Was heißt »be­nach­bart« auf Englisch?

Das Adjektiv be­nach­bart lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • neighboring
  • neighbouring

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Die Armee fiel in das benachbarte Land ein.

The army made inroads into the neighboring country.

Die Stadt liegt an der Grenze zwischen der Küstenregion und dem benachbarten Bergland.

The city lies on the border between the coastal area and the neighboring highland.

Die ortsansässigen Jungen lieferten sich eine Schlacht mit einer rivalisierenden Gang aus einer benachbarten Stadt.

The local boys got into a fight with a rival group from a neighboring town.

Um den von der Überschwemmung Betroffenen zu helfen, trafen Rettungsmannschaften aus den benachbarten Bezirken ein.

Teams of rescuers from neighbouring districts arrived to help those affected by the flooding.

Die neue Regierung ist mit Drohgebärden einer benachbarten Großmacht konfrontiert.

The new government is faced with the threatening gestures of a neighboring great power.

In der benachbarten Straße befindet sich ein beliebtes Restaurant.

In the neighbouring street is a popular restaurant.

There's a popular restaurant in the next street.

Sie hörten, dass im benachbarten Königreich ein siebenköpfiger Drache sein Unwesen trieb und dass der König demjenigen, der das Land von dieser Geißel befreien würde, seine Tochter zur Frau versprochen hatte.

They heard that a Seven-Headed Dragon was ravaging the neighbouring kingdom, and that the king had promised his daughter's hand to anyone that would free the land from this scourge.

Auch auf manchen uns im Sonnensystem benachbarten Himmelskörpern gibt es Regen, nur besteht dieser nicht aus Wasser wie auf der Erde.

Some of our solar-system neighbors have rain, too, but it is not made up of water, as it is on Earth.

Zwei Punkte, die durch ein Liniensegment verbunden sind, werden als benachbart oder nebeneinander bezeichnet.

Two points connected by a line segment are said to be adjacent or next to each other.

Im Go-Spiel verhindert die Ko-Regel (ein Begriff für Ewigkeit auf Japanisch) die unbegrenzte Wiederholung zwischen benachbarten Kreuzungen, jetzt das Erobern eines Steins durch einen Spieler und dann das Erobern des einfangenden Steins durch den Gegner.

In the game of Go, the rule of Ko (a term meaning eternity in Japanese) prevents repeating indefinitely between adjacent intersections, now the capture of a stone by a player, and then the capture of the capturing stone by the opponent.


next to

Englische Beispielsätze

  • English was being spoken at the neighbouring table, but he didn't understand a word of it.

  • Tom could hear someone moving in the neighbouring room.

  • After a while, it became known that she had found work in a neighbouring village.

  • She put her ear against the door to eavesdrop on a conversation taking place in the neighbouring room.

  • A conversation at the neighbouring table grabbed my attention.

  • My attention was grabbed by a conversation at the neighbouring table.

  • Rescue teams from neighbouring districts came to help the victims of the flood.

  • The neighbouring room was a library.

  • The neighbouring room was the library.

  • We went into the neighbouring room.

  • But now the rumour ran that the prince was to be married to the beautiful daughter of a neighbouring king.

  • The 100-year-old Catholic Church closed last summer, and the public school will close next year, forcing students to ride on buses to a neighboring town.

  • In 2005, a massive 400-mile-wide hurricane named Katrina struck New Orleans, La., and neighboring states.

  • At the neighbouring table sat a German-speaking couple.

  • Our village is Catholic, but the neighbouring village is Evangelist.

  • The two neighbouring countries differ from each other in all respects.

  • Canada is a neighboring country of the USA.

  • The border between the two neighbouring countries remains closed.

  • We should keep up friendly relations with neighboring countries.

Be­nach­bart übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: benachbart. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: benachbart. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2023, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 789342, 1614120, 1707990, 2398113, 3070501, 4820668, 6332648, 6544426, 10358929, 10370900, 11910097, 10744186, 10650168, 10624076, 10608625, 10608624, 10317535, 10209291, 10104734, 10064039, 7741310, 7526997, 6293940, 6204858, 6029397, 2734651, 2427863, 1348603 & 262965. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR