Was heißt »gül­tig« auf Englisch?

Das Adjektiv »gül­tig« lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • valid

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Wie lange ist dieses Visum gültig?

How long is this visa valid?

How long is this visa good for?

Diese Fahrkarte ist ab dem Kauf nur zwei Tage lang gültig.

This ticket is valid for two days only after the date of purchase.

Das Ticket ist bis zwei Tage nach dem Kauf gültig.

This ticket is valid for two days after purchase.

Bis wann ist dein Pass gültig?

When is your passport valid until?

Die Karte war bis Januar 2006 gültig.

The card was valid until January, 2006.

Diese Fahrkarte ist drei Tage gültig.

This ticket is good for three days.

Das Angebot ist bis zum 31.12.3000 gültig und nur online verfügbar.

The offer is valid until 12.31.3000 and available only on the web.

Dieses Ticket ist einen Monat lang gültig.

This ticket holds good for a month.

Diese Fahrkarte ist drei Monate lang gültig.

This ticket is valid for three months.

Das Ticket ist eine Woche lang gültig.

The ticket is valid for a week.

Das Ticket ist bis zum 29. April gültig.

The ticket is valid to April 29.

Die Fahrkarte bleibt drei Tage gültig.

The ticket holds good for three days.

The ticket is good for three days.

Die Lizenz ist nicht mehr gültig.

The licence is no longer valid.

Mein Führerschein ist noch drei Jahre gültig.

My driver's license is valid for another three years.

My driver's license is valid for three more years.

Diese Fahrkarte ist noch eine Woche lang gültig.

This ticket is good for one more week.

Diese Fahrkarte ist zwei Wochen gültig.

This ticket is good for two weeks.

This ticket is valid for a fortnight.

Mein Pass ist nicht mehr gültig.

My passport is no longer valid.

Tut mir leid, aber Ihr Fahrschein ist nicht mehr gültig.

Sorry, but your ticket is no longer valid.

Der Fahrschein, den du gekauft hast, ist in den Hauptverkehrszeiten nicht gültig.

The ticket you've bought isn't valid during peak-time travel.

The ticket you've bought isn't valid for travel during peak times.

The ticket you've bought isn't valid during peak times.

The ticket you've bought can't be used during peak times.

The ticket you bought isn't valid during peak-time travel.

The ticket you bought isn't valid for travel during peak times.

The ticket you bought isn't valid during peak times.

The ticket you bought can't be used during peak times.

The ticket you've bought can't be used during rush hour.

The ticket you bought can't be used during rush hour.

The ticket you bought is not valid during peak times.

Bis wann ist die Fahrkarte gültig?

How long is the ticket good for?

Bitte beachten Sie: Die Tickets sind für ein Jahr gültig nach dem Kauf.

Please note: tickets are valid for a year after purchase.

Diese Fahrkarte ist nach dem Kauf nur zwei Tage gültig.

This ticket holds good only for two days after purchase.

This ticket is valid for only two days after its purchase.

Diese Karte ist drei Tage gültig.

This ticket is valid for three days.

Die Fahrkarten sind, den Verkaufstag eingeschlossen, nur zwei Tage gültig.

Tickets are valid for just two days, including the day they are purchased on.

Die Fahrkarte ist bis zum 20. Oktober gültig.

The ticket is valid until October 20th.

The ticket is valid until October twentieth.



Englische Beispielsätze

  • The ticket is valid until 29 April.

  • The offer will be valid for thirty days.

  • Does Tom have a valid driver's license?

  • Does Tom have a valid driving licence?

  • Has Tom got a valid driving licence?

  • It was my turn to play and my king wasn't being attacked, that is, wasn't put in check. But, none of my pieces could make any valid move. Thus, what is called "drowned king" or "draw by drowning" was characterized. The match was a draw.

  • That's a valid question.

  • I think either of these could possibly be a valid translation into Japanese.

  • Students can use valid passports as identification, but carrying a passport all the time puts it at risk of being lost or stolen, which creates major problems for international students.

  • Tom has a valid reason for doing that.

  • A valid ID card is required to enter.

  • This old ten-mark bill hasn't been valid for a long time.

  • The special conditions will be valid until 2025.

  • Starting tomorrow, this e-mail address will no longer be valid.

  • I think the following rule is valid for all languages: the more words you put in use, the more polite it sounds.

  • The general principles of this programme are still valid today.

  • Please enter a valid email address.

  • That's not a valid argument. It's a logical fallacy.

  • With all due respect, I think they both had valid points.

  • It's valid until March thirty-first, nineteen-ninety-seven.

Untergeordnete Begriffe

Gültig übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: gültig. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Beispielübersetzungen] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 370431, 507891, 588466, 699940, 711598, 764804, 775615, 784185, 926284, 1560983, 1561479, 1812058, 1818245, 2766033, 2788154, 3106746, 4140798, 4394164, 5084364, 5710138, 8292771, 8605529, 8689807, 10050443, 10291338, 10804127, 10161380, 10085943, 10073541, 10073540, 9946612, 9639363, 8950722, 8181774, 7867262, 6907394, 6835834, 5558902, 5351188, 4266059, 3530615, 2595737, 2337280, 448252 & 324454. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR