Das Adverb stattdessen (veraltet: statt dessen) lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
in lieu
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Es kann sein, dass ich bald aufgebe und stattdessen ein Nickerchen mache.
I may give up soon and just nap instead.
Maybe I'll just give up soon and take a nap instead.
I might give up soon and have a kip instead.
Lass uns stattdessen Karten spielen.
Let's play cards instead.
Könnten wir nicht stattdessen kuscheln?
Couldn't we cuddle, instead?
Würde es Ihnen etwas ausmachen, wenn wir stattdessen auf Französisch reden?
Would you mind if we spoke in French instead?
Tom sollte nach Boston versetzt werden, man hat ihn aber stattdessen entlassen.
Tom was going to be transferred to Boston, but they decided to fire him instead.
Ich habe die ganze Belegschaft gefeuert und stattdessen Tom angeheuert.
I fired the whole staff and hired Tom.
Frag stattdessen Tom.
Ask Tom instead.
Die Suppe hatte eine seltsame Farbe angenommen. Tom beschloss daher, sie wegzuschütten und stattdessen eine Dose Ravioli aufzumachen.
The soup had turned a strange colour, so Tom decided to pour it away and open a tin of ravioli instead.
Eines Tages stellte Tom eine Schale mit Körnern aufs Fensterbrett, um die Vögel zu füttern; stattdessen kamen aber die Eichhörnchen.
One day, Tom put a bowl of grain on the window sill to feed the birds, but instead, squirrels came.
Tom hat beschlossen, stattdessen Französisch zu lernen.
Tom decided to study French instead.
Tom entschied sich stattdessen dafür.
Tom decided to do that instead.
Wenn du nicht ins Kino gehst, was machst du stattdessen?
If you don't go to the cinema, what will you do instead?
If you're not going to the cinema, what are you doing instead?
Fahren wir doch stattdessen nach Boston!
Why don't we go to Boston instead?
Zamenhof schrieb einmal, man dürfe ihn zwar einen „Sohn Polens“ nennen, nicht aber einen „Polen“. Wenn man über seine Nationalität spreche, solle man stattdessen sagen, er bezeichne sich als „russländischen Hebräer“.
Zamenhof once wrote that others can call him a "son of Poland", but not "Polish". Instead, when speaking about his nationality, they should say that he refers to himself as "Russian Hebrew".
Weil er sich ein gekauftes Geburtstagsgeschenk für Maria nicht leisten konnte, schrieb ihr Tom stattdessen ein fürchterliches Gedicht.
Tom didn't have any money to buy Mary a birthday present, so he wrote her some terrible poetry instead.
Der Jupiter hat keinen Kern aus geschmolzenem Metall. Sein Magnetfeld rührt stattdessen von einem Kern aus verdichtetem, flüssigem, metallischem Wasserstoff.
Jupiter does not have a molten metal core; instead, its magnetic field is created by a core of compressed liquid metallic hydrogen.
In 2023, Ukraine officially celebrates its first Christmas on December 25 instead of on January 7 as before, and as is the case in Russia.
As late as the 19th century, it was still common practice in central Europe to eat with your fingers instead of a knife and fork.
Anna insists she was not born, but instead hatched from an egg.
Could you address this now instead of constantly diverting attention away from it?
He stood idly by instead of coming to her aid.
I spoke to your friend instead of you.
Our old postman always used to ring twice, but the new one doesn't ring at all sometimes, instead leaving the parcel with the neighbours so that he can finish work faster.
Morgan said when he approached the vehicle, he was expecting to find an adult who needed medical attention, but instead he found "a very underaged driver behind the wheel."
Could I have roast potatoes instead of chips, please?
Why is there something instead of nothing?
We actually wanted to go to Rügen for a fortnight, but then we went to the Harz Mountains instead.
Tom lost interest in French, turning instead to Ukrainian.
You've put a full stop instead of a question mark by mistake.
He drank some milk instead of coffee.
I'd like to meet you the day after tomorrow instead of tomorrow.
I'd rather you went there instead of me.
Mary never behaved like a prima donna, but instead gave people the feeling that they were like her, the nice girl next door. It went down well with people.
Maybe you should just say when you don't like something instead of always bottling it up.
Buses are running instead of trains because of engineering work on the line.