Das Substantiv Verhandlung lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Die Verhandlungen sind in eine neue Runde gegangen.
The negotiation has entered upon a new phase.
Negotiations have gone into a new round.
Negotiations have entered a new round.
There is a new round of negotiations.
Wir haben uns darauf verständigt, die Verhandlungen weiterzuführen.
We have agreed to continue the negotiations.
Wir möchten diese Verhandlungen abbrechen.
We want to break off this negotiation.
Lasst uns erst einmal sehen, wie sich die Verhandlungen entwickeln, bevor wir uns entscheiden.
Let's see how the negotiations play out before making our decision.
Let's see how the negotiations pan out before we decide.
Die Verhandlungen treten in eine kritische Phase.
The negotiations are entering a critical phase.
Negotiations are entering a critical phase.
Wir haben Ihre Verhandlungen beobachtet.
We have been watching your negotiations.
We've been watching your negotiations.
Wir stecken mitten in Verhandlungen.
We're in the middle of negotiations.
Die Verhandlungen scheiterten.
The negotiations fell through.
Sie setzte dann ihre Verhandlungen mit der Bank fort.
She then proceeded to negotiate with her bank.
Die Verhandlungen haben nur wenig Fortschritt gemacht.
The negotiations made little progress.
Ich gebe ihm die Schuld für unser Scheitern in den Verhandlungen.
I blame him for our failure in the negotiations.
Die Verhandlung ist vertagt.
Court's adjourned.
Court is adjourned.
China ruft zu einer baldigen Wiederaufnahme der Verhandlungen zwischen Palästina und Israel auf.
China calls for the speedy resumption of negotiations between Palestine and Israel.
Wir haben die Verhandlungen noch nicht abgeschlossen.
We're not finished with negotiations.
Die Verhandlungen haben angefangen.
The negotiations have begun.
Die Verhandlungen sind vorbei.
The negotiations have ended.
Obwohl es Fortschritte gab, haben die meisten Presseorgane mitgeteilt, die Verhandlungen hätten in der Kürze der Zeit keine Ergebnisse erbracht.
Although there has been some progress, most of the press have reported that negotiations have not produced any results in the short time available.
Die Verhandlung beginnt am nächsten Montag.
The trial starts next Monday.
Die Verhandlungen schreiten schleppend voran.
The negotiations are making slow progress.
Die Verhandlungen laufen immer noch.
Negotiations are still going on.
Die Verhandlungen endeten ergebnislos.
Negotiations ended without conclusion.
Negotiations ended inconclusively.
Der norwegische Diplomat vermittelte während der geheimen Verhandlungen, die das historische Dokument hervorbrachten.
The Norwegian diplomat mediated the secret negotiations that produced the historic document.
Die Verhandlungen haben sich festgefahren.
The talks have become bogged down.
Nach dreieinhalb Jahren der verworrenen Verhandlungen und des politischen Chaos, das zwei Premierminister zum Rücktritt zwang, wird Großbritannien am Freitag um 23 Uhr Londoner Zeit offiziell aus der Europäischen Union austreten.
After three-and-a-half years of tortuous negotiations and political chaos that forced the resignation of two prime ministers, Britain will officially leave the European Union at 11:00 p.m. London time Friday.
We have received the first trial batch of vaccine.
He will go to trial.
The lawyer put his robe on before defending his client in the trial.
"Oh, I know I'm a great trial to you, Marilla," said Anne repentantly. "I make so many mistakes. But then just think of all the mistakes I don't make, although I might."
The patients participating in the drug trial don't know if they're receiving the drug or the placebo.
In 1632, Galileo published a book that said the Earth orbited the Sun. The Catholic Church arrested him and put him on trial.
I want those responsible for the massacre brought to trial.
The serial killer was cold and distant during his trial, and appeared unaffected by the fact that he had murdered so many people.
This is a hearing, not a trial.
It's open to negotiation.
The trial went on day after day.
I am the plaintiff in that trial.
Who is the plaintiff in this trial?
The witness did not seem nervous when he spoke at the trial.
Many newspaper reporters attended the trial.
The accused thief is on trial now.
She went on trial charged with murdering her husband.
He decided to put the murder trial first in the evening news.