Was heißt »vor­erst« auf Englisch?

Das Adverb vor­erst lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • for now
  • for the present

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Das reicht vorerst.

This will do for now.

Das wird vorerst genügen.

This will do for the time being.

Das vollautomatische Generieren von Geschichten stellt für die Informatiker ein vorerst ungelöstes Problem dar.

Fully automatic story generation remains an unsolved problem for computer scientists.

Ich werde vorerst weiterhin in einem Hotel wohnen.

I'm staying at a hotel for the time being.

Ich werde vorerst weiterhin im Hotel wohnen.

I am staying at the hotel for the time being.

Lass die Sache vorerst auf sich beruhen.

Let the matter rest for the time being.

Tue vorerst noch nichts!

Don't do anything yet.

Das Problem ist vorerst ad acta gelegt worden.

That problem has been shelved for the time being.

Tom ist vorerst in Sicherheit.

Tom is safe for now.

Wir sind vorerst in Sicherheit.

We're safe for now.

Um die Entwicklung rechtzeitig fertigzustellen, bitten wir darum, anderweitige Aufgaben vorerst zu verschieben.

In order to complete the development on schedule, we request that other unrelated tasks be delayed for the moment.

Von der Polizeibehörde erging der Aufruf an das Verbrechen, man möge doch aufgrund des Coronavirus seine kriminellen Machenschaften vorerst einstellen.

The police department asked criminal to stop their criminal activities due to COVID-19.

Tom muss vorerst hierbleiben.

Tom needs to stay here for the time being.

Die französisch-italienische Grenze bleibt vorerst offen.

For the moment, the borders between France and Italy remain open.

Du kannst vorerst bei mir bleiben.

You may stay with me for the time being.

Könntet ihr vorerst hier warten?

Could you wait here for the moment?

Am Freitag ordnete der Gouverneur an, daß alle Friseursalons, Nagel- und Tätowierstudios vorerst zu schließen seien.

Friday, the governor ordered all barber shops, nail and hair salons and tattoo parlors to close temporarily.


in the meantime
fürs Ers­te:
for the moment
vor al­lem:
above all
first of all
for the time being
above all
first and foremost

Englische Beispielsätze

  • I have to share this room with a friend for now.

  • We thanked Tom for the present.

  • "I can only lend you 20 euros, I'm afraid." "Thanks. It'll do for now."

  • I know this isn't an adequate answer to your question, but it's what I'll say for now.

  • "That's enough for now," said Mary, clapping the book shut. "I'll read you the rest tomorrow night." "But I want to know what happens!" protested her young son Tom.

  • He thanked Tom for the present.

  • What are you looking for now?

  • Have we seen the last of the wintriness for now, or will there be more snow in the coming week?

  • Could you wait here for now?

  • It will suffice for the present that you should not appear absolutely poor; the time will come when you will be very rich.

  • I thanked Tom for the present.

  • I've thanked Tom for the present.

  • That should be enough for now.

  • I've seen enough for now.

  • School is over... for now.

  • He turned into the finest inn, ordered the best chamber and his favourite dinner; for now that he had so much money he was really rich.

  • Who are you working for now?

  • Let's forget it for now.

  • We're done for now.

  • This is all I can do for now.

Vor­erst übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: vorerst. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: vorerst. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2024, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 1354041, 1735180, 2232593, 2712107, 2712108, 2924806, 3112393, 3972175, 7452967, 8014441, 9587566, 9935521, 10485463, 11783468, 12026915, 12421259, 12427676, 10263455, 10189112, 10181304, 10127780, 9974409, 9926309, 11943146, 12194743, 12314241, 6213210, 5967246, 5967245, 5774154, 4983576, 4172233, 3884971, 3821891, 3392683, 3311050 & 2992147. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR