Was heißt »eh« auf Englisch?

Das Adverb eh lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • anyway

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Deine Schwester ist schön wie eh und je.

Your sister's as beautiful as ever.

Er ist so arm wie eh und je.

He is as poor as ever.

Tom ist noch immer so arm wie eh und je.

Tom is still just as poor as he used to be.

Tom ist noch immer so gutaussehend wie eh und je.

Tom is still just as handsome as he used to be.

Tom ist gesund wie eh und je.

Tom is as healthy as ever.

Man muß beide Teile hören, eh man urteilt.

You have to hear both sides before you pass judgement.

You have to hear both sides before passing judgement.

„Räume bitte dein Zimmer auf!“ „Wieso denn, es ist doch eh ganz sauber!“

"Clean your room, please." "Why? It is clean!"

Bist du heute Nachmittag eh nicht beschäftigt?

You won't be busy this afternoon, will you?

Wenn du dein Geld weiter so verplemperst, bist du pleite, eh du dich versiehst.

If you keep spending money like that, you'll be broke before you know it.

Er wird alt, doch er ist rüstig wie eh und je.

He is getting old, but he is as healthy as ever.

Es ist immer noch so kalt wie eh und je.

It is still as cold as ever.

Ist das nicht irgendwie eh klar?

Isn't this kind of obvious?

Du hast ja eh nichts anderes zu tun.

It's not like you have anything else to do.

It isn't like you have anything else to do.

It's not as if you've got anything else to do.

It's not as if you have anything else to do.

Tom sollte Aspirin nehmen, er meinte aber, das hülfe eh nicht.

I wanted Tom to take some aspirin, but he said he didn't think it would help.

Es hat keinen Sinn, sich mit Männern zu streiten, sie haben ja eh immer Unrecht!

There's no point arguing with men. They're always wrong, anyway.

Ich bin so ehrgeizig wie eh und je, nur habe ich meinen Ehrgeiz in andere Richtungen gelenkt.

I'm just as ambitious as ever. Only, I've changed the object of my ambitions.

Doch hört’ ich ihn rufen, eh davon er sich macht’: „Frohe Weihnacht euch allen, allen gute Nacht!“

But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night."

Er ist redselig wie eh und je.

He is as talkative as ever.

Sei nicht traurig, Tom! Die Anna war eh nichts für dich. Du findest eine Bessere.

Don't be sad, Tom. Anna wasn't the one for you. You'll find someone better.

Tom wollte es Maria sagen, eh er’s vergäße.

Tom wanted to tell Mary before he forgot.

Anne Shirley, du tust nur so, als wärest du erwachsen. Ich glaube, wenn du allein bist, dann bist du noch immer so ein kleines Mädchen wie eh und je.

Anne Shirley, you're only pretending to be grown up. I believe when you're alone you're as much a little girl as you ever were.

Du wirst es ja eh nicht lesen.

You're not going to read it anyway.

Was nützt es, sich über Dinge aufzuregen, die man eh nicht ändern kann?

What's the use of getting upset about things you can't change?

Why get upset about things you can't change?

Es geht ihr wieder wie eh und je.

She's back to how she was.

Welchen Sinn hat es, pünktlich zu sein, wenn alle anderen eh zu spät kommen?

What's the point of showing up on time if everyone else shows up late?


in any case

Englische Beispielsätze

  • Tom and Mary didn't know how to do that, but they tried to do it anyway.

  • I didn't want to go on this stupid trip anyway.

  • Sami will give it a try anyway.

  • I wasn't hungry anyway.

  • Tom didn't want to help us today, but he helped us anyway.

  • I didn't want Mary to do that, but she did it anyway.

  • He's stupid, but I love him anyway.

  • Tom is an idiot, but I love him anyway.

  • Sami didn't listen and killed Layla anyway.

  • I don't really feel like going out anyway.

  • I didn't want Tom to do that, but he did it anyway.

  • I didn't know how to do that, but I tried to do it anyway.

  • I didn't have to tell Tom to do that. He'd have done it anyway.

  • If everyone tries anyway to be different and something special, it becomes something special being normal.

  • I would have done that anyway.

  • We have to go twice anyway.

  • Well, how did that happen anyway?

  • Why do I have to learn this stuff? I'm never going to need to use it anyway.

  • The sign said don't park on Main Street, but he parked there anyway.

  • Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.

Eh übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: eh. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: eh. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2023, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 517355, 1512859, 1938477, 1940701, 1941062, 1963464, 2334213, 2754359, 2852913, 2924819, 4438024, 5070900, 5518807, 5805673, 7579224, 7728186, 8212659, 9463713, 10120976, 10301835, 10478722, 10868543, 11622274, 11918968, 11987438, 6493420, 6457969, 6456818, 6579323, 6431456, 6411240, 6617115, 6617116, 6698690, 6285061, 6231681, 6229195, 6228565, 6175293, 6871125, 6146658, 7112209, 5817658, 5788538 & 7264452. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR