Was heißt »mit­tags« auf Englisch?

Das Adverb mit­tags lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • at noon
  • at lunchtime
  • at high noon

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Tom verließ Boston mittags am 2. Juni und kehrte mittags am 4. September zurück. Wie viele Tage war er weg?

Tom left Boston at noon on June second and he got back to Boston at noon on September fourth. How many days was Tom away from Boston?

Ich bin um zwölf Uhr mittags in Tokyo angekommen.

I arrived in Tokyo at twelve noon.

I arrived in Tokyo at midday.

Er kommt mittags.

He comes at noon.

Weil ich in der Nähe der Schule wohne, esse ich mittags zu Hause.

Because I live near the school, I come home for lunch.

Gewöhnlich isst sie mittags in der Mensa.

She usually eats in the refectory.

She usually eats in the university canteen.

Wir essen oft zusammen mittags.

We often have lunch together.

Käse ist morgens Gold, mittags Silber, abends Blei.

Cheese is gold in the morning, silver at noon, and lead in the evening.

Ich esse mittags gewöhnlich ein Schinken-Käse-Brot.

I usually have a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch.

Die Schießerei begann etwa um zwölf Uhr mittags.

The shooting started around noon.

Was essen Sie mittags gewöhnlich?

What do you usually eat for lunch?

Wir nehmen die größte Mahlzeit des Tages üblicherweise mittags zu uns.

We usually eat our biggest meal of the day at noon.

Tom bleibt am Sonntag immer bis mittags im Bett.

Tom always stays in bed until noon on Sundays.

Das Treffen dauert bis mittags.

The meeting lasts until midday.

The meeting lasts until noon.

„Tom fehlt häufig im Unterricht.“ – „Aber er verlässt doch jeden Tag mit seiner Schultasche das Haus und kommt dann mittags wieder.“ – „Nur verbringt er die Zwischenzeit offensichtlich nicht immer in der Schule.“

"Tom is often absent from lessons." "But he leaves the house with his satchel every morning and comes back at midday." "Be that as it may, it's clear that he doesn't always spend the intervening time at school."

Das Meeting ging bis mittags.

The meeting went on until noon.

The meeting went on until midday.

Tom schlief bis 12 Uhr mittags, denn es war Sonntag.

Tom slept until noon, it being Sunday.

Tom slept until midday, it being Sunday.

Sonntags stehe ich um zwölf Uhr mittags auf.

On Sundays, I get up at midday.

Gefrühstückt haben wir erst mittags.

We didn't eat breakfast until noon.

Kommen Sie mittags.

Come at noon.

Come at midday.


in the evening
in the morning
in the afternoon
at night
during the night
in the morning

Englische Beispielsätze

  • "Are you coming home at lunchtime today?" "No, I've got a meeting at two."

  • A short nap at lunchtime and, Bob's your uncle, I'm fit and raring to go.

  • The cafe nearest the school is closed at lunchtime.

  • Where are we going to stop by at lunchtime?

  • The church bells chime at noon.

  • The church bells ring at noon.

  • They have lunch at noon.

  • We finished the job at noon.

  • The shop's open at lunchtime as well.

  • The shop is also open at lunchtime.

  • Tom will come at noon.

  • I'll pick you up at noon.

  • Tom began his shift at noon.

  • There was fog at noon yesterday.

  • Mary was still wearing a nightgown when Tom got to her house at noon.

  • I eat lunch every day at noon.

  • Will it start snowing at noon or later?

  • The mouse's shadow at dusk is longer than the cat's shadow at noon.

  • I have an appointment with him at noon.

  • We had lunch at noon.

Mit­tags übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: mittags. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2024, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 10089557, 427409, 656405, 942317, 1637285, 1802086, 1955156, 2794062, 3864746, 4049333, 4211338, 4236174, 6005396, 6464198, 8598862, 8957489, 10172321, 10750317, 11915238, 11616655, 10764149, 10654868, 10221672, 10106818, 10106815, 9960738, 9188128, 8883919, 8883916, 8382442, 7826744, 7544416, 7241283, 2639603, 953450, 681569, 580567, 277573 & 263101. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR