Das Substantiv »Schwerkraft« lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
force of gravity
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Die Schwerkraft auf dem Mars erreicht 38 % der Schwerkraft auf der Erde.
Mars's gravity is 38% of Earth's gravity.
Die Schwerkraft zieht Gegenstände zum Mittelpunkt der Erde.
Gravity pulls things toward the center of the earth.
Die Schwerkraft bindet die Planeten an die Sonne.
Gravity binds the planets to the sun.
Die Schwerkraft strapaziert den menschlichen Körper.
Gravity stresses the human body.
Wenn du die Schwerkraft zu deinem Vorteil nutzen kannst, so mache das.
If you can use gravity to your advantage, do so.
Ich möchte ein Spiel spielen, in dem eine edle Rittersmaid mit dem Übernamen „Lichtgeschwindigkeit“ Macht über die Schwerkraft hat.
I want to play a game where a noble female knight with the nickname "Light-Speed" freely manipulates gravity.
Die Schwerkraft wirkt auf alles im Universum.
Gravity acts on everything in the universe.
Die Schwerkraft trägt einen weiteren Sieg davon!
Gravity wins again!
Gebäude können nicht die Gesetze der Schwerkraft verleugnen.
Buildings cannot deny the law of gravity.
Die Schwerkraft des Mondes ist für die Gezeiten auf der Erde verantwortlich.
The Moon's gravity is responsible for the ocean tides on Earth.
Auf Toms Raumschiff gibt es künstliche Schwerkraft.
Tom's spaceship has artificial gravity.
Auf der Erde wird die kinetische Energie eines sich bewegenden Körpers durch die Schwerkraft und die Reibung abgebaut, so dass er zum Stillstand kommt.
On Earth, the forces of gravity and friction dissipate the kinetic energy of a moving body, causing it to stop.
Kleine Monde, Asteroiden und Kometen beispielsweise sind zu klein, als dass die Schwerkraft ihnen eine kugelförmige Gestalt verleihen könnte.
Small moons, asteroids, and comets, for example, are too small for their gravity to pull them into a sphere.
Die Astronauten an Bord der ISS spüren die Auswirkungen der Schwerkraft nicht so wie wir auf der Erde.
Astronauts aboard the ISS do not feel the effects of gravity as we do on Earth.
The strength of the gravitational force reduces quickly with distance.
The force of gravity between two objects is proportional to the product of the two masses, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers of mass.
Newton's law of gravity is a mathematical description of the way bodies are observed to attract one another, based on many scientific experiments and observations.
In 1916 Einstein published his general theory of relativity. This theory linked gravitation, acceleration and the four dimensional space-time.
The gravity of a black hole is so powerful that not even light can escape its pull!
In medium size stars, after the nuclear fusion has used up all the fuel it has, gravity will pull the remaining material closer together. The star will shrink. It is then called a "white dwarf".
A galaxy is a cluster of stars, dust, and gas which is held together by gravity.
Astronomers think that if it were not for the giant planet Jupiter exerting its gravitational force on the asteroids in the belt, the inner planets would be constantly bombarded by large asteroids.
A black hole is an area of such immense gravity that nothing–not even light–can escape from it.
Jupiter is the only planet in the Solar System whose common center of gravity with the Sun lies outside the Sun itself.
Tides are caused by the moon's gravity.
Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravity after seeing an apple fall from a tree.
The giraffe cannot swim because its centre of gravity is so high that it would topple over.
I am well aware of the gravity of the situation.
Without gravity, a satellite launched from the Earth would simply drift off endlessly into space, traveling in a straight line, instead of circling the planet.
Einstein described quantum entanglement as "spooky action at a distance." So, before Einstein's own Theory of General Relativity, might Newton's theory of gravitation have been described.
The centre of gravity should be lower to obtain greater stability.
It's gravity that makes satellites move around the Earth.