Das Adverb voran lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Jenes Projekt kommt langsam voran.
That project is proceeding slowly.
Der Junge von nebenan ist Kopf voran vom Baum gefallen.
The boy next door fell head first from a tree.
Wie kommen Sie mit der Arbeit voran?
How are you getting on with your work?
Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung ging langsam voran.
Economic development proceeded slowly.
Die medizinische Wissenschaft schreitet stets voran.
Medical science is always on the march.
Komm, mach voran! Wir kommen sonst zu spät.
Hurry up! If you don't, we'll be late.
In China stellen wir unseren Familiennamen voran, und dann folgt unser Vorname.
In China, we put our family name first, then our name.
Wir kommen nicht voran.
We're not getting anywhere.
In Asien gehen Männer für gewöhnlich Frauen voran.
In Asia men usually precede women when walking.
Tom schritt mit so großen Schritten voran, dass ich Mühe hatte, ihm zu folgen.
Tom led the way, taking such huge strides that I had trouble keeping up with him.
Tom marched on, taking such huge strides that I had trouble keeping up with him.
Tom ging mit so großen Schritten voran, dass ich Mühe hatte, ihm zu folgen.
Tom strode ahead with strides so big that I had trouble keeping up with him.
Das Schiff kam gegen den starken Wind nur langsam voran.
The ship made slow progress against the strong wind.
Die Arbeit kommt stetig voran.
The work is progressing steadily.
Mach voran, Tom!
Get on with it, Tom.
Tom und Maria kommen gut voran.
Tom and Mary are doing fine.
Wie kommen Sie mit Ihrer Arbeit voran?
How are you getting along with your work?
Geh du voran.
You lead the way.
Ich komme stetig voran. Meine Mühe macht sich bezahlt.
I am progressing steadily. My efforts are paying off.
Wie kommst du voran?
How are you progressing?
Geh voran!
Lead the way.
Sie krochen voran.
They crept forward.
Der Elefant geht voran, auch wenn die Hunde weiterbellen.
The elephant walks on even as the dogs keep barking.
Es geht in der Warteschlange nicht voran.
The line isn't moving.
Es geht alles im Schneckentempo voran.
Things are advancing at a snail's pace.
Wie kommst du voran, Tom?
How are you getting on, Tom?
Ich ging voran.
I led the way.
Tom ging mit gutem Beispiel voran.
Tom led by example.
Es geht nur schleppend voran.
It's progressing slowly.
Things are progressing only slowly.
The going is slow.
Obst- und Gemüse- sowie Fischhändler sind bemüht, die Geschäfte auf dem alten Markt von Kadıköy in Istanbul anzukurbeln, aber der Handel geht kaum voran. Die meisten sehen sich nur um und gehen weiter.
Fruit and vegetable sellers, along with fishmongers, try to drum up business in Istanbul’s old Kadikoy market. But trade is slow. Most people just look and walk on.
Wir kamen zügig voran, bis wir in einen Schneesturm gerieten.
We made good time until we ran into a blizzard.
Die Menschen fürchten Veränderungen; Veränderungen aber bringen die Welt voran.
People are afraid of change. But change drives the world.
Die Verhandlungen schreiten schleppend voran.
The negotiations are making slow progress.
Wie schnell kommt ein Ruderboot voran?
What speed can a rowing boat make?
How fast can a rowing boat go?
Das Tauwetter schreitet rasch voran. Den Frost an den Fenstern hat die Sonne schon dahinschmelzen lassen.
The thaw is continuing apace. The sun has melted the frost from the windows.
Wir werden uns verspäten. Der Verkehr kommt kaum voran.
We're going to be late. The traffic's hardly moving.
Eilt voran, Genossen!
Hurry on, comrades!
Der Fortschritt in der Medizin schreitet mit großen Schritten voran.
Progress in medicine is going ahead by leaps and bounds.
It's the party's job, even with an absolute majority, to think further ahead than the government can act. If the government's satisfied with the party, then the party hasn't thought far enough.
"If that's all you've got, you can go ahead of me in the queue, if you like." "Oh, thank you very much."
Look at the sign ahead of you.
Go ahead and smoke; I don't mind.
Go ahead and do that if that's what you want to do.
Tom is ahead of his time.
We've got a meeting with Tom ahead of us today.
We can see the petrol station ahead of us on the left.
A long wait lay ahead of her.
"Careful! There's a bend up ahead!" "Saw it ages ago!"
The incumbent is ahead in the polls.
Tom, who meanwhile had gone further ahead, reminded me that he didn't have all night, and urged me to hurry up.
You go ahead while I wait here.
You just go ahead while I wait here.
She put her watch ahead by ten minutes.
She put her watch ten minutes ahead.
There are going to be tough times ahead.
It's better to have the days ahead than behind you.
At chess, a pawn that reaches the last row ahead is promoted to a queen. At checkers, a checker that realizes an identical feat is promoted to a king.
Those who are ahead of their time often spend years out of earshot.