue nichts, wobei du nicht tot erwischt werden möchtest.
Don't do anything you wouldn't want to be caught dead doing.
"Davon abgesehen", beeilte sich Dima hinzuzufügen, wobei er seinen Taschenrechner herausholte und 0,99 durch 3.000.000 teilte und das Ergebnis mit 100 multiplizierte. "Es ist Ihnen schon klar, dass Sie nur 0,0033 % verlieren würden, oder?"
"And besides," Dima made sure to add, taking out his calculator and dividing 0.99 by 3,000,000, before multiplying by 100. "You do realize that you would only lose 0.0033%, right?"
Für das Studium der Computerlinguistik sind Kenntnisse in mehreren Fremdsprachen erforderlich, wobei man auch mit Computern umzugehen wissen muss.
In order to study computational linguistics it's necessary to know various languages, however, one also has to be familiar with the use of computers.
Um von einem Satz zum anderen zu gelangen, reicht Tom ihr seinen Arm. Mary hielt sich daran fest und sprang über den Punkt, wobei sie vermied, in den Zwischenraum zu fallen.
In order to cross from one sentence to the other, Tom was stretching out his arm. Mary clung firmly onto it and jumped over the dot, avoiding to fall into the space.
Ich sah ihn durch die Stadt spazieren, wobei er seinen Sonntagsstaat trug.
I saw him walking around town wearing his Sunday best.
Das, wobei unsere Berechnungen versagen, nennen wir Zufall.
We have given the failure of our calculations the title of "chance".
Die Gabel kam einige hundert Jahre später auf dem westlichen Speisetisch, wobei sie nicht gleich angenommen wurde.
The fork made its way to Western tables several hundred years later, but it was not immediately accepted.
Tom ging über den Steg zu seinem Boot, wobei er drei Harpunen mit sich führte.
Tom walked down the pier toward his boat, carrying three harpoons.
In meiner Schule gab es einen Lehrer, der die Angewohnheit hatte, mit Kreide nach unaufmerksamen Schülern zu werfen, wobei diese ihm die Kreide zurückzubringen hatten.
I once had a teacher who used to throw chalk at inattentive students and those very students then had to bring it back to him.
Die Anpflanzung muss in parallel verlaufenden Reihen geschehen, wobei zwischen den Reihen ein Abstand von 20 Zentimetern einzuhalten ist.
Plant in parallel rows, leaving a 20-centimetre gap between each row.
Bei dem Versuch, an einer beengten Stelle zu parken, stieß Tom gegen ein Auto, wobei er einen kleineren Schaden verursachte.
Tom clipped a car while trying to park in a tight spot, causing minor damage.
Sie stand drohend auf ihn herabblickend da, wobei sie ihn wegen Trägheit, Pietätslosigkeit, Gotteslästerung und Unwissenheit beschimpfte während sie ihren Schirm schwenkte.
She stood looming down at him, attacking him for indolence and irreverence, blasphemy and ignorance, while waving her umbrella.
Die ISS bewegt sich mit einer Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit von 27 743,8 km/h um die Erde, wobei sie am Tag 15,7 Umrundungen schafft.
The ISS travels in orbit around the Earth at an average speed of 27,743.8 km/h, completing 15.7 orbits per day.
Die Pensionszahlungen basieren auf versicherungsmathematischen Schätzungen, wobei die aktuellen Annahmen für Abzinsungssätze, erwartete Erträge aus langfristigen Vermögenswerten und Gehaltssteigerungen herangezogen werden.
Pension benefit payments are based on actuarial estimates using current assumptions for discount rates, expected return on long-term assets and rate of compensation increases.
Als Testpilot unternahm Neil Armstrong sieben Flüge mit der Maschine X-15, wobei er eine Höhe von 63 198 m zu erreichen imstande war.
As a test pilot, Neil Armstrong made 7 flights in the X-15 aircraft. He was able to attain an altitude of 63,198 meters (207,500 feet).
Der Stuhl gab nach, als sich Tom daraufsetzte, und er fiel krachend auf den Boden, wobei er sich den Rücken verletzte.
The chair gave way as Tom sat on it, and he crashed to the floor injuring his back.
Am 11. Juli 1979 trat die Raumstation „Skylab“ nach über sechs Jahren im All wieder in die Erdatmosphäre ein, wobei sie größtenteils verglühte. Ein paar Fragmente gingen in einem unbewohnten Teil Australiens nieder.
On July 11, 1979, after more than six years in space, the Skylab space station re-entered the Earth's atmosphere. Most of Skylab burned up upon re-entry. A few fragments fell to the ground in an uninhabited part of Australia.
Bewerten Sie bitte ihren Schmerz anhand einer Scala von null bis zehn, wobei zehn die maximale Stärke ist.
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 is the worst, can you rate your pain?
Es fällt mir schwer, etwas zu machen, wobei mir die Motivation fehlt.
It's hard for me to do things I'm not motivated to do.
Internationale Dame, eine der bekanntesten Damevarianten, wird auf einem Brett von 100 Feldern (10 × 10) gespielt, wobei jeder Spieler zunächst 20 Steine hat.
International checkers, one of the best-known variants of checkers, are played on a board of 100 (10x10) squares, with each player initially having 20 pieces.
Seit 1938 ist der 11. November eines jeden Jahres ein Staatsfeiertag, wobei die offiziellen Feierlichkeiten dieses Jahr, weil das eigentliche Datum auf ein Wochenende fiel, am Montag stattfinden.
November 11 each year became a national holiday beginning in 1938, with this year's official observance on Monday since the actual date fell on a weekend this year.
Tom fiel auf die Nase, wobei ihm die Brille zu Bruch ging.
Tom fell flat on his face and broke his glasses.
Das Spiel um die FIDE-Schachweltmeisterschaft 2023 ist unentschieden (6 x 6), wobei Ding Liren (Weiß) die zwölfte Partie gewonnen hat. Es verbleiben nur noch zwei Partien, in denen einer der Teilnehmer den entscheidenden Vorteil erlangen kann.
The match for the FIDE 2023 World Chess Championship is tied (6 X 6), with Ding Liren (White) winning the twelfth game. Only two more games remain for one of the competitors to achieve the decisive advantage.
Der Bus fiel von der Klippe, wobei alle zehn Insassen ums Leben kamen.
The bus fell off the cliff, killing all 10 aboard.
Gender reveal parties are parties in which couples come up with increasingly elaborate ways to announce the gender of their expected child.
Salamanders are amphibians, whereas geckos are reptiles.
Tom and Mary have their own animals, and their own field in which they grow their vegetables.
What situation did you imagine, in which someone would say that?
She grew up in a household in which music was always on.
The heliocentric view of the world, in which the Sun is at the centre of the universe, is also described as the Copernican system. It represents a step forward from the geocentric view of Ptolemy.
The film in which he played a part didn't achieve the success hoped for it.
Hubble's longevity can be attributed to five space shuttle servicing missions, from 1993 to 2009, in which astronauts upgraded the telescope with advanced instruments, new electronics and on-orbit repairs.
I recommend a quiet room in which you won't hear the noise from the trams.
That's the house in which he was born and grew up.
The more he thought about it, the worse the situation in which he found himself appeared.
The more he thought about it, the worse the situation seemed in which he found himself.
Potatoes grow in the ground, whereas apples grow on trees.
Blind chess is a type of chess in which a chess player makes his moves without seeing the board and without making any written record. Therefore, he has to keep all the positions of the game exclusively in his memory.
Huffman is the first parent sentenced among 51 people charged in the scandal, in which wealthy parents paid bribes to ensure their children were accepted into prominent U.S. universities.
A draw is the most frequent result of closed matches, in which each player seeks, above all, to restrict the opponent's actions.
A foreign student who wants to drive in the U.S. must obtain a driver's license issued by the state in which the person resides.
Personally, I don't think I'd say it this way. However, if I thought long enough, perhaps I could think of a situation in which I might.
A ladder is a sequence of moves, in a zigzag pattern, in which an attacker chases a group in atari across the board.
This photo is the only one in which the entire family can be seen.