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Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Die Eitelkeit Andrer geht uns nur dann wider den Geschmack, wenn sie wider unsre Eitelkeit geht.
The vanity of others is only counter to our taste when it is counter to our vanity.
Der Raum hallt von seiner Stimme wider.
The room echoes with his voice.
Sie werden ihre Schwerter zu Pflugscharen und ihre Spieße zu Sicheln machen. Denn es wird kein Volk wider das andere ein Schwert aufheben, und werden hinfort nicht mehr kriegen lernen.
They will hammer their swords into ploughshares and their spears into sickles. Nation will not lift sword against nation, no longer will they learn how to make war.
Die Sonne scheint im klaren Wasser des Flusses wider.
The sun is reflecting in the clear water of the river.
The sun is reflected in the river's clear water.
Die Wasseroberfläche spiegelte den Mond wider.
The moon was reflected in the water's surface.
Er tat die Arbeit wider Willen.
He did the work against his will.
Er ersann einen neuen Streich wider seinen Nachbarn.
He thought up a new prank to play on his neighbour.
Tom ist nicht streng genug wider seine Schüler.
Tom isn't strict enough with his students.
Dieses Diagramm spiegelt die Abnahme der Rohölimporte wider.
This figure is a mirror of the decrease in imports of crude oil.
Chilon riet, nichts Schlechtes zu sprechen wider die Toten.
Chilo advised not to speak evil of the dead.
Vieles weiß ich wider Willen: ich wäre lieber in kindlich unbekümmerter Unwissenheit geblieben.
There are a lot of things I know against my will. I'd rather have stayed in my blissfully ignorant childhood.
In der Sprache spiegeln sich die Geschichte, die Bräuche und die Seele des Volkes wider, von welchem sie gesprochen wird.
Language reflects the history, customs, and soul of the people that speak it.
Wasser spiegelt Licht wider.
Water reflects light.
Das Mondlicht spiegelte sich auf dem See wider.
The moonlight reflected on the lake.
Die Berge spiegeln sich im See wider.
The mountains are reflected in the lake.
Der blaue Himmel spiegelt sich im Meer wider.
The blue sky is reflected in the sea.
Die Musik, die du hörst, spiegelt deine innere Welt wider.
The music you listen to reflects your inner world.
Das ist ein Verbrechen wider die Natur.
It's a crime against nature.
Maria muss etwas wider Willen tun.
Mary has to do something she doesn't want to do.
Allerwegen sollst du stets der Streiter des Rechts und des Guten wider das Unrecht und das Böse sein.
Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil.
Spiegel spiegeln die Realität wider.
Mirrors reflect reality.
Das Match spiegelt das Tiefste meiner Seele wider.
The match reflects the deepest of my soul.
Jesus Christus warnte, dass Blasphemie wider den Heiligen Geist nicht vergeben würde.
Jesus Christ warned that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.
Nepo has the potential to be a world champion, even against Magnus Carlsen, but he seems to keep reaching his psychological limits, making serious mistakes that shouldn't happen at this level.
The facts speak against it.
I was on the sofa reading a book, leaning against him while he was reading a different one.
Most are against it; only a few are in favour. Still, most go along with it, and only a few resist. Those who do resist are publicly ostracised and discredited.
The contenders we were up against at the time were undefeated.
There are no arguments against numbers.
They were swimming against the tide.
They swam against the tide.
They are clearly against us.
There is a right of appeal and review against this judgement.
Why are you always banging your head against a brick wall?
Significant progress has been made in the fight against malaria.
Germany is the first country to qualify for the 2022 FIFA World Cup football tournament in Qatar after booking its place with a 4-0 win against host North Macedonia.