Was heißt »Wa­che« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv Wa­che lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • guard

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Wie hast du die Wachen getötet?

How did you kill the guards?

Wo sind die Wachen?

Where are the guards?

Wachen Sie auf!

Wake up.

Sie standen abwechselnd Wache.

They kept guard by turns.

Wer hat Wache?

Who's on watch?

Tom und Maria hielten abwechselnd Wache.

Tom and Mary took turns standing guard.

Wir müssen die Wachen loswerden.

We need to get rid of the guards.

Ich halte jetzt Wache. Legen Sie sich etwas hin!

I'll stand guard now. Go get some sleep.

Tom machte die Wachen trunken und konnte aus dem Schlosse fliehen.

Tom got the guards drunk and managed to escape from the castle.

Draußen steht eine Wache.

A guard is outside.

A guard is standing outside.

Die Zeitspanne zwischen Toms Augenaufschlägen wurde immer länger, als er das Zwischenreich zwischen Wachen und Schlafen betrat.

Tom's blinks became longer and longer as he entered the twilight zone between wakefulness and sleep.

Ich werde Wache halten.

I'll keep watch.

Jemand wird Wache stehen müssen.

Somebody will have to stand watch.

Tom hielt Wache.

Tom kept watch.

Segne Gott die Amerikaner, die wir am heutigen Morgen verloren. Spende Er ihren Familien Trost. Wache Gott weiterhin über dieses Land, das wir lieben.

May God bless the Americans we lost this morning. May He comfort their families. May God continue to watch over this country that we love.

Schnell weg hier! Die Wachen kommen.

Get out here, fast! The guards are coming.

Wir müssen drei Stunden Wache stehen.

We have to stand watch for three hours.

Ich will, dass hier Wachen postiert werden.

I want guards posted here.

Tom bestach die Wachen.

Tom bribed the guards.

Es gab überall bewaffnete Wachen.

There were armed guards everywhere.

Wachen Sie nachts von den Schmerzen auf?

Does the pain wake you up at night?

Ich halte seit drei Tagen Wache.

I have been on duty for three days.

Große Zuneigung verband sie; im Kampf waren sie immer zusammen; und selbst jetzt standen sie beide an derselben Tür Wache.

Great affection united them; in battles, they were always together; and even now they both stood guard at the same door.

Ich halte Wache.

I stand guard.

I'm standing guard.

Die Wachen haben eine gemeinsame Welt, im Schlaf wendet sich jeder der eigenen zu.

People who are awake share a common world; in sleep, each person turns to their own.


police station
station house
police station (L=S)
security service

Englische Beispielsätze

  • The news caught us completely off guard.

  • I found a wallet on the ground and gave it to the security guard.

  • "Take good care of my handbag, Tom!" "I'll guard it with my life, Mary!"

  • "Can I come?" "No, you've got to stay here and guard the house."

  • "Here you go," says the train guard.

  • "Here you are," says the train guard.

  • I work as a security guard at a museum.

  • The train guard closed the carriage door.

  • He disguised himself as a security guard.

  • He has been a prison guard for ten years.

  • Always be on guard.

  • It was long ago when the world was new and nymphs were needed to guard the forests and to minister to the wants of the young trees.

  • Tom is on guard duty.

  • When we broke up that poaching gang they swore to knife us, and Sir Edward Holly has actually been attacked. I've always been on my guard since then.

  • Tom is a guard, isn't he?

  • "Is there a sneeze guard big enough to protect the earth from gamma rays?" said Tom. "I don't like your stupid jokes," replied Mary.

  • I've been working as a security guard.

  • Tom is a security guard.

  • Tom escaped with the help of a guard.

  • The thieves stole the painting from the museum while the guard slept.

Untergeordnete Begriffe

fire station
coast guard
candlelight vigil
police station (L=S)

Wa­che übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Wache. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: Wache. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2024, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 1787912, 1787923, 1851545, 2448635, 2459743, 2746335, 2967168, 3061079, 3885005, 4359357, 4409159, 5312265, 5708542, 6615356, 6982484, 7022653, 8627361, 8667237, 8860908, 10033807, 10112547, 10229006, 11073624, 12046207, 12288965, 11070869, 10827552, 10333435, 10333434, 10209282, 10209281, 9975325, 8954408, 8536474, 8505772, 8171248, 7564596, 7118118, 6981690, 6898840, 6882707, 6660363, 6657452, 6533525 & 6116729. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR