Was heißt »Bach« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv Bach lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • brook
  • creek
  • stream
  • burn

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Der Ball rollte in den Bach hinein.

The ball rolled into the stream.

Diese Musik wurde von Bach komponiert.

This music was composed by Bach.

Sie spielt Bach.

She plays Bach.

Bach und Händel waren Zeitgenossen.

Bach and Handel were contemporaries.

Er wagte nicht über den Bach zu springen.

He dared not jump over the brook.

He dared not jump the brook.

Jedes Frühjahr schmilzt das Wintereis in den Flüssen, Bächen und Seen.

Every spring, the winter ice melts into the rivers, streams and lakes.

Sie liebt klassische Komponisten wie Beethoven und Bach.

She likes classical composers such as Beethoven and Bach.

In meinem Dorf gibt es einen kleinen schmalen Steg über einen Bach.

In my village, there is a small, narrow footbridge over a brook.

Von welchem Fluss sprichst du? Meinst du etwa diesen Bach?

What river are you on about? Do you mean this stream?

Als Tom den Fuß in den Bach hielt, spürte er, wie ihm etwas in den Zeh biss.

When Tom put his foot into the stream, he felt something bite his toe.

Die ganze Sache ging leider den Bach runter.

Unfortunately, the whole thing fell apart.

Der Komponist Johann Sebastian Bach starb im Jahre 1750.

The composer Johann Sebastian Bach died in the year 1750.

Sie sah den Kindern zu, die im Bach spielten.

She watched the children playing in the brook.

Er wagte es nicht, über den Bach hinwegzuspringen.

He didn't dare to jump over the brook.

Tom und Maria schlugen ihr Zelt in der Nähe des Baches auf.

Tom and Mary pitched their tent near the stream.

Als ich hinab ins Dorf zurückkehrte, sah ich in Bächen, die seit Menschengedenken trocken gelegen hatten, Wasser.

Going back down into the village, I saw water running in streams that had been dry for longer than anyone could remember.

Die Nacht war stockdunkel, es gab nicht den kleinsten Stern am Himmel, keinen Windhauch, kein Bach ließ sein Wasser plätschern, es gab keinen einzigen Laut auf Erden, keine duftenden Wiesen und Waldesblumen.

The night was pitch-dark. There wasn't the faintest star in the sky or a breath of wind. There was no babbling stream, there wasn't a single sound anywhere, and no smell of meadows or forest flowers.

Er traute sich nicht, über den Bach zu springen.

He didn't dare to jump the brook.

He did not dare to jump over the creek.

He didn't dare jump across the stream.

He dared not jump over the beck.

He dared not jump the beck.

He dared not jump the stream.

Er ist der Bach von heute.

He's the Bach of today.

Gibt es in der Nähe des Hauses mit den grünen Giebeln einen Bach?

Is there a brook anywhere near Green Gables?

Bäche werden zu reißenden Strömen.

Streams are becoming torrents.

Ich habe schon immer davon geträumt, in der Nähe eines Baches zu wohnen.

It's always been one of my dreams to live near a brook.

Erst Ende April entließ der Winter das Land allmählich aus seinem kalten Griff. Die Tage wurden wärmer; Schnee und Eis verwandelten sich in Bäche von Schmelzwasser.

It was not until the end of April that winter began to release the land from its icy grip. The days became warmer; snow and ice turned into streams of meltwater.

Viele kleine Bäche machen einen großen Fluss.

Many small streams make a great river.

Viele Musiker halten Bach schlicht für den größten Komponisten aller Zeiten.

Many musicians consider Bach as simply the best composer of all time.

Many musicians consider Bach simply to be the best composer of all time.

Many musicians regard Bach as simply the greatest composer of all time.

Ein kleiner Bach schlängelt sich durch die Felder.

A small stream winds its way through the fields.

A small beck winds its way through the fields.

A brook winds its way through the fields.

Bei Regen tritt der Bach regelmäßig über die Ufer.

The stream regularly overflows when it rains.

Tom sprang aus dem Stand über den Bach.

Tom did a standing jump over the stream.

Tom did a standing jump over the beck.

Es ging alles ganz schnell den Bach runter.

Things went downhill pretty quickly.

Das Plätschern des Bachs schläfert mich ein.

The murmur of the brook lulls me to sleep.

Wenn ich Bachs Goldberg-Variationen höre, dargeboten von Glenn Gould, frage ich mich, ob auch der Komponist selbst dieses wunderbare Stück so virtuos gespielt hat.

When I listen to Bach's Goldberg Variations played by Glenn Gould, I wonder if the composer himself also performed with such virtuosity this wonderful musical piece.

Zwischen den beiden Wiesen fließt ein Bach.

A stream flows between the two meadows.

In der Musik beeindruckt (und bewegt) mich nichts mehr als die Aufführung von Bachs Goldberg-Variationen durch Glenn Gould.

In music, nothing impresses (and moves) me more than the performance of Bach's Goldberg Variations by Glenn Gould.

Werfen Sie die Asche in Richtung eines Baches.

Cast the ashes toward a flowing stream.

Nahe uns trank ein bunter Distelfink von dem Wasser des Baches.

Near us a multicoloured goldfinch drank from the water of the stream.

Georg Friedrich Händel wurde 36 Tage vor Johann Sebastian Bach geboren.

George Frideric Handel was born 36 days before Johann Sebastian Bach.

Georg Friedrich Händel, Johann Sebastian Bach und Giuseppe Domenico Scarlatti wurden alle 1685 geboren.

George Frideric Handel, Johann Sebastian Bach and Giuseppe Domenico Scarlatti were all born in 1685.

Bachs Inventio 8 in F-Dur ist wohlbekannt.

Bach's Invention No. 8 in F major is well-known.



Englische Beispielsätze

  • He sat next to the stream.

  • It is impossible to burn a copy of Dante's Inferno because the ice of the ninth layer of hell will put out any fires kindled with earlier pages.

  • Woods burn easily.

  • When I regained my senses, it seemed that fur had grown on my fingers and knees. When it became slightly brighter, I looked at my reflection in a mountain stream, and I realized that I had become a tiger.

  • Where they burn books, they will eventually burn people.

  • Men of genius are meteors destined to burn in order to illuminate their century.

  • Christopher Columbus once decided to burn absolutely everything in an entire village after one of the natives stole his parrot. He was disappointed that he couldn't burn their water. So he invented fluorine.

  • You'll burn your hands if you don't use a potholder or oven mitts!

  • They swam against the stream.

  • If we burn fuels such as coal, oil and gas, they give off various gases.

  • If you burn yourself, quickly cool the burn with water.

  • A small stream runs by my house.

  • You cannot burn anything without oxygen.

  • I have to burn the midnight oil tonight.

  • I'll burn the midnight oil tonight.

  • I wish I could figure out how to burn a DVD.

  • He's got money to burn.

  • You must see to it that the cakes do not burn.

  • If this organization is left as it is, it will soon go bankrupt; its recovery is as difficult as swapping horses while crossing a stream.

  • This wood won't burn.

Übergeordnete Begriffe


Untergeordnete Begriffe

mountain stream

Bach übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Bach. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2024, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: Bach. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2024, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 396944, 453980, 457966, 662050, 709677, 746011, 1000870, 1041244, 1716853, 2063288, 2125922, 2169955, 2207082, 2293319, 2323578, 2330367, 2581861, 3118688, 3752881, 6149737, 6774065, 7255012, 7813688, 8047408, 8337530, 8633624, 8801831, 8833594, 9078588, 9982751, 10300311, 10770604, 10873934, 11034342, 11498054, 12114896, 12115044, 12347575, 530769, 697690, 448299, 437650, 397619, 391771, 811826, 830752, 307662, 272239, 892627, 250502, 245183, 243397, 243386, 953725, 71981, 64738, 58047 & 56767. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR