Was heißt »Gym­na­si­um« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv Gym­na­si­um lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • grammar school
  • high school

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Damals im Gymnasium bin ich jeden Morgen um 6 Uhr aufgestanden.

Back in high school, I got up at 6 a.m. every morning.

Das ist meine Freundin Rachel, wir sind zusammen ins Gymnasium gegangen.

This is my friend Rachel. We went to high school together.

Wenn ich Leute frage, was sie in Bezug aufs Gymnasium am meisten bedauern, sagen fast alle das Gleiche: dass sie so viel Zeit verschwendet haben.

When I ask people what they regret most about high school, they nearly all say the same thing: that they wasted so much time.

Bert geht nicht aufs Gymnasium, oder?

Bert doesn't go to high school, does he?

Ich wäre gerne während dem Gymnasium ins Ausland gegangen, aber meine Eltern wollten das nicht.

I would have gladly gone abroad during high school, but my parents didn't want me to.

Jedes Mal wenn ich dieses Lied höre, denke ich an meine Tage im Gymnasium.

Every time I hear that song, I think of my high school days.

Das Gymnasium hat eine Turnhalle.

The grammar school has a sports hall.

The secondary school has a sports hall.

Auf welchem Gymnasium bist du?

Where do you attend high school?

In unserem Gymnasium ist Französisch ein Wahlfach.

At our high school, French is an elective.

Unser jüngster Spross wechselt nächstes Jahr aufs Gymnasium.

Our youngest will be going to secondary school next year.

Mein Sohn ist nun auf das Gymnasium gegangen.

My son entered high school.

Ich lerne in einem klassischen Gymnasium.

I am learning in a classical school.

I learn in a classical school.

Maria ging auf eine Hauptschule, Tom auf ein Gymnasium.

Mary went to a Hauptschule, but Tom went to Gymnasium.

Meine Lieblingsfächer auf dem Gymnasium waren Geometrie und Geschichte.

My favorite subjects in high school were geometry and history.

My favourite subjects at secondary school were Geometry and History.

Meine Lieblingsfächer auf dem Gymnasium waren Erdkunde und Geschichte.

My favourite subjects at secondary school were Geography and History.

Die meisten begegnen den Vektoren zum ersten Mal auf dem Gymnasium oder auf der Universität.

Most people are introduced to vectors in high school or college.

In Frankreich wurden vor einem Gymnasium bewaffnete Jugendliche in Clownskostümen festgenommen.

Teenagers dressed as clowns and carrying weapons were arrested outside a high school in France.

Tom lehrt Französisch an einem Gymnasium.

Tom teaches French at a high school.

Tom hätte gerne gewusst, wo Maria aufs Gymnasium gegangen war.

Tom wondered where Mary had gone to high school.

Ich bin Sportlehrerin an einem Gymnasium.

I'm a gym teacher at an academic high school.

I'm a gym teacher at a university prep school.

Warst du dick, als du im Gymnasium warst?

Were you fat when you were in high school?

„Mein Deutsch ist nicht mehr so gut, wie es war. Ich habe es nur drei Jahre lang im Gymnasium gelernt, und das ist viele Jahre her.“ – „Es scheint immer noch ziemlich gut zu sein.“

"My German is no longer as good as it was; I only learned it for three years in high school, and that was many years ago." "It still seems to be pretty good."

Ich habe letztes Jahr mit dem Gymnasium abgeschlossen.

I graduated from high school last year.

I finished high school last year.

I did my A-levels last year.

Tom erzählte mir, dass er am Gymnasium nicht Französisch gelernt hatte.

Tom told me he didn't study French in high school.

Tom told me that he didn't study French in high school.

Auf unserem Gymnasium wurde Latein nur einigen Schülern als Wahlfach angeboten.

Latin was offered as an optional subject to only a few pupils at our secondary school.


secondary school


comprehensive school
finished elementary school
junior high school
secondary modern school
secondary school

Englische Beispielsätze

  • Tom was my best friend when I was in high school.

  • Tom and Mary were high school sweethearts.

  • You were a bully in high school.

  • Tom fooled around with one of his high school students and got her pregnant.

  • We're junior high school students.

  • She's in high school, but her boyfriend is in college.

  • I played clarinet when I was in high school.

  • I teach French at a high school.

  • Tom was the most unpopular boy in high school.

  • Tom attended high school for three years without missing a single day or ever being late.

  • I studied French when I was in high school.

  • Emily is a high school student.

  • I teach French at a nearby junior high school.

  • I just graduated from high school.

  • I haven't heard that song since I was in high school.

  • I haven't done that since high school.

  • During his time in high school, Tom became anorexic.

  • Tom never graduated from high school.

  • I read The Great Gatsby when I was in high school.

  • Tom and I go to the same high school.

Übergeordnete Begriffe

educational institution

Untergeordnete Begriffe

evening school
night school

Gym­na­si­um übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Gymnasium. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: Gymnasium. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2023, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 162, 435, 625, 401090, 555804, 752283, 945778, 1087412, 1103670, 1502143, 1830004, 2124986, 2836013, 3553422, 5113466, 5325876, 6307227, 7463803, 7907779, 8438615, 9976204, 10249920, 11082551, 11115007, 11327503, 2640038, 2640641, 2642235, 2703321, 2712860, 2768957, 2797124, 2451454, 2835550, 2853106, 2424266, 2854136, 2407218, 2362221, 2359869, 2359469, 2921272, 2957536, 2300608 & 2280784. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR