Was heißt »Ge­scheh­nis« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv Ge­scheh­nis lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • incident
  • event

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Unser Leben ist wie ein Notizbuch, dessen Seiten voll sind mit allen Geschehnissen, sowohl die guten und schlechten, die Hochs und Tiefs.

Our life is like a notebook of which pages are covered with all the moments, both the goods and bads, the ups and downs.

Tom beobachtete die Geschehnisse sehr genau.

Tom was watching what was happening very carefully.

Ich möchte mich für die Geschehnisse hier entschuldigen.

I apologize for what's happened here.

Tom äußerte nicht viel über die Geschehnisse am letzten Wochenende.

Tom didn't say much about what happened last weekend.

Diese schrecklichen Geschehnisse erschütterten seine Seele.

These terrible events shook his soul.

Er untersuchte das ganze Geschehnis.

He investigated the whole incident.

Hat Tom sich dir gegenüber zu den Geschehnissen geäußert?

Did Tom say anything to you about what happened?

Glauben Sie, dass Tom hinter den jetzigen Geschehnissen steckt?

Do you think Tom is behind what's happening now?

Man kann die Geschehnisse nicht beeinflussen.

You can't help what happens.

Tom gab sich die Schuld an den Geschehnissen.

Tom blamed himself for what happened.

Und dann kam es zu sehr merkwürdigen Geschehnissen.

And then very strange things began to happen.

Können wir über die Geschehnisse jenes Tages sprechen?

Can we talk about what happened that day?

Teile Tom die wahren Geschehnisse mit.

Tell Tom what really happened.

Die Geschehnisse des 20. Oktober 2013 werde ich nie vergessen.

I'll never forget what happened on October 20, 2013.

Maria beschloss, ihren Eltern nichts von den Geschehnissen zu sagen.

Mary decided not to tell her parents about what had happened.

Tom und Maria haben offenbar niemandem von den Geschehnissen erzählt.

Obviously, Tom and Mary haven't told anyone about what happened.

Ich habe der Polizei die Geschehnisse schon mitgeteilt.

I've already told the police what happened.

Tom berichtete der Polizei von den Geschehnissen.

Tom told the police about what had happened.

Tom macht sich wegen der derzeitigen Geschehnisse in der Welt große Sorgen.

Tom is quite concerned about what's happening in the world now.



Englische Beispielsätze

  • The border incident happened shortly after midnight.

  • Then something happened that was completely out of the ordinary, an event that would change the lives of those present for ever.

  • This event will go down in history.

  • Who organised this event?

  • Tom was the only artist at the event who actually sang rather than merely lip-synced to a pre-recorded soundtrack.

  • This incident was etched in his memory.

  • This whole incident is based on a tragic misunderstanding.

  • The incident upset Tom.

  • Tom qualified for the 400m hurdles regional championship after an incident involving a squirrel and a labrador retriever.

  • Halloween is a highly anticipated event for children across the United States.

  • Typically, the White House invites trick-or-treaters to receive candy and treats from the president and first lady. The event, however, will not take place this year.

  • The incident might have been forgotten had the same thing not happened again three weeks later.

  • We're not always wise after the event.

  • Who organized this event?

  • That incident occurred five years ago, before all this started.

  • The police think the incident was racially motivated.

  • People are wise – some before the event, others after.

  • If you had the chance to change a single event in history, which one would it be?

  • What should we do in the event of a fire?

  • I'm not too interested in the event.

Ge­scheh­nis übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Geschehnis. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2024, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: Geschehnis. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2024, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 926084, 1931248, 2292134, 2767806, 2790999, 4208329, 4461941, 4878220, 4939024, 5303258, 6046617, 6316430, 6601270, 7328632, 7533594, 7841717, 8589095, 10632250, 11466804, 11090593, 11124169, 11235300, 10782192, 10724893, 10712688, 10648442, 10566878, 10504461, 10471468, 10471466, 10361094, 10357939, 10247713, 10104809, 11953236, 10042803, 10025942, 9993441 & 12169147. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR