Was heißt »oh­ne­hin« auf Englisch?

Das Adverb oh­ne­hin lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • anyway

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Das Fernsehen ist als Medium ohnehin überholt.

Television is obsolete as a medium in any case.

Er hat ohnehin nie seine Arbeit verrichtet.

He never did his work anyhow.

Maria suchte eine Herausforderung und machte sich daher daran, Toms Sätze, die ohnehin schon schwer waren, ins Altkirchenslawische zu übertragen.

Seeking a challenge, Mary set about translating Tom's sentences – a difficult task at the best of times – into Old Church Slavonic.

In search of a challenge, Mary set about translating Tom's sentences, which in any case were difficult, into Old Church Slavonic.

Du wolltest ja ohnehin nie lernen.

You have never wanted to study anyway.

Wenn du keine Lust hast, geh nach Hause! Sonst stehst du hier ohnehin nur im Weg herum!

If you don't feel like it, go home! Otherwise you're just standing in the way.

„Du wirst dir deine Kleidung schmutzig machen.“ – „Mach dir keine Sorgen! Sehr sauber waren sie ohnehin nicht.“

"You'll get your clothes dirty." "No worries. They weren't very clean in the first place."

Die Mannschaft ist ohnehin Mist.

The team sucks anyway.

Es hat keinen Sinn, dass ich mit dir rede, da du ohnehin nicht das tun wirst, was ich dir sage.

There's no point talking to you, because you won't do as I say anyway.

Es ist einfach, denjenigen Redefreiheit einzuräumen, die ohnehin dieselbe Meinung vertreten.

It is easy to believe in freedom of speech for those with whom we agree.

Ich habe sie ohnehin nie gemocht.

I never liked her anyway.

Ich habe ihn ohnehin nie gemocht.

I never liked him anyway.

Tom schien nicht erpicht, weiter auszuholen, und ich wollte ohnehin nicht alle Einzelheiten hören.

Tom didn't seem inclined to elaborate and I didn't really want to know all the details anyway.

Diese Leute rackern sich ab, damit sie noch mehr Geld verdienen, obwohl sie ohnehin stinkreich sind und so alt, dass ihnen wahrscheinlich nicht mehr viel Zeit bleibt. Warum machen sie das?

These people work so hard to make more money, even though they're filthy rich and so old they probably don't have much time left. Why do they do it?

„Mama, ich muss mal!“ – „Halte noch etwas durch, Tom! An der nächsten Tankstelle muss Papa ohnehin halten.“

"Mum, I need the loo!" "Hold on a bit longer, Tom. Dad's got to stop at the next petrol station, anyway."

Während er sprach, wurde seine ohnehin schon lange Nase noch mindestens zwei Daumenbreit länger.

As he spoke, his nose, long though it was, became at least two inches longer.

Ich wollte ohnehin mit Ihnen reden.

I wanted to talk to you anyway.

Ich hätte Tom nicht dazu auffordern müssen. Er hätte es ohnehin getan.

I didn't have to tell Tom to do that. He'd have done it anyway.

Seine ohnehin schon lange Nase wurde noch mindestens zwei Daumenbreit länger.

His long nose became at least two inches longer.

Uns verband ohnehin nicht viel.

We didn't have much in common anyway.

Es ist ohnehin zu spät.

It's too late anyway.

Wir wollen ohnehin nicht wiederkommen.

We don't want to come back anyway.

Ich habe nur gesagt, was ohnehin klar war.

I was only stating the obvious.

Ich habe ohnehin keine Lust wegzugehen.

I don't really feel like going out anyway.

Welchen Sinn hat es, noch Kinder in die Welt zu setzen, wenn man meint, dass sie ohnehin zugrunde geht?

What is the point of you having children, if you think this world is just going to end?

Ich langweile mich ohnehin.

I'm bored anyway.

Ich wollte ohnehin nicht dahin.

I didn't want to go there anyway.


in any case

Englische Beispielsätze

  • He asked her to stay, but she went anyway.

  • Ordinary folk like us understand nothing about it anyway.

  • I don't care if my best sucks. I'm doing it anyway.

  • "Any luck buying a hat?" "Not exactly. A lot of them were too big for me, others were too small, and most of them I didn't like anyway."

  • Who are you anyway?

  • You need a job anyway.

  • Where is that anyway?

  • Say it anyway.

  • It's no use waiting. Tom won't ring us anyway.

  • There's no point waiting. Tom's not going to phone us anyway.

  • "We can't write any more," explained the grandmother I met in the old people's home. "Our hands are far too stiff and shaky, and our eyes don't want to work properly now, either. And what have we got to write about, anyway?" she laughed.

  • There's no point arguing with men. They're always wrong, anyway.

  • What do you want from me anyway?

  • He came anyway, though I'd asked him to stay away.

  • Everyone was against it, but Mary and John got married anyway.

  • "Tom. So you've come after all," remarked Mary, glancing at her watch. "I'm afraid we've already polished off the soup." "Oh, that's all right, Mary," replied Tom. "I wasn't hungry anyway."

  • What are we paying Tom for, anyway?

  • You're not going to read it anyway.

  • Who needs grammar anyway?

  • No one's listening anyway.

Oh­ne­hin übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: ohnehin. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: ohnehin. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2023, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 653016, 653443, 2085148, 2493969, 2696078, 2864779, 4101048, 4900450, 5133432, 5368334, 5368336, 5746508, 5961988, 6481546, 6970366, 7006284, 7482582, 7731273, 8120700, 8222401, 9005646, 9752108, 10463222, 10676274, 11036432, 11112001, 9517045, 9981417, 10049586, 10181222, 9209509, 9023306, 10465139, 10608539, 10625976, 10625977, 10665269, 10716523, 10750233, 10766932, 10773664, 10804213, 10830266, 10868480, 10986732 & 11051856. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR