Was heißt »gen« auf Englisch?

Die Präposition gen lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • towards

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Tom zog gen Süden, Maria gen Norden.

Tom went south and Mary went north.

Der Kompass zeigt gen Norden.

The compass points to the north.

Er lag auf seinem Rücken und blickte gen Himmel.

He was lying on his back, looking at the sky.

Unser Flugzeug fliegt gen Süden.

Our plane is flying toward the south.

Sie führten ihren Vorstoß gen Süden fort.

They continued to push south.

Der Wind bläst gen Osten.

The wind is blowing east.

Als das Pferd fühlte, dass es endlich frei war, trottete es gen Westen.

The horse, feeling it was finally free, began trotting west.

Er ist Euer Augapfel gewesen bisher, nun aber: ärgert dich dein Auge, sagt die Schrift, so reiß es aus. Es ist besser, einäugig gen Himmel als mit zwei Augen in die Hölle.

He has till now been the apple of your eye; but if thine eye offend you, says Scripture, pluck it out. It is better to enter heaven with one eye than hell with two!

Er richtete seinen Blick gen Westen.

He turned his gaze westwards.

Tom zog gen Westen.

Tom went west.

Natürlich ließ ich alles stehen und liegen und zog abermals gen Norden.

Of course I dropped everything and set out for the North once more.

Er richtete die Augen gen Himmel.

He looked to the heavens.

He looked heavenwards.

Das Hubble-Weltraumteleskop wurde am 24. April 1990 im Rahmen der Mission STS-31 gen Weltraum gebracht.

The launch of the Hubble Space Telescope took place on April 24, 1990, during the STS-31 mission.

Tom sagte Maria, du seiest gen Boston gezogen.

Tom told Mary you went to Boston.

Die Fischer eilten zurück gen Hafen.

The fishermen hurried back to port.

Maria schwang sich auf ihren Besen und flog gen Himmel davon.

Mary jumped on her broom and flew off into the sky.

Tom zog gen Osten.

Tom headed east.

Die Hexe setzte sich auf ihren Besenstiel und flog gen Himmel davon.

The witch mounted her broomstick and flew off into the sky.

Wir fahren gen Westen.

We're heading west.



Englische Beispielsätze

  • Move this table towards the corner.

  • We were going towards the kitchen.

  • The stranger came towards me.

  • Vladimir pointed towards a big rock.

  • He's arrogant towards us.

  • He pointed towards the turret.

  • It began to rain towards evening.

  • They walked towards the bridge.

  • The dog was running towards him.

  • The dog ran towards him.

  • Someone was running towards him.

  • Someone ran towards him.

  • Are we driving towards Belgrade?

  • Tom and Mary were just now coming towards me in the street but, although I said a friendly hello, they completely blanked me and passed by in stony-faced silence. I was completely shocked.

  • No one respectfully bowed towards him.

  • She keeps on rolling her eyes towards our direction.

  • Going towards my house, I met her.

  • They walked towards the gate.

  • The last time I saw Tom he was heading towards the beach.

  • When I last saw Tom, he was heading towards the beach.

Gen übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: gen. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: gen. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2024, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 3406067, 771047, 775957, 1003639, 1040956, 1342725, 1833541, 1919069, 2757430, 6144328, 7021311, 8307170, 8717295, 8727260, 8935334, 9008411, 9941559, 10078413, 12193662, 12091413, 12019751, 11960247, 11934310, 11926771, 11904016, 11695282, 11695280, 11636928, 11636926, 11636925, 11636924, 11501676, 11311381, 11277905, 11272398, 11234122, 11231924, 11227515 & 11227512. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR