Was heißt »nach­mit­tags« auf Englisch?

Das Adverb nach­mit­tags lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • in the afternoon

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Diese Bank öffnet um 9 Uhr morgens und schließt um 3 Uhr nachmittags.

This bank opens at nine in the morning and shuts at three in the afternoon.

Sie lernen nachmittags.

They study in the afternoon.

Vielleicht wird es nachmittags regnen.

Perhaps it will rain in the afternoon.

Perhaps it'll rain in the afternoon.

Herr Pryor brach während der Probe für eine Aufführung in Paris mit einer Subarachnoidalblutung zusammen. Er wurde in ein örtliches Krankenhaus gebracht, verstarb jedoch um 4 Uhr 23 nachmittags.

Mr Pryor collapsed with a subarachnoid haemorrhage when rehearsing for a performance in Paris. He was taken to local hospital but passed away at 4:23 pm.

Die Besprechung endete um drei Uhr nachmittags.

The meeting ended at three in the afternoon.

The meeting ended at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Es ist zwei Uhr nachmittags.

It's two o'clock in the afternoon.

It's two in the afternoon.

Er ist um drei Uhr nachmittags gekommen.

He came at three in the afternoon.

Im Winter geht die Sonne vor 4 Uhr nachmittags unter.

The sun goes down by 4 p.m. in the winter.

The sun sets by 4 p.m. in winter.

Sie muss nachmittags shoppen gehen.

She has to go shopping in the afternoon.

Der Unterricht beginnt um neun und endet nachmittags um sechs.

Lessons begin at nine and end at six.

Classes begin at nine and end at six.

Es wird drei Uhr nachmittags sein.

It would be three in the afternoon.

Sie hat mich nachmittags angerufen.

She rang me in the afternoon.

She phoned me in the afternoon.

Möglicherweise regnet es nachmittags.

It might rain this afternoon.

Ich werde dich nachmittags wiedersehen.

I'll see you again this afternoon.

Das Treffen begann um fünf Uhr nachmittags.

The meeting began at five in the afternoon.

Was machst du nachmittags?

What do you do in the afternoon?

What are you doing in the afternoon?

Es ist schon fast vier Uhr nachmittags. Bist du nicht hungrig?

It's almost four in the afternoon. Aren't you hungry?

Wir verlassen Japan am nächsten Freitag um drei Uhr nachmittags.

We leave Japan at 3 p.m. next Friday.

Wie wäre es mit dem achtundzwanzigsten Februar um drei Uhr nachmittags?

How about February 28th around 3:00 pm?

How about the 28th of February at about 3 p.m.?

How about 28 February at about 3.00 pm?

Wir trafen uns um zwei Uhr nachmittags.

We met at two in the afternoon.

Morgen soll wegen Bauarbeiten zwischen ein und drei Uhr nachmittags das Wasser abgestellt werden. Denke daran, ja?

They're cutting the water off tomorrow between 1 and 3 in the afternoon because of building work. Don't forget, all right?

Tom trinkt nachmittags nie Kaffee.

Tom never drinks coffee in the afternoon.

Der Test findet um 4 Uhr nachmittags statt.

The test is at 4 p.m.

Die Schlacht von San Jacinto begann um vier Uhr nachmittags.

The Battle of San Jacinto began at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Ich werde um fünf Uhr nachmittags dort sein.

I'll be there at five p.m.

Mein Flug landete um halb drei nachmittags.

My flight landed at 2.30 pm.

Mittwoch nachmittags findet kein Unterricht statt.

We have no classes on Wednesday afternoons.

Es ist nachmittags halb fünf Uhr.

It's 4.30 in the afternoon.

It's half four in the afternoon.

It's half past four in the afternoon.

It's four thirty in the afternoon.

It's 4.30 pm.

Ich gehe gern nachmittags schwimmen.

I like to swim in the afternoon.

Es wird nachmittags regnen.

It'll rain in the afternoon.

Tom wird nachmittags kommen.

Tom will come this afternoon.

Gegen vier Uhr nachmittags war die Macht des Feuers gebrochen, aber die Feuerwehr blieb noch bis in die späten Abendstunden tätig.

The fire was subdued at about four in the afternoon, but the fire service remained in attendance until late in the evening.

The fire was brought under control at about four in the afternoon, but the fire brigade remained in attendance well into the evening.

Tom fragte mich, ob ich nächsten Montag nachmittags Zeit hätte.

Tom asked me if I would be free next Monday afternoon.

Ich muss um vier Uhr nachmittags gehen.

I have to leave at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Es war 2 Uhr nachmittags am 7. Mai 1915.

It was 2 p.m. on the afternoon of May 7, 1915.

Meine Binden sind bald alle; kannst du nachmittags zwei Packungen für mich kaufen?

I'm almost out of maxi pads. Can you buy me two packs this afternoon?

Es ist fünf Uhr nachmittags.

It's five in the evening.

Selbst werktags nachmittags muss man lange anstehen, um hereingelassen zu werden.

Outside, there’s a long line to get in, even on a weekday afternoon.

You have to queue for a long time to get in, even on weekday afternoons.

„Du rufst sonntags morgens um sieben Uhr bei mir an, nur um zu fragen, wie es mir geht? Ich dachte schon, es wäre was passiert!“ – „Ich weiß doch, dass du Frühaufsteherin bist, und nachmittags oder abends kriege ich dich nie.“

"You're ringing me at seven in the morning on a Sunday just to ask how I am? I thought that something had happened!" "It's just I know you're an early riser, and I can never get hold of you in the afternoon or evening."

Ich fahre gewöhnlich montags nachmittags einkaufen.

I usually go shopping on Monday afternoon.

Es gibt Tage, an denen ich morgens dusche, aber normalerweise dusche ich lieber nachmittags oder abends.

There are days when I shower in the morning, but I usually prefer to shower in the afternoon or at night.


in the morning

Englische Beispielsätze

  • I visited her at the hospital in the afternoon, but I forgot the flowers.

  • They came in the morning, sat down for a while and said they were going to leave Shanghai in the afternoon.

  • "My grandad is seventy, and he jogs a couple of miles every morning." "That's great. What does he do in the afternoon?" "He makes his way home."

  • I like to sleep in the afternoon.

  • The train leaves at half past two in the afternoon.

  • The train leaves at half two in the afternoon.

  • The train leaves at two thirty in the afternoon.

  • The meeting ended at four in the afternoon.

  • We think the death occurred at twenty minutes past two in the afternoon.

  • We have two hours of lessons in the afternoon.

  • We've got two hours of lessons in the afternoon.

  • Sunny spells will develop in the afternoon.

  • The sky is mostly overcast in the morning, but brightens up in the afternoon.

  • The sky is mostly overcast in the morning, but the cloud disperses in the afternoon.

  • The sky is mostly overcast in the morning, but the cloud breaks up in the afternoon.

  • Plenty of snow had fallen overnight. The following morning, grandmothers and their grandchildren on sledges appeared in the streets, and in the afternoon, after school, snowball fights broke out in the park.

  • The weather map shows that it won't rain this morning, but that there might be some rain late in the afternoon.

  • I usually get sleepy in the afternoon.

  • I should have some time to help you in the afternoon.

  • At five o'clock in the afternoon in Paris, what time is it in Moscow?

Nach­mit­tags übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: nachmittags. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 348443, 369880, 484830, 594772, 596556, 606433, 645147, 682970, 695141, 701713, 725204, 832444, 834928, 913842, 1104164, 1131445, 1629096, 1693383, 1833412, 2234663, 2698965, 2750491, 2794782, 3046897, 3443755, 4007097, 4453490, 4971638, 4996579, 5489666, 7635616, 8221207, 8307072, 8838155, 8895329, 9053156, 9965800, 10072618, 10267514, 10285300, 11998294, 11608184, 11842187, 11855809, 11965233, 11975866, 11975867, 11975868, 11985559, 10564153, 10036626, 10036624, 9997060, 9440264, 9440263, 9440262, 9435568, 8982107, 8967747, 8897177 & 8838115. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR