Was heißt »Ur­ein­woh­ner« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv Ur­ein­woh­ner lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • native
  • indigenous

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Die Pocken waren den amerikanischen Ureinwohnern unbekannt.

Smallpox was unknown to Native Americans.

Ich interessiere mich nicht wirklich für die Musik der Ureinwohner Amerikas. Ich bin mehr an ihren Sprachen interessiert.

I am not really interested in Native American music. I am rather interested in their languages.

Kannst du irgendeine Sprache der amerikanischen Ureinwohner sprechen?

Can you speak any Native American language?

Viele Gemeinden amerikanischer Ureinwohner benötigen Ärzte und Lehrer.

Many Native American communities need doctors and teachers.

Ich liebe die amerikanischen Ureinwohner.

I love Native Americans.

Ich liebe alle amerikanischen Ureinwohner: von der Arktis bis nach Feuerland.

I love all Native Americans from the Arctic region to Tierra del Fuego.

Ich möchte den amerikanischen Ureinwohnern helfen, ihre Sprachen vor dem Aussterben zu bewahren.

I want to help Native Americans to save their languages from extinction.

Makemake wurde nach einem der Götter aus der Kultur der Rapanui benannt. Diese sind die Ureinwohner der Osterinsel, welche im Südostpazifik liegt.

Makemake was named after one of the gods from the Rapanui culture. The Rapanui people are natives of Easter Island. Easter Island is located in the southeastern Pacific Ocean.

Koalas sind in Australien beheimatet und kommen in vielen Schöpfungsgeschichten der Ureinwohner vor.

Koalas are native to Australia, and are described in many Aboriginal stories of creation.

Die australischen Ureinwohner machen etwa 3 % der Bevölkerung aus.

Aboriginal Australians make up about 3 per cent of the population.

Ich möchte mehr über die Traumzeit oder das Träumen der australischen Ureinwohner erfahren.

I want to know more about the Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime or Dreaming.

Die Palästinenser sind die Ureinwohner Palästinas.

The Palestinians are the indigenous people of Palestine.

Hier auf diesem ruhigen, 56 Hektar großen Campus sind ca. 500 Studenten in die gegenwärtige Kunst und Kultur der amerikanischen Ureinwohner versunken.

Here, on this quiet, 56-hectare (140-acre) campus, about 500 students are immersed in contemporary Native American arts and culture.

Weibliche Wortform


Englische Beispielsätze

  • Urdu and Punjabi are her native languages, but she speaks several others very well, including Tamil, Pashto, and Cantonese.

  • We yearn to go back to our native land.

  • One day I added a sentence in Esperanto and someone told me it wasn't what a native speaker would say.

  • In no way does the fact that a text was written by a native speaker guarantee that it is any good.

  • I need a native speaker.

  • I don't think a native speaker would ever say it that way.

  • I can't imagine a native speaker ever saying it that way.

  • Grammatically, it's correct, but native speakers wouldn't say something like that.

  • The nuances of a language may seem arbitrary to someone learning the language, but to a native speaker, they make perfect sense.

  • There are many, many nuances in any language which are perfectly natural to the native speaker but which confuse the non-native speaker.

  • Polish is my native language.

  • It seems to me that, apart from native speakers, nobody translates Russian sentences, and that's sad.

  • You are definitely a native speaker.

  • "Globish" reminds me of another failed project called “Basic English” which failed because native English speakers could not remember which words not to use.

  • Although he was not a native speaker, Tom wrote short stories in German at a high literary level. Due to their brilliant wit, they soon enjoyed great popularity.

  • I am going back to my native country.

  • My native language is Portuguese.

  • She is a native speaker of Dutch.

  • Support from a native speaker would be appreciated.

  • This is one of the reasons why the Tatoeba Project asks members not to adopt orphan sentences in languages other than their own native language.

Übergeordnete Begriffe


Ur­ein­woh­ner übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Ureinwohner. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2024, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 986141, 1825869, 1834468, 1878559, 2550685, 2550686, 6290866, 6326107, 7458835, 10474433, 10628685, 11772656, 12182639, 3152826, 3213722, 2964396, 2921266, 2886602, 3314744, 3314746, 2857346, 2840546, 2840513, 2828133, 2807772, 2796953, 3451660, 2725662, 2712338, 2708019, 3476771, 2699518 & 2697690. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR