Das Substantiv »Gürtel« lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Sie trug einen rosa Gürtel, der genauso teuer wie hässlich war.
She wore a pink belt that was as ugly as it was expensive.
Der Gürtel ist braun.
The belt is brown.
Ich muss den Gürtel enger schnallen.
I have to tighten my belt.
Wenn Sex eine Kampfkunst wäre, hätte ich einen schwarzen Gürtel.
If sex were a martial art, I would have a black belt.
Tom fragte mich, wo ich meinen Gürtel gekauft habe.
Tom asked me where I bought my belt.
Ich mag den mit dem weißen Gürtel.
I like the one with a white belt.
Sie trägt einen Gürtel.
She wears a girdle.
Dieser Gürtel sitzt zu eng.
This belt fits me too tightly.
Der rote Gürtel bringt ihr rotes Kleid noch mehr zur Geltung.
The red belt makes her black dress look even better.
Schnalle dem Kind den Gürtel zu!
Buckle the child's belt.
Diese drei Sterne bilden den Gürtel des Orion.
These three stars form the Belt of Orion.
Maria hat den schwarzen Gürtel im T’aekwŏndo.
Mary is a black belt in taekwondo.
Tom hat den schwarzen Gürtel im Karate.
Tom is a black belt in karate.
Wo ist mein Gürtel?
Where is my belt?
Der Gürtel wird durch die Schlaufen gezogen und auf der Vorderseite des Kleidungsstücks mit der Schnalle arretiert.
The belt is pulled through the loops and fastened at the front of the garment with the buckle.
Der Kakaobaum lässt sich nur unter bestimmten klimatischen Bedingungen kultivieren. Früchte trägt er nur innerhalb des Gürtels von 20° südlicher bis 20° nördlicher Breite; zudem braucht er guten Boden und ausreichend Wasser.
The cacao tree can be cultivated only in certain climates. It bears fruit only within the region 20° either side of the equator. Additionally, it needs good soil and sufficient water.
Tom hat den schwarzen Gürtel im T’aekwŏndo.
Tom has a black belt in Taekwondo.
Tom trägt keinen Gürtel.
Tom isn't wearing a belt.
Wenn nicht der Riesenplanet Jupiter seine Gravitationskraft auf die Asteroiden des Gürtels ausübte, befänden sich die inneren Planeten nach Ansicht der Astronomen unter ständigem Beschuss durch große davon.
Astronomers think that if it were not for the giant planet Jupiter exerting its gravitational force on the asteroids in the belt, the inner planets would be constantly bombarded by large asteroids.
Das Erreichen des Titels eines Großmeisters im Schach ist vergleichbar mit dem Erhalt eines schwarzen Gürtels im Judo.
Achieving the title of Grand Master in chess is comparable to receiving a black belt in judo.
Wegen seines zunehmenden Leibesumfangs stieg er von Gürteln auf Hosenträger um.
Due to his expanding girth, he shifted from belts to suspenders.
Because of his expanding waistline, he switched from belts to braces.
Tom placed the boards bit by bit on the conveyor belt.
Luckily, Tom was wearing his seat belt.
Tom wasn't wearing his seat belt.
Tom was wearing a seat belt.
Dear passengers, we now ask you to place your luggage under the seat in front of you, lift the table and backrest upright, lower the armrest, fasten your safety belt and open the window shutters.
Tom loosened his belt.
These space rocks orbit the Sun in a large, circular region called the asteroid belt.
Mary fastened her seat belt.
Tom wants to buy a leather belt.
Tom wasn't wearing a seat belt.
The asteroid belt contains at least 40,000 asteroids that are more than 0.5 miles across.
Ceres contains one-third of the mass found in the asteroid belt.
Because Ceres is spherical, it is unlike the majority of the members of the asteroid belt.
Unbuckle your seat belt.
She fastened her seat belt.
Tom gets very argumentative with a few beers under his belt.
Tom needs a belt-lengthener.
The asteroid belt is located in the region between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
Tom unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car.
Shingles is caused by the chickenpox virus and manifests itself by a belt-shaped, painful skin rash.