Was heißt »du­schen« auf Englisch?

Das Verb du­schen lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • shower
  • take a shower
  • have a shower

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Es gibt Tage, an denen ich morgens dusche, aber normalerweise dusche ich lieber nachmittags oder abends.

There are days when I shower in the morning, but I usually prefer to shower in the afternoon or at night.

Ich dusche gewöhnlich abends.

I usually take a shower in the evening.

I usually shower at night.

Könnte ich am Morgen duschen?

May I take a shower in the morning?

Meine Schwester duscht jeden Morgen.

My sister takes a shower every morning.

My sister showers every morning.

Meine große Schwester duscht jeden Tag.

My older sister showers every day.

My big sister showers every day.

Ich habe gerade geduscht.

I just took a shower.

I just showered.

Ich habe mich geduscht.

I've had a shower.

Er duschte vor dem Frühstück.

He had a shower before breakfast.

Das Telefon klingelte, während ich duschte.

The phone rang while I was taking a shower.

The phone rang while I was having a shower.

The phone rang while I was in the shower.

The phone rang while I was under the shower.

The phone rang while I was showering.

Ich dusche jeden Abend.

I have a shower every night.

I take a shower every night.

Ich dusche jeden Tag.

I take a shower every day.

I shower every day.

Er duscht gerade.

He's taking a shower.

He's having a shower.

Ich dusche mich gerade.

I'm taking a shower right now.

I'm having a shower at the moment.

I'm in the shower at the moment.

Hast du dich heute geduscht?

Did you take a shower today?

Hast du heute geduscht?

Have you had a shower today?

Have you showered today?

Wie oft in der Woche duscht du dich?

How many times a week do you shower?

Sie duscht jeden Morgen.

She showers every morning.

She takes a shower every morning.

Ich stehe auf, wasche mich, dusche, rasiere mich und ziehe mich an.

I get up, wash, shower, shave, and get dressed.

Ich habe mich gerade geduscht.

I was just taking a shower.

I've just had a shower.

I've just showered.

Da habe ich gerade geduscht.

I was taking a shower then.

Für gewöhnlich dusche ich morgens.

I am in the habit of taking a shower in the morning.

I usually have a shower in the morning.

Ich werde nur duschen. Baden werde ich zu Hause.

I'll just have a shower. I'll have a bath at home.

Ich kann des Nachts nicht duschen.

I cannot take a shower at night.

Ich muss duschen.

I need to take a shower.

I have to take a shower.

I need a shower.

Ich dusche gerne nachts.

I like to take a shower at night.

Darf ich duschen?

May I take a shower?

Sie legt großen Wert darauf, vor dem Frühstück zu duschen.

She makes a point of taking a shower before breakfast.

Ich dusche des Morgens gewöhnlich als allererstes.

I usually take a shower first thing in the morning.

I usually have a shower first thing in the morning.

Ich könnte, wenn ich geduscht habe, nochmals nach Flügen schauen, falls ich nicht vorher einschlafe.

I might look at flights again soon after a shower, if I don't fall asleep.

Tom duscht gewöhnlich vor dem Frühstück.

Tom usually takes a shower before breakfast.

Tom usually takes a shower before eating breakfast.

Tom duscht jeden Morgen vor dem Frühstück.

Tom takes a shower every morning before breakfast.

Meine ältere Schwester duscht sich jeden Tag.

My older sister takes a shower every day.

Lass mich rasch duschen!

Let me take a quick shower.

Let me have a quick shower.

Ich habe die Angewohnheit, nachts zu duschen.

I'm in the habit of showering at night.

Hast du schon einmal mitten in der Nacht geduscht?

Have you ever taken a shower in the middle of the night?

Sie badet lieber als dass sie duscht.

She prefers baths rather than showers.

Ich duschte.

I took a shower.

I had a shower.

Sie duschte.

She showered.

Wann hast du das letzte Mal geduscht?

When was the last time you took a shower?

When is the last time you showered?

When's the last time you showered?

When was the last time you had a shower?

When did you last have a shower?

When did you shower last?

When did you last shower?

Ich gedenke heute Abend zu duschen.

I plan to have a shower tonight.

Hier kann man duschen.

Here's where you can shower.

You can shower here.

Tom duscht lieber am Morgen, während Maria lieber vor dem Zubettgehen badet.

Tom prefers to take a shower in the morning while Mary prefers to take a bath just before going to bed.

Tom prefers to have a shower in the morning while Mary prefers a bath before bed.

Sag ihr, dass ich gerade dusche!

Tell her that I am taking a shower.

Ich duschte vor dem Frühstück.

I showered before breakfast.

Ich dusche gewöhnlich vor dem Zubettgehen.

I normally have a shower before bed.

Ich dusche fast jeden Tag.

I take a shower almost every day.

Tom duschte vor dem Frühstück.

Tom took a shower before breakfast.

Als Tom aufwachte, duschte Maria gerade.

When Tom woke up, Mary was taking her shower.

When Tom woke up, Mary was taking a shower.

Tom nähme lieber ein Bad, anstatt zu duschen.

Tom would rather take a bath than a shower.

Tom duscht jeden Morgen.

Tom takes a shower every morning.

Tom showers every morning.

Ich gehe schnell duschen.

I'm going to take a quick shower.

I'm going to have a quick shower.

Nachdem er geduscht hatte, aß Tom zu Abend.

After taking a shower, Tom ate dinner.

Er hat geduscht.

He has taken a shower.

He took a shower.

He had a shower.

Du kannst oben im Badezimmer duschen.

You can take a shower in the upstairs bathroom.

Ich habe geduscht und bin dann ins Bett gegangen.

I took a shower and then went to bed.

Ich geh mich jetzt duschen.

I'm going to go take a shower.

I'm going to go and have a shower.

I'll go and have a shower.

Ich dusche einmal täglich.

I shower once a day.

I take a shower once a day.

Weil ich dreckig bin, gehe ich jetzt duschen.

I will shower now, because I am dirty.

Geh duschen!

Take a shower.

Du solltest duschen.

You should shower.

You should take a shower.

Er wird duschen.

He's going to have a shower.

Sie wird duschen.

She's going to have a shower.

Du fängst an zu stinken, Tom. Geh duschen!

You're starting to smell, Tom. Go and have a shower.

You're beginning to pong, Tom. Go and have a shower.

Wie oft duschst du dich?

How often do you shower?

How often do you take a shower?

How often do you have a shower?

Gewöhnlich duscht sie sich am Morgen.

Usually she takes a shower in the morning.

Ich mache dir schnell etwas zu essen, während du duschst.

I'll fix you something to eat while you take a shower.

Ich wasche mir jedes Mal die Haare, wenn ich mich dusche.

I wash my hair every time I take a shower.

Stimmt es, dass Europäer nicht täglich duschen?

Is it true that Europeans don't shower every day?

Is it true that Europeans don't shower daily?

Tom wollte duschen.

Tom wanted to take a shower.

Tom wanted to have a shower.

Tom wanted to shower.

Tom wanted a shower.

Immer, wenn Tom glücklich war, sang er unter der Dusche. Nun begab es sich eines Tages, dass er duschte, aber nicht sang.

Every time Tom was happy, he sang in the shower. Then one day, he happened to shower but didn't sing.

Wie lange brauchen Sie, um zu duschen?

How long does it take you to shower?

Tom duschte und ging schlafen.

Tom took a shower and went to bed.

Hast du geduscht?

Have you showered?

Did you take a shower?

Did you have a shower?

Have you had a shower?

Ich ziehe es vor, morgens zu duschen.

I prefer to take a shower in the morning.

Ich dusche lieber des Morgens.

I prefer to shower in the morning.

I prefer to have a shower in the morning.

I prefer showering in the morning.

Tom, du stinkst. Geh duschen!

Tom, you smell. Go and have a shower!

Meine ältere Schwester duscht jeden Morgen.

My older sister takes a shower every morning.

Ich will duschen.

I want to take a shower.

I want to have a shower.

I want a shower.

Ihr könnt duschen, so viel ihr wollt.

You guys can shower as much as you want.

Ich muss mich wirklich mal duschen.

I really need to take a shower.

Thomas hat sich geduscht.

Tom showered.

Tom has showered.

Tom had a shower.

Ich duschte schnell.

I quickly took a shower.

I had a quick shower.

I quickly had a shower.

Du hast einen Schweißgeruch an dir. Geh duschen!

You smell sweaty. Go and have a shower.

Ich habe kalt geduscht. Jetzt bin ich wieder halbwegs klar im Kopf.

I had a cold shower. My head's a bit clearer now.

Tom duschte noch einmal.

Tom took another shower.

Sie duscht.

She showers.

Er duscht.

He showers.

Er duschte sich.

He showered.

Ich dusche nicht jeden Tag.

I don't take a shower every day.

Tom duscht immer noch.

Tom is still taking a shower.

Ich dusche gewöhnlich, bevor ich des Morgens zur Arbeit fahre.

I usually take a shower in the morning before going to work.

Tom duschte, kaum dass er zu Hause war.

Tom took a shower as soon as he got home.

Gleich nach dem Aufstehen dusche ich.

As soon as I get up, I have a shower.

As soon as I get up, I take a shower.

Ich habe noch nicht geduscht.

I haven't taken a shower yet.

I haven't showered yet.

I haven't had a shower yet.

Heute Abend dusche ich.

I'm going to have a shower this evening.

I'll have a shower this evening.

I shall have a shower this evening.

I'm having a shower tonight.

Ich dusche beinahe jeden Tag.

I shower almost every day.

Als ich gerade duschte, klingelte es.

The doorbell rang when I was in the shower.

Würden Sie im Winter mit kaltem Wasser duschen?

Would you shower with cold water in winter?

Ich dusche heute Abend.

I'm going to have a shower tonight.

Darf ich duschen gehen?

Can I go take a shower?

Can I go and have a shower?

Can I go and shower?





Englische Beispielsätze

  • We're going to have showers today.

  • She has a shower every morning.

  • We had a shower.

  • I'll take a shower tonight.

  • I'm going to take a shower tonight.

  • Do you sing in the shower?

  • Tom had a quick shower.

  • I love your shower curtain.

  • Tom is having a shower.

  • I like to sing while taking a shower.

  • Can I get in the shower now?

  • Go home, get under the shower and forget everything.

  • They were under the shower.

  • You were in the shower.

  • You were under the shower.

  • The rain was just a passing shower. It wasn't long before the clouds had moved on.

  • She got out of bed at 2.30 a.m. to watch the Quadrantids meteor shower.

  • The hotel is a castle with seventy-seven rooms, all of which have an en suite shower, a telephone and cable television.

  • I was caught in a shower on the way home from school and got soaking wet.

  • What an utter shower.

Du­schen übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: duschen. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: duschen. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2024, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 11998294, 998, 347433, 369991, 532571, 540956, 611225, 642076, 780998, 878256, 901308, 905646, 913864, 913865, 926233, 927028, 969156, 974705, 1079134, 1174734, 1179623, 1677642, 1729503, 1745971, 1762864, 1794811, 1835566, 1888607, 1923802, 1925006, 1931963, 2081828, 2195120, 2224190, 2420097, 2467590, 2497055, 2497059, 2506106, 2521686, 2610642, 2618873, 2630191, 2717296, 2730744, 2732497, 2853248, 2966546, 3474445, 3498574, 3500662, 3873861, 4135956, 4344970, 4543566, 4596719, 4684754, 5064400, 5717035, 5782757, 5784857, 5784858, 5918255, 6157169, 6217948, 6580322, 6840287, 7285747, 7335606, 7374151, 7873699, 8075476, 8088502, 8131900, 8131901, 8174921, 8231400, 8239249, 8488813, 8834306, 8861628, 8891586, 9025984, 9232691, 9468373, 9690247, 9957307, 9985147, 10125071, 10172297, 10912989, 11273540, 11327486, 11380437, 11402216, 11519144, 11547461, 11575896, 11626483, 11836600, 12119372, 12037597, 12013285, 11970325, 11970324, 11953031, 11922290, 11920911, 11913404, 11872136, 11838887, 11825563, 11610170, 11610169, 11610168, 11514213, 11419592, 11341025, 11193498 & 11193442. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR