Was heißt »an­ge­tan« auf Englisch?

Das Adjektiv an­ge­tan lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • appropriate
  • suitable

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Von Anfang an war er von Akiko sehr angetan.

He took to Akiko from the moment he met her.

Sie hat es mir angetan.

I really fell for her.

Ich werde dir nicht verzeihen, was du mir angetan hast.

I won't forgive what you did to me.

Sie wissen, was sie mir angetan haben.

They know what they have done to me.

Wir sind sehr vom Landleben angetan.

We're very attracted to life in the countryside.

We're very attracted to the country life.

In Wirklichkeit hast du das dir selbst angetan.

You actually did that to yourself.

Ich kann nicht glauben, dass sie mir das angetan hat.

I can't believe she did this to me.

I can't believe that she did it to me.

Ich kann nicht aufhören, daran zu denken, was sie mir angetan haben.

I can't stop thinking about what they did to me.

Wer hat dir das angetan?

Who did this to you?

Who did that with you?

Ich kann nicht glauben, dass Tom Maria das angetan hat.

I can't believe Tom did that to Mary.

Was hast du mir angetan?

What did you do to me?

Was hast du ihm angetan?

What did you do to him?

Was hast du ihr angetan?

What did you do to her?

Das ist nichts im Vergleich zu dem, was er mir angetan hat.

It's nothing compared to what he did to me.

Das ist nichts, verglichen mit dem, was sie mir angetan hat.

It's nothing compared to what she did to me.

Haben Sie gesehen, was Tom Maria angetan hat?

Did you see what Tom did to Mary?

Was hast du Tom angetan?

What did you do with Tom?

Ich weiß, was Tom Ihnen angetan hat.

I know what Tom did to you.

Sehen Sie nur, was Sie mir angetan haben!

Look what you've done to me.

Was habt ihr einander angetan?

What did you do to each other?

Ich kann nicht glauben, dass Tom mir das angetan hat.

I can't believe Tom did this to me.

Was dir angetan wurde, entschuldigt nicht, was du tatest.

What was done to you doesn't excuse what you did.

Wir haben uns das nun lange genug angetan.

We've endured for long enough.

Ich kann es nicht fassen, dass Sie mir das angetan haben!

I can't believe you did this to me!

Du wirst für das büßen, was du ihr angetan hast!

You'll pay for what you did to her.

Nach Aussage von Tom glaubt Maria nicht, dass Johannes Elke das angetan hat.

Tom says Mary doesn't believe John did that to Alice.

Hat Tom dir das angetan?

Did Tom do this to you?

Tom sagt, Maria glaube nicht, dass Johannes Elke das angetan habe.

Tom says Mary doesn't think John did that to Alice.

Tom sagte, Maria glaube nicht, dass Johannes Elke das angetan habe.

Tom said Mary didn't think John did that to Alice.

Tom said that Mary didn't think John did that to Alice.

Ich habe euch nichts angetan.

I didn't do anything to you.

Tom hat mir das angetan.

Tom did this to me.

Ich wusste, was sie ihr angetan haben.

I knew what they did to her.

Ich wusste, was sie ihm angetan haben.

I knew what they did to him.

Du wirst büßen für das, was du ihm angetan hast!

You'll pay for what you did to him.

Tom war von der Idee sehr angetan.

Tom was delighted by the idea.

Ich kann es nicht glauben, dass er mir das angetan hat.

I can't believe he did this to me.

Sami hat das Layla angetan.

Sami has done this to Layla.

Wer hat Ihnen das angetan?

Who did that to you?

Was haben sie uns angetan?

What have they done to us?

Ich kann nicht glauben, dass er mir das angetan hat.

I can't believe that he did this to me.

Alles, was ich dir angetan habe, tut mir leid.

I'm sorry for everything I've done to you.

Ich werde nie vergessen, was Tom mir angetan hat.

I will never forget what Tom did to me.

I'll never forget what Tom did to me.

Ich will wissen, wer Tom das angetan hat.

I want to know who did that to Tom.

Ich bin ganz angetan von Toms Begeisterung.

I'm loving Tom's enthusiasm.

Tom entschuldigte sich bei Maria für alles, was er ihr angetan hatte.

Tom apologized to Mary for everything he'd done to her.

Ihr beide habt ihm das angetan.

You both did this to him.

Tom war von der Idee nicht allzu angetan.

Tom was not very keen on the idea.



Englische Beispielsätze

  • Can someone recommend to me a good dictionary suitable for beginners?

  • Most jelly babies are not suitable for vegans.

  • These clothes are not suitable for a cold winter's day.

  • If there is a suitable occasion, I'll introduce you to Tom.

  • Do you think it's appropriate to talk like that?

  • With appropriate laser light, we can see individual atoms with the naked eye the way we see dust motes in a sunbeam.

  • Those clothes are not suitable for a cold winter's day.

  • Tom is looking for a suitable venue for the meeting.

  • Builders can build low-energy homes only when they have received the appropriate professional training.

  • Builders can build low-energy houses only when they have received the appropriate vocational training.

  • I looked in my wardrobe for something to wear, but couldn't find anything suitable for the occasion.

  • It's more difficult to find a suitable husband than to win the lottery.

  • What Tom was wearing wasn't appropriate.

  • Biking in the rain isn't much fun, but a suitable rain cape offers good protection.

  • Cycling in the rain is not nice; however, a suitable poncho offers good protection.

  • The question was completely appropriate.

  • It's very hard to find a suitable translation.

  • Most gummy bears are not suitable for vegans.

  • I don't have suitable shoes for that event.

  • What you're wearing isn't appropriate for where we're going.

An­ge­tan übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: angetan. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2022, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: angetan. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2023, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 751514, 1453403, 1648963, 1685248, 1718634, 1796454, 1948012, 1973738, 1995686, 2108807, 2299164, 2299165, 2299167, 2791874, 2791878, 2938816, 3247623, 3402908, 3404223, 3741698, 3935064, 4004060, 4908847, 5528734, 6120516, 7333045, 7466714, 7469345, 7469347, 7477484, 7592447, 7823652, 7823653, 7850290, 7877223, 8223972, 8366570, 8500164, 8642415, 8860019, 8986665, 8997719, 8997791, 9989213, 11098865, 11144861, 11592909, 11459400, 11078437, 10726486, 10548227, 10540376, 10520518, 10131917, 10131882, 10130006, 10130005, 10083668, 9722148, 9365824, 8855841, 8855840, 8177108, 7941907, 7755221, 7593137 & 6972079. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR