Was heißt »vorn« auf Englisch?

Das Lokaladverb vorn lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • at the front
  • fore
  • in front of

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Wir liegen in den Umfragen vorn, wir liegen in jedem Bundesstaat vorn und wenn ich Präsident werde - das verspreche ich Ihnen - dann legen wir jeden um.

We're killing in the polls, we're killing in every state and if I become president - I promise you this - we will kill everybody.

Schneiden Sie es vorn nicht zu kurz.

Don't cut it too short in the front.

Ich sitze gerne vorn im Bus.

I like to sit in the front of the bus.

Unser Team liegt um fünf Punkte vorn.

Our team is five points ahead.

Er machte einen Schritt nach vorn.

He took a step forward.

Atme tief durch und beginn noch mal von vorn!

Calm down and begin at the beginning.

Versuche nach vorn zu schauen!

Try to look ahead.

Der Amtsinhaber hat in den Umfragen die Nase vorn.

The incumbent is ahead in the polls.

Am Ende lag er vorn.

He came out on top.

Tom ging einen Schritt nach vorn.

Tom took a step forward.

Du kannst nicht von vorn anfangen.

You can't start over.

Lasst uns noch einmal von vorn anfangen.

Let's make a new start.

Wir können noch mal von vorn beginnen.

We can start over again.

Der Brunnen ist hundert Meter weiter vorn.

The well is a hundred metres further on.

The well is a hundred metres ahead.

Wir werden von vorn anfangen.

We'll start from the beginning.

We'll start from scratch.

Tom schaute nach vorn.

Tom looked ahead.

Sie machte einen Schritt nach vorn.

She took a step forward.

Aber KI holt mich ein, und nach einem großen Schritt nach vorn im Jahr 2016 kann ich kaum eine Sprache besser übersetzen als das KI-System des Google Brain-Teams.

But AI is catching up with me, and after a big step forward in 2016, there are hardly any languages I can translate better than the AI system developed by the Google Brain team.

Wer ist das Kind vorn?

Who is the child in front?

Blicken wir nach vorn!

Let's look ahead.

Sinnverwandte Wörter

at first
at the beginning


at the back
at the end
in the end

Englische Beispielsätze

  • Visitors from around the world were gathering on the square in front of the famous building.

  • Visitors from all four corners of the earth gathered on the square in front of the famous building.

  • There was still some space at the front of the bus.

  • Starboard is the right-hand side of a ship as seen from aft to fore. The left-hand side is port.

  • The checker that reaches the last row in front of it, stopping there, will be promoted to a king, a piece of exceptional mobility and which, in a large number of cases, represents a decisive advantage.

  • The belt is pulled through the loops and fastened at the front of the garment with the buckle.

  • Flowers and wreaths were laid in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

  • My cat started when a soap bubble burst in front of her nose.

  • My cat jumped when a soap bubble burst in front of her nose.

  • There was a long line in front of the vending machine.

  • There was a long queue in front of the vending machine.

  • You shouldn't sit in front of the telly all day.

  • Don't bring this subject up in front of him.

  • Avoid bringing that subject up in front of him.

  • Avoid bringing that subject up in front of her.

  • Don't bring this subject up in front of her.

  • Tom wears his hair short at the front and long at the back.

  • Tom's hair is short at the front and long at the back.

  • A man appeared at the front door.

  • A little girl wearing a coat and hat came down the stairs and stopped in front of the woman dressed in mourning.

Vorn übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: vorn. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 5095930, 740157, 759335, 927940, 927966, 1293639, 1421533, 1562228, 1692360, 1931887, 1973701, 3265374, 3383607, 3561824, 5698117, 6618997, 8861003, 10528465, 11228397, 11275678, 10281817, 10281815, 10268628, 10329949, 10336278, 10336692, 10252093, 10171153, 10171151, 10163158, 10130124, 10490918, 10502010, 10502012, 10502016, 10502017, 10091588, 10091587, 10506097 & 10520360. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR