Das Substantiv Redner lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Um sein Publikum für sich zu gewinnen, griff der Redner auf die Anwendung rhetorischer Techniken zurück, die er in seinen Kommunikationskursen gelernt hatte.
To win his audience, the speaker resorted to using rhetorical techniques he learned from his communication courses.
Er hörte dem Redner aufmerksam zu.
He listened closely to the speaker.
Der Redner schweifte vom Hauptthema ab.
The speaker wandered away from the subject.
Kaum hatte der Redner dies gesagt, da brachen die Zuhörer in Gelächter aus.
On the speaker's saying so, the audience burst out into laughter.
Er unterbrach den Redner mit häufigen Fragen.
He interrupted the speaker with frequent questions.
Ich bin der Typ, der vor Leuten nervös wird, deshalb bin ich ein schlechter Redner.
I'm the type who gets nervous in front of people, so I'm bad at speech making.
Das Geheimnis, Menschen zu beeinflussen, liegt nicht so sehr darin, ein guter Redner sondern ein guter Zuhörer zu sein.
The secret of influencing people lies not so much in being a good talker as in being a good listener.
Die Kommentare des Redners waren äußerst anstößig.
The speaker's comments were highly offensive.
Das Publikum bemerkte, dass der Redner müde aussah.
The audience members noted that the speaker looked tired.
Er ist ein guter Zuhörer aber ein schlechter Redner.
He is a good listener but a poor speaker.
Der Redner räusperte sich und trank einen Schluck Wasser.
The speaker cleared his throat and took a sip of water.
The speaker cleared his throat and had a sip of water.
Der Redner konnte sich nicht Gehör verschaffen.
The speaker couldn't make himself heard.
Manche Leute sind gute Redner und andere sind gute Zuhörer.
Some people are good talkers and others good listeners.
Der Redner bat die Zuhörerschaft um Ruhe.
The speaker requested that the audience remain silent.
Er ist ein guter Redner.
He is a good speaker.
Er ist ein mitreißender Redner.
He's a captivating speaker.
Er war kein guter Redner.
He was not a good speaker.
Ich hatte den Worten des Redners wenig Beachtung geschenkt, aber plötzlich ließen mich seine Ausführungen aufhorchen.
I hadn't been paying much attention to what the speaker was saying, but suddenly his words made me sit up and take notice.
Markku wurde als guter Redner bezeichnet.
Marcus was described as a good speaker.
Rings um den Redner drängte sich eine große Menschenmenge.
A large crowd thronged around the speaker.
Der Redner zog hin und wieder seine Notizen zu Rate.
The speaker sometimes referred to his notes.
Der Redner war so berühmt, dass er nicht vorgestellt zu werden brauchte.
The speaker was so famous as to need no introduction.
Tom ist ein guter Redner.
Tom is a good speaker.
An dem Abend saß, ohne dass der Redner das wusste, Alan Turing im Publikum.
In the audience that night, unknown to the speaker, was Alan Turing.
Um ein guter Redner zu werden, muss man viel lesen.
Being a good talker takes a lot of reading.
Der Mediator forderte die undisziplinierten Zuhörer auf, den Redner nicht mehr zu belästigen.
The mediator asked the unruly members of the audience to stop hectoring the speaker.
Der Redner betonte die Notwendigkeit der Sparsamkeit.
The speaker stressed the need for thrift.
Tom ist ein in der Öffentlichkeit auftretender Redner von einigem Ruf.
My parents usually speak to each other in French, even though my mother is a native English speaker.
My father is a native French speaker and my mother is a native English speaker.
Is it possible for a non-native English speaker to sound completely native?
Although he has said he's a native speaker of French, he feels so insecure about his ability that every time he knows I'm there, he doesn't dare to write a single sentence.
I'm not a native speaker.
I'm a German native speaker, and I'm looking for a tandem partner for German-French language exchange.
I am not a native speaker.
Some German words are extremely difficult for an English speaker to pronounce, for example "Streichholzschächtelchen".
Mary did not understand the lecture. The speaker should have spoken more slowly.
I don't think a native French speaker would say it that way.
Being a native speaker of the world's current lingua franca does have its advantages.
The speaker took every opportunity he could to big-note himself.
To be a native speaker by no means means to have a good command of one's native language.
I doubt a native speaker would say it that way.
You're a good French speaker.
You're definitely the best French speaker here.
She is a native speaker of Dutch.
Mary wishes that she could be a better French speaker.
Tom is a very good speaker of French.
Tom wanted to practice French with a native speaker.