Das Substantiv Gesundheitszustand lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
state of health
health condition
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Ich bin wegen seines Gesundheitszustands besorgt.
I'm worried because of his health.
His health situation worries me.
Der Arzt war vom guten Gesundheitszustand des Babys erfreut.
The doctor was pleased with the baby's good health.
Ich bin um seinen schlechten Gesundheitszustand besorgt.
I am concerned about his poor health.
Wir müssen ihren schlechten Gesundheitszustand berücksichtigen.
We must allow for her poor health.
Ihr Gesundheitszustand hat sich in den letzten paar Monaten ständig verschlechtert.
Her health has been declining these past few months.
Er wurde wegen seinem schlechten Gesundheitszustand abgelehnt.
He was rejected because his health was poor.
Es hat keinen Sinn, dass ihr euch um euren Gesundheitszustand so viele Sorgen macht.
There is no sense in your worrying about your health so much.
Er ging wegen seines schlechten Gesundheitszustands in Rente.
He retired due to ill health.
Toms Gesundheitszustand hat sich in letzter Zeit erheblich verschlechtert.
Tom's health has declined a lot recently.
Tom's state of health has deteriorated considerably recently.
Toms Gesundheitszustand verbessert sich.
Tom's health is improving.
Sein Gesundheitszustand verschlechterte sich zunehmend.
His state of health continued to deteriorate.
His health continued to deteriorate.
His condition continued to deteriorate.
Ich mache mir über Toms Gesundheitszustand Sorgen.
I'm worried about the state of Tom's health.
Die schwere Arbeit wirkte sich langsam auf seinen Gesundheitszustand aus.
Hard labor was beginning to tell on his health.
Der Arzt bescheinigte Tom einen ausgezeichneten Gesundheitszustand.
Tom's doctor gave him a clean bill of health.
Im Jahre 1633 wurde Galileo zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt. Wegen seines Alters und seines schlechten Gesundheitszustandes gestattete man ihm jedoch, die Haft im Hausarrest zu verbüßen.
Galileo was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1633. Because of his age and poor health, he was allowed to serve his imprisonment under house arrest.
1949 hatte Einsteins Gesundheitszustand angefangen, sich zu verschlechtern, in dem Maße, dass er, als ihm 1952 das Amt des Präsidenten von Israel angeboten wurde, ablehnen musste.
By 1949 Einstein was in failing health. His health was so bad that when offered the presidency of Israel in 1952 he had to decline it.
Sein Gesundheitszustand ist schlecht.
He's in a bad state of health.
His state of health is poor.
He's in a poor state of health.
Chopins Gesundheitszustand verschlechterte sich weiter.
Chopin's health continued to deteriorate.
Jensen hat sich von ihrem Gesundheitszustand nicht davon abhalten lassen, ein von Unternehmungen, Kunst und Liebe erfülltes Leben zu führen.
Jensen has refused to let her condition stop her from living a life filled with activities, art and love.
Falls Tom das verschriebene Medikament nicht nimmt, könnte sich sein Gesundheitszustand verschlechtern.
If Tom doesn't take the prescribed medicine, his state of health might deteriorate.
Toms Gesundheitszustand ist wirklich gut.
Tom is in really good health.
Toms Gesundheitszustand ist gut, nicht wahr?
Tom is in good health, isn't he?
Das Rauchen begann sich negativ auf seinen Gesundheitszustand auszuwirken.
"How is your mother?" inquired Anne politely, just as if she had not seen Mrs. Barry picking apples that morning in excellent health and spirits.
A collection of thoughts should be like a drug store, where you can find remedies to any health problem.
He says that he must engage in exercise for the sake of his health, but he overdoes it to such a degree that it seems he is ready to die for his health.
Tom is worried about his health.
Tom has a serious health problem.
Tom was low on health, but he found a health pack just in time.
It's good for people's health.
Tom quit school for health reasons.
Tom has mental health problems.
Money cannot buy health.
Money cannot buy health, nor happiness.
Mary works at a health food store.
Brown rice has many health benefits.
How is your health?
To your health!
Astronauts are scheduled to exercise approximately two hours per day to maintain their health while on the ISS.
Unlike its presence at high altitude where ozone acts as Earth's sunscreen from harmful ultraviolet radiation, at low altitudes, ozone is a health hazard contributing to respiratory problems like asthma and bronchitis.
Thank you for being concerned about my mental health.
Refined sugar is bad for your health.
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