Was heißt »Ra­te« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv Ra­te lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • rate

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Ich habe diesen Fernseher auf Raten gekauft.

I bought this TV on the installment plan.

Rate mal, wen ich heute getroffen habe!

Guess who I met today!

Rate mal, wo ich gewesen bin.

Guess where I've been.

Sie hätten Ihren Anwalt zu Rate ziehen sollen.

You should have consulted your lawyer.

You should've consulted your lawyer.

Raten Sie mal, was er mir erzählt hat.

Guess what he told me.

Sie können in vier, sechs oder zwölf Raten zahlen.

You can make 4, 6 or 12 payments.

Du solltest ein Wörterbuch zu Rate ziehen, wenn du die Bedeutung eines Wortes nicht weißt.

You should consult a dictionary when you don't know the meaning of a word.

Raten Sie mal, was mir passiert ist!

Guess what happened to me.

Rate, was ich in der Hand halte!

Guess what I'm holding in my hand.

Rate mal, wer ich bin!

Guess who I am.

Raten Sie einfach mal drauf los!

Take a wild guess.

Have a wild guess.

Rate mal, wer zum Abendessen kommt!

Guess who's coming for dinner.

Tom sollte einen Fachmann zu Rate ziehen.

Tom should consult an expert.

Rate mal, was passiert, wenn du das Kabel da herausziehst!

Guess what's going to happen if you unplug that wire.

Rate mal!

Guess what!

Raten Sie mal!

Make a guess.

Try to guess.

Rate mal, wen ich heute gesehen habe!

Guess who I saw today.

Rate mal, wer mir geschrieben hat!

Guess who has written to me.

Guess who's written to me.

Rate mal, wer heute Geburtstag hat!

Guess whose birthday it is today.

Rate mal, was Tom gesagt hat.

Guess what Tom said.

Du solltest dem Rate deiner Mutter Folge leisten.

You should follow the advice of your mother.

Stünde ich erneut am Anfang meines Studiums, so folgte ich dem Rate Platos und finge an mit Mathematik.

If I were again beginning my studies, I would follow Plato's advice and start with mathematics.

Die Rate der Waffenbesitzer in den U.S.A. ist die höchste der Welt.

The U.S. gun ownership rate is the highest in the world.

Lass uns einen Experten zu Rate ziehen.

Let's check with an expert.

Rate mal, wem das Haus da gehört.

Guess who owns that house.

Guess who that house belongs to.

Rate mal, was wir gesehen haben.

You'll never guess what we saw.

Rate mal, was ich gefunden habe.

You'll never guess what I found.

Rate mal, was Tom angestellt hat.

You'll never guess what Tom did.

Rate mal, was mir heute passiert ist.

You'll never guess what happened to me today.

Rate mal, was ich heute Morgen gesehen habe!

You'll never guess what I saw this morning.

Rate, wie alt ich bin.

Guess how old I am.

Der Redner zog hin und wieder seine Notizen zu Rate.

The speaker sometimes referred to his notes.

Tom zog das Etymologiewörterbuch zu Rate.

Tom consulted the etymological dictionary.

Rate mal, wer heute zum Abendessen kommt!

Guess who's coming for dinner tonight.

Rate mal, was ich in der Waschmaschine gefunden habe!

Guess what I found in the washing machine!

Es ist etwas Unglaubliches passiert! Rate mal, was!

Something unbelievable has happened! Guess what!

Rate mal, welche Sprache ich spreche!

Guess what language I'm speaking.

Rate mal, wen ich letzte Woche gesehen habe.

Guess who I saw last week.

Rate einmal, was ich gestern getan habe!

Guess what I did yesterday.

Raten Sie einmal, was ich heute gekauft habe!

Guess what I bought today.

Rate mal, wer gewonnen hat!

Guess who won.

Raten Sie mal, was Tom gestern gemacht hat!

Guess what Tom did yesterday.

Rate mal, wessen Kinder das sind.

Guess whose children they are.

Tom sagte, er würde einen Anwalt zu Rate ziehen.

Tom said that he would consult a lawyer.

Tom said he would consult a lawyer.

Tom said he'd consult a lawyer.

Tom said that he'd consult a lawyer.

Im Zweifel ziehe ein Wörterbuch zu Rate!

When in doubt, consult a dictionary.

Rate mal, wer zum Mittagessen kommt!

Guess who's coming to lunch.

Rate mal, was passiert ist!

Guess what.

Rate mal, was passiert ist! Ich bin an der Universität angenommen worden!

Guess what? I've been accepted into university!

Wenn die Symptome nicht weggehen, ziehen Sie einen Arzt zu Rate.

If symptoms persist, consult a doctor.

Rate mal, was passiert ist! Ich hab’s an der Universität geschafft!

Guess what? I've got into university!

Rate mal, was passiert ist! Ich habe einen Studienplatz bekommen!

Guess what? I've got a place at uni!

Rate mal, was Tom noch getan hat.

Guess what else Tom did.

Raten Sie mal, was Tom gewöhnlich zum Frühstück isst!

Guess what Tom usually has for breakfast.

Rate mal, wieviel ich abgenommen habe!

Guess how much weight I've lost.

Raten Sie, wo ich bin!

Guess where I am.

Raten Sie mal, was ich gestern abend gemacht habe!

Guess what I did last night.



Englische Beispielsätze

  • "Give Tom a decent nightshirt," ordered Nan. "I don't rate those pyjamas."

  • The unemployment rate continues to rise.

  • At any rate, it's something you've got to practise a lot.

  • When you run, your heart rate increases.

  • The rate of inflation in Switzerland in 2008 was 2.4%.

  • They would've got a better exchange rate if they'd gone to a bank.

  • At this rate, we're not going to be finished doing this by the end of the day.

  • We'll never get there at this rate.

  • The ship was sailing at a rate of knots.

  • The ship was travelling at a rate of knots.

  • Lebanon has a higher rate of skin cancer than Israel.

  • How would you rate your own performance? What mark would you give to yourself?

  • Romania reported in October an annual inflation rate of 6.5%.

  • On a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 is the worst, can you rate your pain?

  • This town has a high crime rate.

  • The crime rate in this town is high.

  • A soccer field every 6 seconds. That's the rate at which the world lost mature tropical forests last year.

  • Italy’s infection rate continues to skyrocket.

  • At this rate, we're not going to finish doing this by the end of the day.

  • Today, the homeownership rate in the United States stands at around 65%.

Übergeordnete Begriffe


Untergeordnete Begriffe

birth rate
ráta breithe
ventilation rate
rate of inflation
rate of price increase
transmission rate

Ra­te übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Rate. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: Rate. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2024, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 536915, 593659, 835461, 1188599, 1318079, 1505087, 1526909, 1562720, 1688224, 1776542, 1846534, 1918797, 1932030, 2023377, 2929891, 2929894, 3354460, 3380602, 3384286, 3411066, 3428890, 3478109, 4655278, 5297354, 5514303, 5682682, 5682705, 5682709, 5682712, 5682716, 5920826, 6023264, 6078392, 6093384, 6207505, 6316412, 6483351, 6897106, 7777508, 7834896, 8147281, 8436573, 8668555, 8810719, 8917062, 10455403, 10674669, 11396620, 11497953, 11522884, 11550250, 12071559, 12086752, 12115068, 12216916, 12416314, 12030334, 11825601, 11737838, 11308065, 11155423, 11143105, 11090369, 11070866, 10749963, 10748538, 10724061, 10633046, 10520050, 9849648, 9411834, 9249402, 8814422, 8618490, 8349396 & 8312391. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR